eyosongive.us sucks
shitty edition
eyosongive.us sucks
shitty edition
Okay which one of you faggots is this
>capable of linking to irrelevant third party sides but not even to the previous thread
At least i make quality OPs
Turtleneck Sweater Sona skin when ?
Why do people still complain about Gnar and act like he's some ultimate lane bully who autowins every matchup? I had to spend the first 2 minutes of a game explaining to my Mid that Gnar is physically incapable of winning against a decent Nasus, and he just refused to believe me.
No it's not. It's me!
Pool Party Soraka when?
I find it funny that /lolg/ hates trannies when it's filled with them
To be honest, I do think all of them suffer mental illness but mental illnesses are being glorify in the current year and I don't think that shit will go away until another world war.
inb4 edgy
not really
>when it's filled with them
>whats written on the internet is true
im also a qt girl with a dick
comfy bfs~
her massive cleavage would get far too sweaty
I wanna build sandcastles with Lulu!
sometimes i wonder why society suddenly became a huge enabler for all kinds of different shit
it's one of the things that really makes me think
Did thresh hook pull caitlyn through the EXACT frame of Vel'Koz Q here?
What the fuck even the split bolts miss her.
leave that tranny shit in the other thread. That was a gernade that didn't need to go off.
I want to rape Lulu in the sandcastles she build.
Yes it's a real mystery...
I will have to kill you then.
How so? I rather them get helped than not
she can get ones with holes cut in them to let the puppies breathe
because its off topic, go talk about that shit somewhere else
the one with the hole in the backside should work too
>4th epic skin shard in the row
Hows Jinx in the current meta? Is ADC role worth picking up for her?
thats okay, its worth it
Virgin Killer Sweater. You're welcome.
/d2g/ is laughing at us again!!!
F-Fuck /b/-/b/ros!!!! What do we do?!?!?!
Why are players so toxic in this game? I never said anything to him all game and he gets butt mad after I kill him a few times as Diana and him as Cass. And then proceeds to call me shit after the match me (8-2) for never grouping. But if it wasn't for me splitting and taking their base turret, inhibitor and nexus turret by myself we would have lost faster anyways.
Honestly at this point I'll probably just quit the game again. Obviously I am never going to be good enough to win my way out of Silver. I've already lost from Silver 1 to Silver 4 in 5 days.
not very good, she sucks ass in lane but if you can get out of lane and get a few items you start doing a lot of damage and can pretty much 1v9
>Sona has to periodically stop and open her sweater a bit wider and fan her giant bust to cool off
it's the little things
She's not bad
I wanna FUGG the police.
That does sound fun. Hows the role though? I usually hear ADC mains cry about it.
>implying forced 50 isn't real
Cute couple = perfect couple.
I think that one just lacks a backside
What even happened there my dude?
The role is just incredibly frustrating.
>editing the picture to hide the fact you hardcarried in diamond
I see through your lies my dude
Let's be honest. None of the couples in LoL would last long. Love is just a fleeting emotion that dies out. After a while, you look at your spouse and wonder if you made the right decision being with them.
This is your support for the night
>Waifuing Sona
She's literally the most boring girl in the game.
post full pic
>olaf invades level 3
>ping him back since malz early sucks balls
>he dies
>does the same thing again
>dies and pings and flames me
>does the same thing yet again
>decide to help him this time
>both of us die
>he comes mid, takes 1,5 waves, then runs it down middle
>run it down middle as well
>enemy team takes mid inhib then starts chimping out and dying
>olaf starts playing normal
>darius and draven start picking up kills left and right
>I just sit in sidelanes pushing upto their base and dying
>at some point we win
I mean it was Plat II, and I really don't care about winning or not, so whatever.
These kids need to be fucking gassed.
Guess Im committing suicide tonight then
>"Only you can hear me Summoner"
>Others can hear her too
Bitch plays with too many people's hearts
Don't think it'd be possible to regret poppy or tristana
You get one shot by everything so most of the role revolves around playing like a little bitch and dodging whatever the enemy team tries to throw at you
Positioning's pretty important specially if you're playing an immobile adc like Jinx and most of the time you just end up relying on your team
but i still find it pretty fun to play and you can carry pretty hard
She's also the most fertile
>malz early sucks balls
>2k DPS voidlings early
>suck balls
>malz early
you suck friendo
Shyvana is barren
C'mon Longzhu don't be like this just put in dat boi Khan so you don't ruin your record before you start choking like the last two seasons
Their sub might be out of a job after that performance, hope he gets his shit together
>bottlenecked by mana early
>voidlings die to 1 fiddle crow / 1 taliyah anything or any auto attacked
>get outshoved by taliyah early regardless of what I die
>also voidlings have to walk up and hit them during the 2 seconds of 5DPS malefic visions
>Parries your knock-up
meme sweaters are best
i feel like sona would have a hard time not falling out of a meme sweater even when not moving
we need more cuties in the vks
>nuts again while Riposte is on cooldown
What makes Lulu so goddamn cuddly guys?
