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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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Rhajat is best and canon
This is the queen of Valentia.
Azura is shit
Good morning from your best friend Severa!
You mean the queen of pirate dick.
My wife!
Wew lad.
What if instead of Awakening the falchion they fused it with the parallel falchion to make the perpendicular falchion.
Have any of your lesser-used characters been carrying you in the Tempest Trials?
What's the go to team for the tempest trials? A lot of people are saying horse memes but is that actually true?
2 nukes, a dancer, and a bonus unit
A desperation user and 2 units that cover each other or a cav team
Horsememes are just good because the stacked buffs lets you steamroll the final mission. Any mounted red will skullfuck Veronica and the horsebuffs make it really efficient.
Those stacked buffs are one of the few ways to match the bloated stats of lunatic superunits if you lack a totally balanced nuke like Nino to delete things with 80 effective levels of stats over her because Heroes is a balanced game.
If you have a top-tier mage or 2, cav memes are an inferior choice.
Will Lilina and Julia suffice? I've also got Tharja. It's the other 2 spots I'm having trouble filling.
Lilina is iffy. If she can 1-shot Veronica she's fine, but if she can't she'll be a liability.
Try it and see.
>if you lack a totally balanced nuke like Nino to delete things with 80 effective levels of stats over her because Heroes is a balanced game.
Lilina is not that useful for this, since she can't ORKO Hector or Veronica without special, try Tharja
>People claim War Vortex is whale only
>I stomp it with my team of a 3* I promoted up to 5*, a 4* I promoted up to 5*, a 4* buffbot I promoted up to 5* and Azura thanks to Herofest
>Just got Marth
>Decide to try and see their arguments
>Whip out Ursula/Cecilia/Xander/Camus
>Stomp it even harder
Jesus Christ the people complaining are so bad. It's not "Whale Only," It's that people have made garbage teams and they're only now just being called out on it.
Tharja's great. Post your box, I'll make you a team.
Subaki and Marth carry their weight very well.
>2HP Tharja procs Vengeance
>does 41 out of 43 of Setsuna's HP
You had one job, cunt.
How's your Cecilia? Will neutral IVs do fine?
Going off of my Snacki, who is almost identical to Lilina statwise, you need either Triangle Adept or G Tomebreaker because Veronica will likely outspeed you.
If TA, her first attack will do like 3 damage, you'll counter for most of her HP, and then Veronica will trigger Bonfire which will bring you down to single digits from full health. You can kill her on the next turn.
If G Tomebreaker, you'll double and at least prevent her Bonfire from going off.
'Whale Only' is something people throw out to make them feel better about failing the vortex. Just ignore them.
I am getting SO fucking sick of this "Cecilia is a good unit!" meme
>only 15k at 11 days left
What are my chances of getting all the rewards without using stamina potions? Using 20% bonus hero so my max is 604 or 605 I forget.
>2 minutes per stage
What the fuck is this meme? I've been clearing the whole Lunatic 7 run in less time than it takes for my stamina to tick up.
>whales pretend that they're F2P
>get called out on it
Yeah I just used the free one with a TA2 I got from a Selena (TA2 and reposition is great). The only troubles for Horse Emblem are that a super amazing optimal team relies on rolling an Odin, Jagen and a Lonk. Odin for Ursula, Jagen for the one memebuff, and Lonk for Vantage on Camus. I used the free Gunter and Subaki for QR on Xander and Vantage on Camus.
I'd really like it if I could get some Hinatas for Fury though.
you must be a shitter, Cecilia is gr8
Is the top lunatic one actually harder than the first lunatic one? I've been doing it because I know I can clear it and it's less maps so it's quicker but if the last level has all the same stats I feel like I've been wasting my time a little
What's the reasoning behind Medic Marth? Is it good or is it just a meme?
Here's your (you).
If by all the rewards you mean up to Quickened Pulse, yeah, you'll probably make it. If you mean the 60k-99k orbs than probably not, those are mostly just stamina pot bait.
Free heal at the start of every map, is a bonus unit that can fight too
I really don't understand how people could be so bad.
There's people complaining they can't even beat the first 3 stage hard run at all even with all 4 teams. Like what the fuck are they even doing that they lose from that?
Meanwhile I'm blasting through with perfect 705 scores with a team of Xander, Robin, Fae, and a healer all of which i promoted from 4*.
