I am currently developing a blind dating app, that will be free to use and safe for each user. We will match each user by their personality, however, the only issue is that I'm lacking funds.
I am off by £5500, and I've started a gofundme page to hopefully raise that amount. If I reach that amount when I receive a sufficent amount I will give £6000 (or more) to cancer research. Thus this investment is for an app, future relationship and cancer research.
Should I post the gofundme page link on Veeky Forums?
Blind dating app
Is that the logo
You can but you should stop samefagging on biz cuz everyone can see that.
Ya it is
Okay, the entire time I've been sitting here thinking this was an app for blind people to date based on personality.
Do you like the idea?
give your opinion
Why are you talking to yourself lul
no this is an app for fatties
awful idea lmao
u losers dont even get dates with PICS, FACEBOOK, VIDEOS OF YOURSELF
what makes you think girls are going to meet up blind with some stranger
is this a rape app?
kys tbqh
The gofundme page will be found on our twitter @getaBlinddate
Well we have a secure way in ensuring that each user is safe. We allow the user to set up a time at the located restaurant of both their agreed choice, and meet at the located time.
(Plus depending on the resultant you could get a 10%-20% off).
We take safety seriously and by linking to facebook we are able to make sure each user is safe.
> I will give £6000 (or more) to cancer research.
So you need money for your app but then you're gonna give it away for cancer research ? Sounds great but I'd rather you give your own money, I don't see what is my interest in this ?
You don't even say what you need the funds with, how did you came up witht the number?
How does it work? Problem with dating apps is getting women on them. Horny/desperate men are dime a dozen, women less so. The whole blind date thing sounds pretty risky on the part of the women on paper
The money is to pay for the developers fee, I have contributed, but due to a lack of funding I started a gofundme.
I personally don't like to ask, and thats why I have the intention of given to charity after.
Think of it as an investment for an app, future relationships and charity.
no you dont
theres no secure way RETARD
not even Tinder is secure or anything online you dumbass
Nobody is going to do it ...
How come omegle isnt the #1 hook-up chat tool in the world?
It might work when you re-target to fucking gays and specifically go for Glory Holes and make a Blind App Grindr version and market it by claiming that the Gay Community has become superficial and racist
Fuck that noise, I'd only be interested if I got some return on my investment, and charity donations don't cut it. Anyway, the app won't work. The only people interested in blind dates are ugly Veeky Forums virgins.
Dummy, girls only care about looks.
>muh personality
Good question. Well marketing have found that women like the idea, as the app seems more focused on a relationship than a hook up, (sorry Horny/desperate men), and with our very excessive safety measures we will be able to ensure each user is safe.
I understand your concerns. But this app is created for individuals to meet at the app.
Much like channel 4 First Dates, the users meet at the restaurant.
>asking women
>thinking oyu get valuable responses
you get the response from REAL LIFE DATA on Tinder
top 20% of men fuck 80% of the women there ... when you go and ask the Tinder using women shes going to tell you that she cares more about personality but the statistics do not lie and women behave differently on a large scale
how retarded are you really?
there are also a lot of other platforms that match based on personality and they have a lot of data you dont have
like OkCupid for example .. huge part of is is personality
You App is DUMB and no matter how often you are going to talka bout your epic security measures .. it wont make it safe
You know how many people can make and buy perfectly fine and undetectable facebook account?
i can get you 1000 FB accounts right now that are a few years old and look 100% legit and oyu would never suspect that this is a fake account
you have no control over where the users meet ... or are you personally going to observe every conversation that is going on
or are you even more retarded than i thought?
you think personality metrics are going to make people want to meet somebody else?
and then they just go and meet in a restaurant
who ensures their safety in the restaurant? are you going to handpick all of the restaurants before hand?
idk whats wrong with you but you seem dumb as fuck
hahahah fuckin rekt
Bro you're a legit fucking retard.
He isn't making an app which offers safety in accordance with CIA procedures or something. He isn't trying to create an auditable safety paper trail to provide to government agencies.
If 0.01% of women would date online except they're scared to, then an app that offers A PERCEPTION OF SAFETY can cater to this segment in a way that no other app would, because no other apps offer anything in this regard. This would be a large segment for a niche product.
Go back to college and read marketing 101.
> who ensures their safety in the restaurant?
just lmao like lmao
Thanks, I could not express the idea better myself.
