Why aren't you moving to latinoamerica?

Why aren't you moving to latinoamerica?

>only having $7k in expenses annually
That's only like $18 per day mate, don't think you'll keep that up for very long.

7k is the top 15% here.
minimal wage here is 250USD, a 700 USD montly wage is literally middle class here.

I've considered this and Thailand.

Figured I could bring $20k and be a king for a year.

check how much is the middle class wage.

a thirld world nation middle class wage is usually less than 1k a month.

Is there a 3rd world country where I'd be even remotely safe?

I'm from colombia.

violence is mostly a problem if you're low or middle class.

the high classes lives in their own nice safe neightborhoods with private security, clean houses and roads.

dunno if that happens in other thirld world areas, but I'm sure you could live a nice life in a close gated area by a third of the coss in a white nation.

Ive had nightmares where i would live in such countries

they're not mad max shit faggot.
they're simply poor.

imagine walking in some poor ghetto in your country.

every country has rich areas.

>live in shit hole
>wake up with my mom screaming
>going out to check
>"it's not another guy, is the same who rapes her every day"
>back to sleep

>I think people in poor nations live like in movies


Holy shit I'm never leaving Australia

Because my dream retirement is a 300 acre estate just outside a small, 100% white town where i can grocery shop and buy a new car every other year and generally support the local economy.

Become a Kiropracter in Equador. Paraguay is safe. Chile can get pricier but i think hot bitches 123

I'm worried about not being able to get a job there. Should I become a nurse? Engineer? Something related to healthcare?

I wouldn't know too much, but did hear of relative friends moving to the expat parts of ecuador and charging pricy massages, that would be charged twice as much in the US, so the expats go for it. As far as expenses go, its really low. I too want to move to shit countries. Since you would probably aim for high middle class - high, I would look for something to service them a niche. Have you atleast stayed in a sketchy part of mexico before?

don't do that. a place to retire? maybe if you have money and don't mind living inside. to live and have a career? no chance in hell. actually, it is hell, and no, there are no chances.

seriously, if you are considering coming here you are in for a big disappointment. the only thing that saved us from being worse than venezuela is we use the dollar as currency. venezuela is a very wealthy country, whilst we are poor as fuck. it doesn't help that politicians are corrupt and steal the limited money the country gets for its oil.

we use the US dollar because the economy already hit the fan back in the late nineties and the currency went hyperinflation till the point the government stepped in and set the exchange at 25000 sucres per dollar. we were way worse at the time than venezuela at the moment.

we live in a country where most wouldn't hesitate at the opportunity of leaving permanently. even the president has said many times he will get the fuck out as soon as his term is up. he married a belgian so he can easily escape, not so much opportunity for the rest of us, besides he became very wealthy (hmmm... i wonder how?)

tldr: don't. violence, unemployment, corruption, insecurity, kidnaps, drugs, taxes.

t. unemployed mech. eng. ecuadorian

>UK savings rate is 0-5%
>mine is over 50% and I think I spend too much

The absolute STATE of modern Britain

Because I already live in the caribbean.

Thank you, yea I don't have in mind at all actually working a career in those places. Just pass through. I think trading forex would be a great idea

Good one

whatever you do, don't reproduce. you will be condemning your offspring to a third world shilhole passport.

seriously, you would be safer in a small town in your own country. don't come.

I will not reproduce in argentina i promise

Escape plan:
>Catch some bitch from nice country
>Use broken condomns
>Move with bitch
>Kill son
>Kill bitch
>Fuck bitch

Hola hermano, saludos desde barranquilla
Igual,en cual mercado estas?