Do these actually work? What is Veeky Forums's collective experience with fuel cleaners?
Do these actually work? What is Veeky Forums's collective experience with fuel cleaners?
I tried a can of seafoam and a can of b12 and neither made a noticeable difference, and my shitbox has 300k miles so there should be some shit to clean.
seafoam down the intake made a difference though.
Techron or riot. My old man worked for Marco and that was the only thing the engineers actually put any stock into for fuel system cleaning.
i worked in a shop for years, SeaFoam does fuckall. my boss would call for it to make money, i liked it because i could dogfuck 45 minutes blowing smoke out of the exhaust cracking $35 an hour
i use Gum carb medic in my Subaru Sambar because for $5 even if it doesnt clean the carb so be it. truth is pump gas has so many detergents as it is you dont need aftermarket crap
>fuel cleaners
legit memes in a bottle
just follow scottys wise words and you'll be fine
Seafoam down the intake stopped my valve train clatter.
Think it could help with lifters? I hear ticking for the first 1.5 seconds as the engine starts
Nah, that's all engine oil. You could dump it in the oil I guess.
They work marginally if you use them regularly. Really you should just be using better fuel.
I've already tried rislone but it didn't really help. Also it only happens when the engine is cold, start is smooth and quiet when the engine is warm.
What viscosity oil are you using? I would try an oil with a lower W number. It will be thinner when cold and flow to the lifters faster.
The manual states 5W30 which is what I've always used. I told my cousin about this problem and he told me to use 10W40 instead, I had my doubts so I used 5W40. He's a mechanic btw, was that a retarded idea?
"works" but so little it's not worth spending on besides a one time tuneup of a shitbox that's sat. Better off putting the money on higher quality gas (getting it from a top tier station instead of the grocery store).
Upper cylinder lubricant will make a bigger difference. 2oz of ashless 2 stroke oil in a tank will make your engine turn over faster and feel smoother because the whole fuel passageway is lubed.
0w40 is probably more ideal for a car like that. Try shell rotella t5
Translation: dont buy a modern DI engine that doesnt have multiport injection?
Alright I'll give that a shot next oil change, thanks user
It's not a big deal, but idk why he would recommend that. Lifter noise on startup is a result of the lifters not having oil pressure for a few seconds. And since it only happens when the engine is cold I would think that a thinner oil would bring pressure to the lifters a bit quicker and reduce the noise.
btw, the number before the W in oil represents the cold viscosity, the number after is for the hot viscosity. Going to a 10w40 would be thicker all around and wouldn't help the problem. Like said try a 0w40 or even a 0w30 and see if that helps.
>this faggot has hydraulic lifters
One lifter gauge away and you can eat my ass, faggot
I see, well I should also say that it gets up to 40 here in the summer and this problem was more noticeable in that weather. It's a bit quieter on start now that it has cooled down. I believe the T5 oil is actually for diesels and this is a petrol engine. I'm going to try the 0w40 next change though, probably penzoil euro platinum unless you have a better suggestion.
Did the noise last longer in the hot weather or was it louder? Euro platinum is good stuff. I like Mobil 0w40fs but it's all good.
I use redline and techron at oil change interval then I use jewcas oil fuel treatment everytime because it makes my car rev very smoothly
It lasted longer, I could hear ticking for about a minute before it went quiet. And yeah the euro platinum isn't cheap but I really care about this car so I use the best. The engine runs very smoothly so maybe I'm just worrying for nothing.
That's odd that the hot weather (which makes the oil thinner) would make the problem worse. Did going from the 5w30 to 5w40 make a difference?
Since switching to 5w40 euro platinum I only hear the ticking for a brief moment as the engine starts up cold. And yeah that is counterintuitive that the expansion from the heat made the ticking last longer. It might have been because it was eurolub though.
A little bit of ticking isn't bad at all really. It won't really hurt to try different oils, but you might not find anything better.
Yeah true, I know it's not good for the camshaft but if it's only for a moment I don't think much harm is coming to it. I'll probably try 0w40 next time but either way I think it will be okay.
If your car is an old mistreated shitbox with gunk in the tank, yes.
However, since they sell fuel with the stuff already added? No need to use it.
Running a tank of that through my motorbike right now, and it seems much smoother.
You forgot about archoil stuff