>Think of it as an investment for an app,
It's an investment for you, not for me. If you want money you're going to need to give something back to your backers and "maybe charity" is not going to cut it.
For the sake of it, let's say that it's actually an investment. There is absolutely no guarantees that it will yield results;
- development costs are impossible to predict correctly, proof if you miscalculated yours (if you did not then you did not make a business plan and that's worst). There may never even be an app
- how do you plan on monetizing the app ? What are the forecasts ?
- you talk about security measures; my understanding is you go through social medias, which themselves are not reliable. You do not provide any information on the actual process (that you will be doing yourself since money has already ran out)
- What about when you grow to lets say 1 millions users but don't make enough money to expand the team; will the verification still be operated, by yourself, as promised ? Are you liable if something happen?
- What distinguishes you from other blind date services ?
-How do you plan on reaching your customers ? No money, no publicity.
This is why you publicly shame them into caring about personality. Have the whole app and all of your marketing material make them subtly feel like shallow cunts (which they are) if they're just in it for looks. Their inability to respond to criticism after having been praised their entire lives will force them to not be shallow.
>mfw I've been contemplating making a dating app that does this
Amyone interested?
Good questions.
1. It is a fixed fee, and trust me I have calculated all costs.
2.We will ask for both a photo and social media, the photo will be kept private, and will have an odd request like hold a sign with a code number, so when a user complains about the other user not matching their description, or not going on the date, then we can look at the photo.
3.Again the social media and photo proof only used when complaints occur.
4.Free and easy to use.
Fake profile + photoshop = your stupid security measure is ruined.
Also NO ONE wants to meet someone based off personality, even the ugliest fattest nigresses care about looks and they are at the deep bottom of the dating pool.
I'm sorry but this is a really shit idea.
Who the fuck goes on a blind date organised on the internet.
Maybe the most desperate of desperate men. And that's it.
that makes me think of the skateboard company.
I understand what you mean, but thats what makes the app different. There are current blind dating websites that have fees.
>thats what makes the app different.
>There are current blind dating websites that have fees
do you see where you are retarded here?
Difficult to get anything out of your answer desu because I don't see the correspondance between questions and answer (6 questions 4 answers) but lets try it.
> its a fixed fee.
That's assuming your dev will not fuck up, there is no bugs, you need no updates etc. Unless you're straight up copying someone elses app that's unlikely. But lets say its true.
> Photo + social media
It's not really a security measure then, I can just pay a pajeet 50ct to that for me. Do you have a face recognition software to keep track if someone already suscribed with the same face ? Do they have to add you have a friend on social medias ? How do you get around privacy settings ? (Also, I think people would rather an app where they don't have to link their fucking FB for a change but maybe that's just me).
It all rely on fear of being recognized if you fuck up, no preventive method at all in the end.
> are you liable ?
You did not answer that one but if you claim your process is safe (which it isnt as demonstrated above) you could be sued in case there is a problem. I don't think the shoeonhead security measure will hold up in court.
> most important question non answered : money
How do you plan on monetizing it ?
What profile of advertiser ? What demographics are you reaching for ?
What kind of advertisement (PPC, affiliation, sponsoring...)
All of this should be already figured out and you should have targets for months/year to come in terms of users. From the number of users and the projected advertising deals you can make revenue forcasts.
> how do you advertise your services ?
This is probably the most critical step of your success. It's hard to communicate around dating apps because it's not sharable content. Nobody is going to relay in their social media feed an add for a dating website unless production value is outstanding and message is uber funny. That's just not what people want to be associated with. cont
Advertising and branding cost a shit ton of money, where is your budget for that ?
> What about running costs ?
You seeme to be assuming that once the app is done you don't need money anymore but it's not going to be cheap either.
Also, your going to have to convince women to use the app and this is going to be a challenge too. Is there a specific plan in place ?
You need all this to be figured out if you want to succeed. Otherwise you're going to fail. Not because no one will fund you (even though they won't) but because you have no chance of success whatsoever without all of this.
go read the story of "fling" on business insider.
you have no chance in hell.
Please explain how this would prevent a determined person from acting maliciously and/or deceptively. For example, how could you reliably verify users through Facebook? You know you'll be legally culpable when the first 13 year old gets raped and murdered thanks to your catfishing app, right?
>well OUR unique feature is that we make absolutely no profit *grins proudly*
that shameful self-bump OP.
>pic related, it's you.
>Can see the logo