>Need a car to get a job
>Too scared to drive because keep reading about people who died horrifically from driving
>Terrified of going fast on freeway
How do you guys get over it.
>Need a car to get a job
>Too scared to drive because keep reading about people who died horrifically from driving
>Terrified of going fast on freeway
How do you guys get over it.
i live in a country that has the third safest roads in the world according to the google i just did
i also know i have good brakes.
If you go faster than everyone else all you have to worry about is who's in front of you.
i want to die anyways
This. My life is so lame, even though I have a full time job and $18,000 in savings, that I figure fate won't let me die. I'm not done suffering this milquetoast existence yet, so I can basically drink as much as I want and do 140 on the freeway without a care.
I already have a DNR order in place so everyone knows better than to keep me alive as some kind of veggie in a hospital bed.
>have license
>know how to drive
>actually a pretty good driver
>old man says i can borrow the car whenever i want
>tfw haven't driven more than 5 miles in total in 8 years
>>tfw haven't driven more than 5 miles in total in 8 years
>have had license for 8 years
>don't have your own car
what's your excuse maggot
i'm pretty much disabled
>pretty much
Either you are or you aren't, what the fuck.
>I'm pretty much gay
>I'm pretty much black
>I'm pretty much Iranian
>I'm pretty much in prison
>I'm pretty much The President
If you go fast enough death can't catch you
>pretty much disabled dont mean shit
im autistic and bipolar and i still drive cars.
i just get roadrage and then look like an autist at the same time
Drive a death-proof car.
>im autistic and bipolar and i still drive cars.
So is everyone else on Veeky Forums, that doesn't make you special.
Stop whining and get in the car.
Not caring if I live or die because life is so fucking boring and empty anyway.
And plenty of people don't. You're off to a better start than most by understanding the damage a car can do, but just be observant and drive defensively. Also the freeway is scary for at most 2 minutes, then you'll realize it's easier than city driving.
why are white people so stupid???
Quit being a puss, as long as you don't drive a car made out of tin foil and you don't have a seizure while driving you're not going to die horiffically on the highway. Practice driving on city streets and work your way up to the highway. car control is easy, awareness is what's going to keep you from getting in an accident.
why are black people so stupid???
>pigskins got triggered
they're only stupid compared to humans
compared to earth worms, they're moderately intelligent
Veeky Forums is not the board to ask. You have mental issues that need to be addressed.
>if you do x you're y
back to red.dit,cuck. go shill for big pharma elsewhere.
>actually a pretty good driver
>haven't driven more than five miles in 8 years
Pick one.
what if you want to die user?
You'll drive to escape the feels. But the feels never leave you, you go faster, and take more risks, but still the feels are always one step ahead.
Soon you and the car become one and you know the limits and the quirks.
It also helps to remember that everybody else is trying their hardest to avoid hitting you just as you are them.
Don't be a fucking faggot.
This. I stopped for a month once. It takes some getting back into.
t. guy with bus license.
become such a dangerous driver that people will have no other option other than to pull over and move lanes for you