I agree
What are some junglers who can consistently carry when your greatest strength as a player is shotcalling and macro?
Alright I'm going to bed so I can wake up for na lcs tomorrow
nunu and ivern
All of them
>guys kill cait
I want Fiora to defeat me and molest me while she laughs devilishly at my pathetic appearance
You must be depressed user...
user there's a difference between lust and love...
Lust is temporary feeling, that can also be recurring.
Love is a long term feeling that is permanent if true and held equally.
People who jump from relationship to relationship are only after lust... They've probably never even experienced love.
When you truly love your spouse they are literally a part of you, the thought of not being with them or losing them is sickening and a scary thought.
If your highschool crush that you've been crushing on for a few months that you think you "love" literally fucking dies, the most you would ever be is depressed for a few weeks.
If someone you truly loved died, a part of you would be fucking dead forever. You would never be able to "just get over it".
"wonder if you made the right decision"
People be kneel'd at tombstones crying in fucking pain, grieving over this "pointless emotion"
When my grandfather died, my grandmother was never the same person...
Carrie fisher dies, her healthy mother also dies just from the stress of this "fleeting emotion that dies out"?
I'm not a poet but,
Love is what separates human from animal.
user, shut off the monitor, explore the world.
what the fuck is macro
would you be fine if she got fucked in front of you by a better man?
Who else watches IWD just to see him lose then blame his team and never himself? :3c
>tfw jinx will never make you jerk off into her boot and then put it back on for the rest of the day
if he was such a "better man" then obviously he'd much rather fuck ahri.
Which champion has the fattest cock?
>Watching IWD Twitch
His Youtube is only tolerable because Fed.
spending your ressources, teching up and expanding to new bases
Where do you guys go to learn on how to jungle?
I can never figure out what the best pathing is or what buff to start for any champ.
Jungling seems really fun.
But it just feels really confusing, I can't really find path specific guides for every champ.
Can someone help?
watch your favourite pro player's replays on youtube with whichever champion you're trying to jungle with
how the hell does this apply to league
Nasus! I want his musky knot inside my boybutt!
it doesn't because moba is a braindead genre
No, fuck off with that crap
I would also fuck ahri
Thanks! I don't really follow the pro scene.
Any suggestions?
I never really know what to build either.
Sometimes on champion.gg it shows people not building jungle items.
It really depends on how fucking bad you are with your mechanics, but if it's a big issue stick to the tank CC bots and more straightforward champs- shotcalling is more important in the long run anyway, unless you consider not being an idiot and positioning yourself to be killed "mechanics"
Ivern, Nunu, Gragas, Sejuani, Amumu, Rammus, Skarner from the former and Xin Zhao, Olaf, Nocturne from the latter camp are all decent right now
Good to have you back, Ahricuck!
>Galeo builds 4 Doran's
I can't remember the last time I had that much fun with a lane.
>subbing to a girl
>not wanting to be cucked
looks like youre gonna have a bad time betaanon
Watching op.gg replays. What I like about those replays is that you can often see a lot of different playstyles. It can be a bit worthless if you don't think about why they're doing what they're doing, like you need to be reactive and you can't have a perfect flowchart. Like I sometimes see people try to counterjungle when it's not even worth it and I wonder if they're trying to copy someone else.
it's a slippery slope. first she's making fun of how tiny your dicklet is, then next thing you know she's comparing it to someone else's!
You can use probuilds.net for builds
Some good junglers that you can watch right now are Peanut, Score, Haru and Blank, just youtube their name + champion name and jungle. Also be aware of the date that it's added because there are some really old replays there.
I'd like to be less of a burden on my team.
Do you mind telling me how you know it's worth it to counter jungle?
I feel like I fall into the category.
This is why you watch LCK, holy shit that trade
>europeans wake up
>cucks, gays, and transgenders flood the thread
sorry user but i'm american.
Here's an example, if you see the enemy jungler bot lane, invade their top side jungle and take all their camps
if your mid lane and top lane are pushing in their lanes and you're stronger than the enemy jungler, you can invade top side jungle and try to kill the enemy jungler and take his camps.