>tfw the cute mechanic you like isn't gay
Tfw the cute mechanic you like isn't gay
How do you know? Have you tried asking him out?
he would never accept a twink like me
Have you ever considered becoming a woman?
I'm not indian??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? im black???????
wtf? my name????
oops forgot it again
Nah those feet pictured are most def indian.
im not indian????
Prove it. Post a picture of your scalp.
>tfw the cute mechanic you like isn't gay
>but thats okay because you arent either
im black and french. I'm not indian in the slightest.
Post your scalp.
Or at the very least post your hands.
No crescent, and not scrawny.
Your story seems plausible.
Lighting could explain the first photos indian appearance.
okay what do i get in return for posting all those pictures of myself, bb
bump im sooooo bored and I need attention
Here you go user, you earned it
but why would you give me your trophy?????
Because I finally found someone who deserves it more than I do
it's expired
Nice feet, Pajeet. Got any pics of your soles?
He is not gay for you cuz you are a nigger.
why do you want pics of my soles???
that's mean
For science.
I thought you have a bf. Tired of him cuz he is just another nigger? Yearn for BWC?
>my stalker is still obsessing
nice. I do have a bf. I just made a shitposting thread for attention because i was super board. And blacks have statistically larger penises.
Also, fuck you. I love my bf.
im not giving you pics of my soles.
Why do you keep posting white pornstars? What about nigger ones?
Cutest ones I found desu. I only follow like 4. I don't know many black ones by name. Whites are usually cuter on average. But it depends.
I wish I was gay, women are such a hassle
>tfw no car bf
are you a girl?
post face
>tfw the mechanic has the same name as you
>tfw he gives you a $10 discount cause of it
it's not even a common name, yet I've met 3 people in this 800 population town with it.
Ladyboys aren't gay.
nobody cares, fag
Your attitude is that of a bottom, am I correct?
Bottoms are all fags, surpassed only by guys who are chads but would rather put dick in hairy girly faggot swish asshole.