>wasted 20k feathers and SI on a Neutral Cecilia
Fucking garbage unit, this fucking long con is ridiculous.
Nice, I should really consider the -raven build over the -blade build. Still need to pull anyone with TA though.
Why dows it say so "appears in Mystery of the Emblem" instead of Shadow Dragon on so many characters?
So would the ideal skillset be:
>Reciprocal Aid
>Fury 3
>Renewal 3
>Breath of Life 3
>Breath of Life 1 seal
Yeah, I've been rocking 676 points pretty consistently by throwing out a garbage lead team for the bonus unit multiplier, and using my real A Team for the finish. I'm actually having a lot of fun doing the Tempest Trials and now that I've locked my team down, want even more map/enemy variety. There ia SOME RNG involved in final map placements but beating tempest consistently is all about building a solid team that can take on a variety of challenges. Having S Tier units make the maps easier but if you don't know how to build around your Reinhardt or Ryoma you're going to have a hard time of it.
They probably have a shitty team like I do user. I don't think it has anything to do with Whales though, it's a gacha game and there's plenty of orbs to roll for meme teams.
I get the feeling that many complainers are also secret waifufags or some shit that refuse to accept the fact that if you are f2p and you only roll for your waifus and don't bother kitting them out, then there's very little chance that team of sluts is gonna be strong enough to do events like this.
A good example would naturally be Camilla like and his avatar. Camilla is a niche in the current meta for distant counter, but if you only roll for waifus what chance do you have of getting a Hector to feed?
Breath of Life isn't even needed.
user I don't think a +10 bridelia attached to your post can be taken as anything but sarcasm.
Fuckkk I want those 15 orbs though. But I'm scared I won't be able to do future events without pots seeing as I'm scrapping by as it is.
>38 characters since my last 5*
Fucking great game
Not everyone fields a minmaxing cavalry team.
Should I put the skills on the 4* Lucina and then merge them to the 5* or should I put the skills on the 4* Lucina, upgrade her and then merge with the 5*?
>Ape Escape 4
Damn Nintendo's already fucking lost
Leo's Iceblade
Because FE3 had two books. Book 1 was a remake of FE1. Wrys wasn't in FE3, so his description says he comes from Shadow Dragon.
What? Don't fuck about? Is E3 on now? Cause I have to sleep PST is shit if you want to host a global event
>Ape Escape 4
Don't play with my heartstrings, you motherfucker.
No but I highly doubt they can do it without SI on a team with little to no synergy. Look at Tharjanon, he's decked in 5*s and he can't do 705 cause let's be fucking honest what purpose does Robin serve other than give a 40% bonus which his waifu Tharja already gives? Robin is useless half the time on the final map.
And Tharjafag is clearly way more dedicated than the reddit shitters.
Incidentally, is that pronounced rise, rice, or Reese.
Wife sheep
>tfw no stamina to waste on getting another Zeph because of this Tempest shit
I'm turning Welsh.
That isn't mine, I attached it with a reply commenting on thie Japanese guy on my friendslist but my reply didnt go through. When I commented another time I didn't realize it was still attached, whoops.
It's pronounced Riff
Maybe, from what I've seen of some of the people complaining about it being "too hard" most of them are just plain incompetent. Probably the type of person who plays Awakening on Casual because failing a map by losing all their units is a very genuine risk.
Calling this event "whale only" though is absolutely laughable. At this point in the game you've gotten more than enough feathers to field an entire team of 5* high tier units, even if you were limited to free units and common as fuck 3* pulls, which just further convinces me that these people are just straight up bad at video games.
Thanks. I've been doing pretty well so far but I feel like there's a more efficient way to do it I'm not seeing.
Also I have a horse team but they're not in the pic because I sorted by level and they're all still around their 20~s besides Eldigan. (The others being Camus, Xander and Titania.)
Ye desu, you don't need to be a whale you just need a horse team or mages
I fell behind by like 2-4k ranks the moment I went for the Zephiel quests.
That's amazing I doubt I'd ever be good enough to make that work. When my first team fails I basically have to rely on 4* Hana and 4* Xander with Gunter buffing them to try and kill Veronica but depending on the line up it might not even be possible when I purposely sac two more teams just to lower their hp.
