Whoever has a larger account balance (in terms of USD) wins.
Currency exchange rates:
Whoever has a larger account balance (in terms of USD) wins.
Currency exchange rates:
>14k in a checking account
Veeky Forums
>having all your money doing nothing in your bank
>all your money
That's probably one paycheck. Not everyone is autistic enough to go into the bank the day after payday and move the money to a brokerage every week.
I have 2500 in stocks but that doesnt count because of their volatility
Not entirely unreasonable
>Veeky Forums
I have 30k even in my emergency fund money market account.
That's such a tiny amount of my net worth that I don't even care if does nothing.
The plus side to this is that it's a high yield checking account too, earns me 2.5% annually in interest on balances up to $25k, way better than the mighty .1% in a savings :)
It's a game user :D
lets see yours
>inspect element
>change text
Wow so hard.
This is from an old tripfag during the genesis of Veeky Forums.
then what's the point of this thread?
I'm tempted to say this looks like a company's statement.
started out with 30k, not the biggest gem in the quarry but...
meh is ok
>your investing ideas make more than checking account interest
Open to share some ETH?
39K in a savings account, 10.5 in a Roth IRA through Schwab (I've been a faggot about my contributions). Less than 10K between checking and RH account
So like... 5k USD?
May I ask how old you are and what you've chosen to invest inside your IRA?
wow a whole 11mil!! may be able to retire to rural kansas by the time he is 68. congrats
Yeah, rural Kansas is pretty expensive these days.