Mercedes A180

Hey im 18 and my parents bought me a Mercedes A class [2014] but they Said They will Not allow me to Change Things, like make it lower, louder..

How can i Talk Them into allow me These Things , i Want to Make this car Look beautiful

( Sorry for my Bad englisch im from Germany )

You will regret doing all of those things to your car when you grow up.

You will also kill the resale value.

It's your parents' property AND they're right. Don't fuck with your car, brat.

>kriegt von Papi einen keine 3 Jahre alten Benz in den Arsch geschoben
>lelelele fett tieferlegen Brudi Furzauspuff für den Endsieg xD xD xD

Alman genocide best day of my life

Deine Eltern behandeln dich viel zu gut. Fahr das Auto so wie es ist und lass gut sein. Eine 2014er A-Klasse liegt sowieso weit über dem Büdget eines heranwachsenden Normalsterblichen.

Alternativ, sperr dich damit in einer Einzelgarage ein und lass einfach 30min den Motor laufen.

Atombombe auf Deutschland kann nicht schnell genug kommen uezs

go fuck yourself m8

They're smart.

You will regret ricing it later on. Especially a car like this. This car is not meant to be riced.

Wanna rice a car? Buy yourself a shitty honda.

you would only regret your decision

hättest du deine Eltern nicht fragen können ob sie dir das Geld für die Karre geben könnten?

define beautiful

Seriously kid, keep it as it is.

>This car is not meant to be riced.
explain this then

there s also no ricer hondas in germany
its vw here

are you turk adopted by germans, but adoptation was forced by merkel?


Your car will never look like that. You'll pay out the ass for a body kit, lower it and then fuck it up on the smallest bump because you have less than an inch of ground clearance

Do your parents vote for AfD? if not, you and your parents need to be gassed because you guys are traitor to Germany.

no I'm just a burger enjoying the bantz

there are no bantz here only serious business

kill yourself, that'll teach 'em.

did you grow up in enriched part of germany?

Please do not rice out this car. It will NOT look beautiful. Even when mercedes rices it from the factory in it still looks mediocre. You doing it yourself will look even worse. You are lucky your parents have purchased you a new, nice car. Please do not ruin it.

>wir haben noch nicht genug tunertürken an jeder ecke, mit dem (((sportauspuff))) am alten opel

Kein Problem, ich komm vorbei und verschöner dir mit nem Akkuschrauber den Auspuff. Lauter ists dann.

you can't ruin when its already shit from the factory

>tfw nrw
>keine lauten opel
nur leased mercedes mit drogen geld

For the exhaust, get a system that allows you to open and shut the valves manually. That way when they're nearby they won't know anything has changed.

For lowering it, put it on bags so you can raise it when they're around and lower it when you're out.

>It's [his] parents property
Well that depends whose name the title is in. If they really gave it to him then there's a chance it's not actually their property.

That wing looks fucking retarded. Literally the dumbest thing I have seen on a Mercedes in my entire life.

Don't modify this car what the fuck
Buy a mk2 golf and mod that and keep your Merc mint stock

Ich wohne direkt am grenzstreifen, drogengeld gibts hier genug. Nur sind das meistens keine türken.

t. ürke

Hurensohn kannst froh sein dass deine Eltern dir überhaupt ein Auto gekauft haben lösch dich du Bastard

what a bunch of shit, I mod my cars in my late 20s as much as my dad does in his early 60s
you just have to do the work right

dies uezs

verpiss dich nach rapupdate lol