
What country is the best place for speeding?

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everyone speeds over there. their highways have a speed limit of like 50, everyone does at least 80 on them. and the cops drive k-cars with their lights running all the time, so they're easy to spot.
their tollways have a speed limit of 80, are 2 lanes each way, and are straight as fuck. most people do about 100-110 on them, a fair few do ~130, and then you get others doing like 160 in a mini-van.

The remote areas of earth. Places where police response time are looooong. Central Siberia(Russia), Central Australia, Some areas of Africa.
Isle of Man is probably the easiest place for speeding. No speedlimits outside of towns.

If you want to be fast in about everywhere, get into boats. Majority of waterways, of the world, have no speedlimits at all.

Germany because on 5200 miles of its highway network there is no such thing as speeding.

>that shop
Good lord user make it stop

I know, I was thinking holden might be going in a positive direction after selling out to the square heads

>best place for speeding
>there is no such thing as speeding
Then obviously Germany isn't the best place for speeding

I know the worst place...
The Netherlands. Inventors of the speed camera and damn, do they use them.
Also: all the roads are silky smooth, never potholes, no sharp turns and clearly lit. You could easily double all the speed limits without much danger but then people would have to think once in a while instead of just putting cruise control on and steer.
There is one speed in the Netherlands and that is slightly under the maximum speed. Go faster and the chance of a fine is pretty high. Go slower and you bore to death.

Obviously you're a fucking retard then if to you speeding is about breaking rules instead of going fast. Enjoy being an edgy rebel while I can actually go fast without repercussions.

I think he was just making a semantics joke.

it's literally, by definition, not speeding if you're not breaking the law though you retard.

>If you want to be fast in about everywhere, get into boats. Majority of waterways, of the world, have no speedlimits at all.

But boats are slow as fuck

Anywhere that has a legal track.

>actual pushing your car to its limits on the streets


> Be in usa
> Have best radar detector made
> literally drive as fast as you want everywhere.

Slightly above you cunt. 4km/h over is safe on any car's counter as long as it indicates the actual speed or lower. All measurements have a correction (which is 3 km/h under 100 km/h and 3% of your speed above it) which will be detracted from the measured speed, and there's a certain margin (I believe 2 km/h) for getting an actual fine. This means it's always safe to go 5 km/h over as long as you don't go a single bit faster. I prefer 4 km/h since cruise control can make mistakes (and some cars like Renault only do cruise control in factors of 2 km/h).

Have you heard of LIDAR?

Anywhere if you have s radar detector I go to work cruising at 100mph every morning

Are those miles or commie units? If km/h then that's not fast at all

Only state troopers use it and only on the highway during the day in clear weather and mostly around construction zones.

Tldr; pretty much non threat

well if you make a street race in Germany you can get sentenced to jail now. It's a new law established this week

Do radars that detect cop cars exist?

Stop doing illegal street races in the middle of the fucking city then, you inbred fucking shitskin. Do it on the Autobahn or in the middle of nowhere.

calm the fuck down I don't even have a drivers licence because shit's way to expensive in Germany to pay it yourself if you're an apprentice, which I am still

km/h, and they weren't supposed to be fast, they were just supposed to show how easy it is to speed over there.

Then what are you doing on Veeky Forums then you buscuck

unironically I'm a car mechanic

having not actually driven anywhere else the UK isn't too bad outside urban areas, I'll hit 100 regularly on a-roads and motorways, there's a decent number who go faster. You just need to know the area a bit first, satnav with camera detection is a must though.

Came here to post something like this. In the UK speeding is pretty easy; just don't do it in built up areas, and check your route beforehand if you want to go crazy- even the Police vans will always sit in the same spot because they're robotic GCSE dropouts.
National Speed Limit = Derestriction.

As long as you aren't some retarded minority, the southern USA is perfect for speeding

>mommy there aren't any tracks writhing 10 seconds from my house so it's totally justified to street race

This is the mentality where I live. The nearest track is only 45 minutes away, and one that's just as good in a popular tourist town 3 hours away costs pennies to rent for the whole day. Very much worth the gas money.

>pennies to rent
Name of the place?

>Live in GB
>Within 90 minutes of me there are 4 race tracks, one of which is Silverstone; plus a 1/4 mile strip and an airfield used for speed events.
>Speed on public roads anyway

You act like you have 2 options of equal cost (speed on streets or speed on track). Where I live in the southern US, the nearest track requires a 2 hour drive, and about $500 (HPDE course is how you drive the track). So if you want to go fast, it's a whole day/weekend affair that is very expensive. That's a lot of money and inconvenience when maybe you only wanted to go fast for 10 seconds.

>OP started this thread to make a lame semantics joke

>shit's way to expensive in Germany to pay it yourself if you're an apprentice
digga geh einfach mal arbeiten?

>digga geh einfach mal arbeiten
no shit
>4. Lehrjahr, 390€ an Einkommen
jetzt sag mir mal wie ich mir den Führerschein leisten soll, welcher mal nebenbei gemerkt 2000€ heutzutage

last week i got a ticket for going 58mph in a 35mph zone and it was only $171.00

which one dude? I'm looking to buy one now and I can't decide

>390€ an Einkommen
hör auf drogen zu kaufen und spaar einfach mal paar monate?

alter scheiß Gen-Z leute ich schwöre

Fick dich user

>Dallas - Fort Worth
I've lived here 4 years and have never once seen a cop pull someone over on a highway for speeding other than on the weekend. I regularly drive over 100mph on the highways here and nothing. Surface streets are a different story.

