[Daily Bike Thread - /dbt/]

I'm only making this OP so somebody could tell me which bike is in this picture edition.

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Hey guys cager here. Just sold one of my shitboxes and found a Honda elite 80 for $300 on Craigslist, runs good just has a broken headlight. Would you guys recommend it for around town errands and fucking around on dirt roads?

>leave the bar with you and your biker buddies
>start pulling of
>these guys block your path and tell you they want to rumble
wat do


hit the touge

Tell them the one gay bar is two blocks down

Looks like a Hurricane. Honda CBR1000F.

make putty noises while taking out my dick and stroking it to erection

Lads what exactly is a sloper? It just occurred to me I don't know what it means, but I ride one, so I should probably know

What noise does putty make?

God why did everyone but Italy stop calling bikes sexy names
if your top of the line doesn't have a bad ass name you're doing it wrong

Are you a Brit?


continue on my way because I'm not schizo

Right next door

That seems to be the case. Thank you, famalam!

>never nip about town with your qt nip gf
fucking end it lads, why do we still put up with this shit? It's untenable.



What the FUCK is that

>inb4 it's a japanse person

Honda Motocompo

>tfw no daytona 1200

NCZ 50 Motocompo.

Honda created this as a bike that could be transported in a car (the bars fold) and be lifted by a tiny Japanese house wife.

The idea is that you'd drive your City Turbo to a park in Fukuoka or whatever, get your little Motocompo out and fool about with wife and kids.


Passed my bike course today and already got a bike lined up; just need to write the government test, get insurance, and register it.

Ain't life just grand?

grats, now go fuck up a bunch of times with your bike over the course of a couple of years and post the embarrassing stories here like the rest of us have.

Failed my bike course yesterday but already own a bike and went for a nice hour long rip today :^)

I have my exam on thursday but have little practice so I'll fuck it up probably

how did you fail? was it an automatic fail because you dropped it or did you just fuck up a bunch of times during the test.

>so somebody could tell me which bike is in this picture edition.

Gen 1 or Gen 2 VFR.

I did the MSF version of the test which is supposedly easier. Took the test after a 2 day course, the 2 areas I fucked up were the box and the obstacle swerve. I didn't fuck up the swerve once during practice but they told me to go way faster on the actual test and I ended up hitting the cones. -10 points for failing that part.

Doesn't help that I'm used to riding a klr650 and they had us using fucked up little su250's which were completely alien to me

this is what I had to use for the course/test. Worst ergonomics possible for anyone over 5'5"

I messed up a few times during the whole course and still passed.
No matter, you can go back another weekend and try again.

>Gen 1 or Gen 2 VFR.

pic for that. Note the mirrors and muffler positions.

I've got my CBT in 3 days and I need
>to learn basic highway code as I'll be driving on the road
>appropriate footwear and clothing

Where can I learn highway code online for the UK?
And what kind of clothing will I need? I haven't bought any gear yet :s

Apparently not. As the user on pointed out that's a CBR1000F, pic related.

>tfw sold car
>dating grill
>has bike
>working on getting into my career field and shitposting in /tfg/

Feels good, man.

i hope you jumped those big dirt piles you pussy

tfw passed the msf course

anyone else have their last day today?

grats, I was super sad when I passed my course because it was in autumn and I was a nobike so the next time I would ride would be in 6 months when winter ends.

jelly, cunt

tfw no bike

>had lasik consultation today
>if i get the surgery i cant ride for a month


Do it in winter them

kinda the plan at this point, although if i dont schedule by a certain date i have to pay an extra $1000


did you also get a wicked helmet visor shaped sunburn after the course?

Fuck yeah. Can't wait for work tomorrow.

Wtf learning the highway code is well hard :(

theory test is piss just do the online ones its exactly the same questions youll get on the day

>Come to motorcycle thread
>people talking about taking the test

This place went downhill.

Please remove this it hurts my feelings I want to be a biker too vroom vroom

Post you're bike RIGHT NOW




>being this new

why doesn't my bike have rims like dis

Maybe if you're a literal retard

Ask on the transportation board



please post bikes!


anime is for people with autism

>Tfw I was like the king in the box uturn.
I could hear the instructor saying "look at him" to the students as I was doing it

>once the actual test came I was the first one to do it and I fucked up and put my foot down

Ego shatterd

Hey, I'm looking to buy a first bike, I previously wanted to go for a used cbr250r for 10 Grand of my local shitcountry money (BRL 3,16 for the dollar). But since I'm most likely drive like shit for the frist years or so I'm thinking of getting the cheapest and most beginer friendly option and then go for a 500cc after a year or two.

What does Veeky Forums think of a new HJ150-11 for 6.2K of my local shitmoney?

123.5 KG
Eletric Ignition

some of the best advice I got was when I was interested in joining the military

>when doing something new, never be first and never be last

Don't get a 250 whatever you do. Also, upgrading from one slow stupid beginner bike to another 500c beginner bike is stupid as fuck to do.

Because you asked so nicely

Why? I own one and am 175cm, not really an issue for me.



lmao nice crash scrapes

Thanks, I actually dropped it in that wash rack lol.

>then go for a 500cc after a year or two.

If you're going to do that start off with the 500cc. The jump from 250cc to 500cc is barely anything. I do recommend the smaller bike since you're just starting, but plan for when you upgrade to get a far larger bike

Holy fucking kek

>even a chinese tail fairing for my bike is $130
>oem is $300
>people are trying to sell cracked ones for $70
christ I should have bought a bike that was produced for more than 2 years so parts would be abundant

$130 is cheap as fuck you little cutie

post zoomies

Just buy either a CG 125 (or Yamaha's equivalent) or Biz. Used, of course.

If you buy one of those Hondas you'll have a guaranteed sale when you decide to move up.

And they'll be cheap af to own/run/maintain famalam.

I really feel sorry for people on 125s. I watch their videos and they go through like 3 gears before they're even at the speed limit, and cars can beat them in acceleration and get ahead of them. Just sad. Not sure how you would ever be able to drop a gear and disappear on the highway with one of those cuckbikes.

2bh if a bike can't wheelie on its own power, it's not worth riding.

I officially own it today, got all the paperwork submitted.
Had my first wet weather ride today, it was only lightly spitting but was comfy.
I just need to get some chain lube and change the oil soon.


>already in 5th gear at 40mph

it hurts

100 mpg though.

Bikes with 200 horsepower still get good MPG. Stop caring about mileage. My car gets 13, do I care? Hell no, because its not a boring slow cuckmobile.

Supersports not allowed on highways in my shit country.

125s definitely arent boring to ride

Good for a car, not for a bike.

Small motorcycles do have their place, it's arrogant to just dismiss them for not being fast or doing 120kph on first gear.

roflcopter i'd rather be on a bicycle

125 2 strokes are alright though

they have their places in being used for children from age 4 and up to learn how to ride on

which one

For me, 25HP seems to be the tipping point. Anything less is frustrating. Even just a little bit more is mostly OK to ride around on

I'm assuming most of the fast is on the discord



I was so "first" they gave me the first fucking bunk and giggled as I struggled to be average at everything.
...until bayonet day. I don't think anybody will forget bayonet day...

Do mean post it right now as in make a post now, or post the bike as it is at this moment.
Either way I'm still not going outside.

I'm often in 6th at this speed on my liter what's your point?