Itt: we confess our sins

itt: we confess our sins

i made fun of bitcoin

now im a butthurt nocoiner missing out on getting rich

I'm getting fat but I don't really care enough about my life to stop eating so much.

meme stocks and option trading exhausted me I lost money. now I just buy and hold for dividends

I get paid to shill the index fund and passive investing meme.

pro tip: buy and hold would have destroyed your portfolio for 20 years after the 1929 crash. Even the ardent passivefag would have eventually given in and sold.

My best friend (woman) got a boyfriend and I'm actually really fucking mad and jealous.

Why am I so pathetic? I didn't even care if she got a boyfriend before, and no I didn't want to be her boyfriend. I think I'm jealous because she doesn't spend as much time with me as she used to before.

the real question is why you wouldn't want a woman who was your best friend to be your gf? she fugly or somethin?

No, she's a 9/10 with a really great personality. I just don't really want to tie myself in a relationship.

We were fuck buddies for two years but then it got boring. I

I once fucked my girlfriend's mom

maybe its because you instinctively realize that if the relationship is a success, the friendship will never be the same. just because the new guy becomes the best friend plus so much more, and on top of that will probably be ensuring she doesn't stray far from him or texts you a lot.

I mean how would you feel if your gf was constantly texting/calling/getting coffee with her ex-fuck buddy? probably a little unnerved.

yep, this is the beginning of domestication. kiss her goodbye, its been nice

you were the problem now she can finally be happy. he probably gives it to her rough in the ass

Imagine her tight little cunt gripping his cock as he pumps her full of cum.

Whatever. If she shows a sign of distancing I'm just going to drop her. Not going to be dragged along as a third wheel.

I don't really care about the sexual aspect. She can get rammed by a pack of African Americans (tm) for all I care. It's the friendship I actually fear losing.

Not everything is about sex, you sexually deprived NEETs.

Just buy the dip; there'll always be more dips


I get in discussions on topics I know nothing about, and learn about the topic as the discussion rolls on.

I also think this is a good idea, and motivates me to learn.

gives it to her dry, I meant to say. no lube. well her blood eventually adds some moisture. She accepts that pain because she thinks thats the only way she can be loved. Every other man in her life deserted her, just like you did. nobody was willing to fight for her. she wasn't worth it and she believes it too. lol

I spend $3 on Powerball every week.

Everyone else my age spends like $7 at Starcocks every day and I hate coffee, so it's a good trade-off, even if my odds of winning the jackpot are astronomically low.

Maybe you ought to go after her, dude. Shit like that doesn't come along all the time. Stop being "fuck buddies" and make up your fucking mind and take her back. Fuck it, just do it. You'll kick yourself for not doing it.

>lost $54 on drys
>could've made $56

thats my worst.

Yeah, but it fucks up the pool of information for the rest of us.

I wonder how many idiots on this board took advice here seriously and lost everything.

AND Yet you said you were fuck buddies. Man, just go get her. Ya treat like she's yours and that's it. And don't do any three ways and shit like in Chasing Any to test the relationship. Just grab her...And take her!!!

I always turn out to be right though.

I'm really good at taking the right side in discussions based on what I read or hear other people say about those things, no matter how little I read or hear.

Stop being such a pussy. Show her that she means something to you. There's guys out there that would give their left nut to be in your shoes.

I think most people already know what they're gonna do and just need another pic or confirmation.

She served as his fuckbuddy. She's obviously a whore.

Going steady with her is probably the worst thing he could do.

>bougt SYS at 700
>didn't sell at 3800
>sold at 1000

70% of my portfolio

Life is meaningless


I set a limit order and walked away and basically just fumbled it. Could have seen the drop coming if I watched it.
I feel fine with it though, I could healthily profit at $1.50.
Wild ride brotha no brakes. For the record I've never blown an account.


Another basement dwelling neet looking for a perfect unicorn girl that doesn't exist.

Mad u ain't getting none bro?

I'm married you dope.


sold fake shit i bought for ~150 dollars for over 700 dollars