>Heading through South Dakota out to Wyoming
>speed limit on highway is 80
>no one is doing under 90
>getting passed by shitboxes going 100

There are stretches of highway around the Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, where there is just nothing else around. Pretty much guaranteed you can cruse at over 100 with no risk of coming across a cop. The population density is too low, theres no crime, and no reason for cops to be waiting dozens of miles away from the nearest little outpost town. Tons of really new perfectly flat pavement too.

ich habs mit 2€/h geschafft 2 Scheine zu machen
du bist einfach nur ne Lusche :^)

Probably not the best but many areas of the US are pretty good. I got a ticket going 100MPH in a 60MPH and ended up just getting a $200 fine. Also everyone on my daily commute goes about 20-30MPH over the limit and I never see anybody pulled over. This isn't a rural area either.


Opa was geht

My town is pretty cool our town had budget cuts and now I only see the police and sheriff every other week so speedy speed boys are around in my town and at night we get the occasional bike fags speed at night.

Daily reminder that Uncle Adolf simplified getting your license, vehicle taxation and registration as well building the first Audobahn

ich fick deine mudda du huhrensonn

~uwu~ thanks

danke herr fuhrer

Don't want my head cut off while some one shouts allah akbar.

that only happens in belgium, GB and france
in germany they use trucks

Developing your car and honing your skills on the circuit and reaching true apotheosis on the street is where it's at

Desolate highways in Montana

What's the best laser jammer? My state doesn't use radar anymore.

Tja hättest dir Mal lieber nen besseren Ausbildungsplatz gesucht

Weather and salt has absolutely destroyed the majority of northwest highways, the mountains and lack of population density is cool but the roads are literally going to try and kill your car. Top tier if you're into offroading or rally type driving tho.

Didn't say you had to live there. Road trip desu

Salt doesn't kill highways, it kills cars. Frost heave kills highways.

also some cops literally leave fast fast drivers alone because they know not to waste their time

Danke herr fuhrer

>boats are slow as fuck

Police cars here are only factory tuned. If you can do better than 180K, they can't catch you. So they don't even try.

love it desu

another comfy video

Highway pulls are not racing and are also gay as fuck

I recognize that macfag

this is true, I've been there too, but the total lack of turns is kind of a buzzkill.

I've been looking for this forever thank you so much

Quads confirm

God tier scenery though. Seeing the Black Hills Forest behind you, and snow covered mountain peaks in front of you. Its my favorite part of the world.
Fuck me I love America so goddamn much.

Most boats are slow just because it there's any
decent chop your stuck to 10-15kts like everyone else regardless of how much power you have if you don't want to pound the shit out of your hull so there's not much reason to be able to go fast, but if you have something like an jetski or a overpowered whaler/small unsinkable boat hooning around creeks/etc is pretty fun, as a general rule due to the roughness of water and the apparent lack of contro,l speeds on the water feel roughly 2-2.5x the similar speeds on land, don't knock it until you try it.

Plus in most regions of the US older 2 stroke outboards ,(1975-1995), can be had for pretty cheap ,(sub 500$), and are dead simple to work on if your not an idiot, throw in a hull for around 400-500 and you can blast around the local waterways with impunity.

pretty much any place that has both roads and desert

tldr see oom-500
ive seen crazy georgians doing some insane shit on yt and tons of russians

>best place for speeding

Good one m8


Okay m8

They can crush your car for "hooning" which is down to the cop to decide what speed is hooning
Not to mention ferocious speed cameras and high fines for as little as 5kph over

>rural Canada

literally never seen a police car in my village except for the bank robbery

>tfw he has never been on the nullarbor
in cities sure its dumb but in the country?
you can speed everywhere.

You can get a ton of jail time for minor traffic offenses nowadays.

>*pulls you over*
do you know how fast you were going?

>tfw no SS GTR Skydore
Why even live?

our highway patrol cars are much scarier.
>650+ hp
>0-100km/h (62mph) 4.3 seconds
>top mounted forward/rear facing licence plate readers
though i guess Australian cops won't actually shoot you and you won't go to prison for speeding unless you have overdue fines or something.

>650+ hp

[citation needed]
Aus HWP cars are stock HSV's with stiff suspension and all the police shit.
No need to hype up a cop car faggot.

>one post in another language than English
>foreigners proceed to speak foreign for the rest of the thread
Don't do this please

What the hell I got one for going 41 in a 30 and it was $195

germany. i was pulled over for doing the speed limit right after i got a license ya know because im a new driver and have anxiety from being new to driving. they pulled me over for suspicion of driving drunk. no one obeys any of the speed limits except when theres a camera

Yeah he also made all the speed limits 80. What a pussy.

>Wearing a helmet while street racing
>Nearly destroying your transmission

alda halts ma dein mauel du pissar

>there is no excuse
That triggered me more than anything our retard cops have ever said here

Fuck the police

Also hsv gts' only have 550hp

Dude I don't know what you mean

>No my speedo topped out around 120

halt dein dummer frese du spacco

Those are fighting words son.

i smoked a spliff then went for a drive going to one of those outdoor music fests in the countryside. so im stoned and flying at 80kmh in a 30k zone because germany then theres this old stone building and a curve and right behind it polizei... they wave the halt sign at me and i pull over and im relaxed thanks to the hashisch and they check my registration and license and let me go on my way still had a couple grams of hash in my box of cigarettes

no ticket nothing didnt treat me like criminal scum just wanted to see my license and registration now if theu smelled beer then it wouldve been totally different

and that was in bavaria where the laws are stricter and police are known to be dicks

Team NeedforDrive shit is also not racing and it was only a matter of time before their recklessness and complete disregard for others got one of them got killed. Wangan, touge and sprint racing are the only things that matter.