But even more impressive is his main team has Merric. What the fuck.
>Merged Ike
>Complains about bad rolls
Your argument falls apart because not everyone gets the same amount of feathers and not everyone plays a cavalry team
Believe it or not, yes, I'm getting a new appreciation for Roy.
Mine's even +atk -Hp
I wonder if I should deck him out? He's surprisingly useful.
If you had time to level them up, Nino, Eirika, Olivia and Tharja should shitstomp most of everything.
>Ike +1
>bro this nigga is so lucky he got a 5* a month ago
I must be the luckiest person alive to have rolled 2 Ikes
Yes, but the tools to play and get a Cav team are readily available unless you're new as fuck, so it's not Whale Only.
Maybe wait for the next vortex when the prize is him in his smash 4 outfit
Robin F actually saved my ass the first run, on my last team she nuked Reinhardt and Peri which let the rest of my shitter team clear the map.
>TA Robin
Not a bad thing to have actually. If only he was gold. I'd say
>Tharja, Julia, Eldigan and another horse meme to buff him
Or alternatively, Eirika to buff them all if you can get her to 40.
>most of them are just plain incompetent.
That much is pretty obvious.
>Calling this event "whale only" though is absolutely laughable.
If this was a MOBA, it would be "tryhard only" instead which I think encompasses how they feel more. Basically they don't want events that cater to meta heroes or having an assortment of counters ready cause they themselves didn't invest in them. It's pretty selfish and entitled of them but ultimately I think they just feel bad that they can't waifu and win without throwing cash at the game.
Which in itself sounds retarded, cause it's a gacha game.
3* SI fodder eludes me though, but then again I haven't rolled in ages. When the fuck is the swimsuit banner?
I'd like you to look at something.
This is my cute Lukas. I have been grinding up to overclasseses due to making the MISTAKE of buying them.
His stats: see them? In my head they're higher, but whatever. It's probably just min my head.
Post pic when you bullying Verovero
If you've been playing since launch and can't do well in tempest, your only excuses are ignorance or lack of skill.
The game has given you all the pieces you've needed to assemble to create competent teams, especially horse teams.
>you can only play horse teams
Even if you only rolled one orb per try which I highly doubt that's merely 190 orbs. It's uncommon but it's not rare by any means sadly.
The tools are there if you want to succeed as a f2p. Git gud
Nice hair on your screen faggot
Good to know, thanks. I've got like 40 stam potions so that wont be an issue.
This as well, thank you.
The ones complaining are F2P players, not whales
Not all F2P players field minmax meta teams and they really shouldn't because Heroes is a casual game
This is Saber!
Alright. What the fuck, why is Lukas so shit? Saber has nearly got him beat in the only two stats Lukas has! What the fuck, I thought he was supposed to be good!
>not everyone gets the same amount of feathers
Come again? Even if you're not reliably getting 4k+ feathers every week from the Arena, between Gauntlet rewards and random giveaways they've given out more than enough feathers that anyone that's been playing for a while can field a solid team of 5*s.
If your argument then becomes "well not everyone's been playing that long," then that's an entirely different beast. You can't expect to get top rewards in an endgame event like this when you've only just started.
>and not everyone plays a cavalry team
That's your choice, then. The fact remains that you have the means of creating a top tier cav team purely through free units and feathers. If you chose not to, that's fine, my ghetto cav team is collecting cobwebs because I don't care for Xander and I have too many lances to justify upgrading Camus, but you had the opportunity to do so, you just decided not to.
Thanks for the literal who tweets.
Man am I glad that Canon endings and pairings are in Echoes. Shippers and headcanons begone.
Oh fuck, I forgot to mention. If you have a 3* Shanna, use her to give Nino/Tharja Desperation 2. Or 3, if you've got the feathers.
Desperation is what lets Tharja/Nino do all of their tricky shit
why Firesweep Bow with that speed?
Yeah I understand that, but gacha games naturally are designed so that even if it's casual, if you want to stand at the top and get all the goodies of every big event you gotta either meta or shell out dem shekels. That's like, kinda the fucking point of the business model.
If you can do it all with mkv's line up of 3*s who the fuck would ever pay anything for this game?
Neat, I do actually have a few.
>4* Cecilia+10 and 4* Elise+10 in arena
Really makes me think.