/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Double daily mission rewards and 40 packs for Shadowverse's 1st birthday event.


All cards info (so far):

Street Fighter Leaders will be up for sale until June 13th, remember to buy before it's too late!

Crystal sale going on: $80 for 7500 crystals (can purchase up to 3x)

Sleeves/Emblems from older seasons are avaible once again for Crystals
>Bellringer, Urd, Liza, Elana, Otohime's Guards

Just change the language of your client to chinese and claim 8 free packs on your crate.

Official Website:

Tool for deckbuilding and card checking

Useful Links: pastebin.com/cFugs2Mm


Other urls found in this thread:



Reminder that Cinderella returns to hand when any allied Sword FOLLOWER comes into play, not officers

We're already getting those ducking retards that say that everything we get is a meme. Arent they tired of being wrong?

>T2 Imp/Yurius/Wolf
>T3 Devil of Vengeance
>T4 Bel/SD
>T5 Airjammer

>turn 2 looking glass
>turn 3 Cinderella
>turn 4 Alice
>evolve Cinderella hit face with a 7/7
>follow up with a 6/8 Albert
They really want the kys blood audience.

Kill yourself

>Support cannon legendary isn't a meme
Okay pal

this game is fucking shit

>triggered by a typo

Abort yourself.

Its not a typo. You are just a retarded plebbitor.

>Poly roar is suddenly not a turn 9 do nothing because Nips started playing it.
>implying you won't say the same when some Nip figures out how to use Ascension Dragon well with double Seadragons.
People are literally sheep.

>there are people in this thread who think cindy and snow white are meme legendaries

Can't wait for you to complain about neutral sword and tempo haven next month.

>being this paranoid about reddit
Take a break dude. This boogeyman is starting to affect your mind

>tfw when they actually went ahead and made a 2pp lego

>a 3pp 4/4 for neutral sword is shit
Okay pal

>using ascension dragon on anything but storm followers
What makes you think that summoning a bunch of stats is better than bursting off your enemies

Seadragons have storm though.

>tfw I like haven has the only 2 pp lego in the game
it's cute desu

Well, now i feel stupid.

TURN 7, 32/24!

haha jk it's all still going to eat shit to removal so it's only gonna be used with storm

It's 18 stats man and if they don't or can't kill it she kills 1/4 wards

>they give it to the craft that's centered around mid and lategame

Yeah I honestly don't know what I'll do. The game is getting out of control

Play a burn variant of daria

Also, if it acts like Pascale with giving the x2/x2 effect to a card, that means it won't go away next turn and a single evolve gives +4/+4 instead of +2/+2.
Double 8/8, potentially 12/12 and an 8/8 is literally OTK.

Woodland band requires to give up your turn 3 and to summon 4 different minions. Is it really worth the trouble?

>"this expansion will only be about the strength of neutral cards"
>"what about crafts that suck with neutral cards"

Ok, so just a theory craft thing, what's the MOST amount of stats you can summon on T10?
Assume no wyvern cavalier/roost shennanigans.

It will never ever do shit if it isn't storm.

I dunno senpai, you're going to have a 55% chance of having band on curve, your low deck curve will help you assemble exodia, and you can still Uriel and glimmering wings for more bands to maul people with 4-body 18 stat plays which will be protected by vines, lilly, and athena so you can't just ward it

32/24 with hellflames is the only real practical one

Neutral aggro sword is gonna be cancer and it's NOT gonna run the 2 mana spell, you fucking autists.

Also also, don't forget about the psychological aspect.
After ramp got out of control, people were literally ignoring your Aiela just so you won't ramp up faster, giving you free damage.
Now imagine you drop her on turn 6 after ramping, your opponent doesn't know what you have in hand, so they'll probably try to ignore her to delay her effect, giving you more free damage. Or banish her

It's not really their fault. Anything aiela could do to you was worse than letting them spam board clear/destruction at you until you die

Reminder to vote or change your votes
If you're planning on picking neutral craft, pick the class that will utilize it the best.

what are you going to take out of aggro sword to add in wonderland cards

Seems like they will be pushing out 1 legend that interacts with neutral and one that don't for each class, this means the second rune legend will be neutral themed and the Ginger support may be for a neutral rune deck.

Asmodeus 7pp 0/7
Fanfare: If you have 7 or more cards in your hand summon a random countdown amulet that cost more than this card. Gain +7/0 during opponent's turn

Dunno until all the cards are out, the only important card is Albert anyway

Eachtar is shit

>making seraph faster
Stop it

I doubt wonderlands is going to make storm followers stronger than sword's natural stormers
Cygames is not that retarded you know

>all your other storm followers are not important

>Cygames is not that retarded you know

B-but my grail

It's probably gonna be more """midrange""", but still faster than other midrange decks thanks to the most balanced card in the game

Dragon will be fucking cancer next expansio unless we see the rise of aggro
You heard it here first

Important for what? The deck gets destroyed now, are you still stuck to the post nerf RoB PSTD?

Need a concede here please


>Cygames is not that retarded you know

They already run unica/angel/lyrial
They can drop novice trooper for cinderella
Honestly they can just go whole hog and just keep the maid/albert/alwida's package

Ascension Dragon will be Zell tier only this time unnerfable.
>tfw Dragon getting it's own Pascale

nobody runs angel over trooper

>Dropping Novice Trooper instead of Angel

Really makes you think.

Xth for carabosse is a strong card you retards

I want to play shadowverse on my future phone but worried if a mali t720 can even run this game

>aggro sword

>6pp forte
>7PP saha genesis dragon
>8pp saha genesis dragon
>9pp saha genesis dragon into grimir

And if that still doesnt kill them they can use ouroboros

>Not running unica

>saha genesis dragon
Another user who can't read.

>he didnt read the card effect
Dumb frogposter

Snow White Angel feels so underwhelming. Hopefully she ends up being good in practice like Dark Jeanne but right now she doesn't seem worth it.

>such a cute card wasted on a boring effect

She single-handedly stops 40% of aggro matchups stone cold

Its a 1/2 that pops 2/3 with rush. It will be pretty nice in the earlygame but retty shit lategame. You could abuse it with heavenly hounds. I think its a nice card

No thats Grimnir

Honestly they were doing exactly what they should be doing. Unless they absolutely have to stop 2-4 damage then you need dragon to kill Aiela on their turn if it'll put them at 5pp or 6pp. To delay fervor and breath. Very few things shit in my cereal more than having to trade aiela on my turn at 4pp then next turn having to decide whether to fervor or breath.

>won 4 in a row in take 2 with sword
>lose 5th

Take 2 is too hard. God damn, why didnt jolly roger turn into a ward?

>why didnt jolly roger turn into a ward?
So you have experiences to share with your friends

Post viable daria deck my man.
I want to get into runecraft memery.

>Win because pixie's mischief hit the water fairy and not my soccer mom
The RNG in general is pretty atrocious

>Daria's a meme

levi piercing rune daria ogler blademage insight snipe conjuregolem kaleido clarke fill with something else

Is Flame and Glass D-Shift a stale meme?
Or is it still somewhat viable?

Fuck off avatarfag.

It's a perfectly fine win con justtakes up more deck space than destroyers which is still kind of okay since they fuck with lou/merlin shift fetch

>ascension sky dragon
I honestly don't know what Cygames is thinking when they create cancerous shit like this and expect it to be balanced somehow? Looks like I'm going to have to take another 2 month break from this shitty card game if things are starting to look bleak again.

We barely know each other

You can get away with literally anything playing this shit.

Don't reply to him.

>9pp do nothing

Try to convince me Cindarella isn't a 10/10 OP card

This Just dont use chimera. Even mammoth is better

Friendly reminder to report him.

>Two turn win condition that has to die first
Just quit already.

>9pp instantly kill your enemy next turn
I think it's worth it

>9pp do-nothing
Just mythril golem bro

I'm not going to because it is.

Anomaly kills your opponent next turn :^)

i will forever be your friend nagi

I dunno dude i feel bad for him.

>9pp anomaly

Nah she's fine. can't kill what you can't hit

Alright. Thanks

>kill it
>die next turn
>ignore it
>die next turn

What ever like I'd ever believe you cocksuckers. I said Zell was going to be broken before the expansion release as well and all you niggers did was laugh at me just the same as you're doing now.

You can't play anomaly on turn seven and if anomaly dies so does your chances to win

You poor thing ;(

You have a dangerous attitude problem. Seek counseling

I don't know shit about tech stuff, so I'll let you figure it out. That said my phone that has an Adreno 305 runs it, albeit with a bit of frame drops. Never lost a match because of it though.

>csword cockblocks ascension dragon effect
>still loses because no real wincon

They are obviously doping it on purpose. Nobody can legit be this retarded. It's like they lose all memories of previews expansion whenever a new one rolls out.

Who in their right mind would buy this?