So Nascar just said they will fire anyone who resists the racism prevelant in America

So Nascar just said they will fire anyone who resists the racism prevelant in America.

are they appealing to their southern demographic or are they just stupid or both??????? also who tf is stupid enough to watch pack racing?


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Alphonse thread, anyone who replies beyond this post is beyond stupid.


I dont think anyone in NASCAR would do the faggy shit the NFL is doing

if they do its basically career suicide

Your average NASCAR spectator is a hick and there's no sense pandering to whinging "liberal" cunts who don't like cars in the first place.

beyond obsessed

Cuckphonse was a Hillshill?

oh honey no. im black. i can't be a cuck???

Because NASCAR knows what they are selling and who they are selling it to. There is no money to be gained from pandering to sjw faggots. There is no SJW segment that NASCAR depends on for money

would be cool to work at nascar. get paid by retarded republicans to go in a circle all day lool

of course

daddy trump will remove his mommy's welfare and that'll mean no more internet.

It only took a couple months for Bush to go from war criminal to dem darling, isn't it cute. This is how shallow peoples convictions are these days.

Trump is great he's like the ultimate troll, he does anything and people lose their shit then he does nothing and people lose their shit. All these institutions are completely shitting the bed because of him and alienating their audiences, this fuck trump scorched earth policy is pretty hilarious.

WHY DO YOU ALL RESPOND? Why do you not need my warning?

bush was a republican.

yes, he's only pretending to be a liar and an inept moron
>projecting your welfare status onto me

>mfw this image is still relevant
trump is actually worse than Obama


>I take my political disposition from people who get get drunk and watch cars go in circles for 5 hours.

kek this is great


Go to any of the local circle tracks around here and you'll see plenty of confederate flags on cars and tow rigs, and this is in jew york.

Fuck off, nigger.

back to your cesspit

>This window will close in 3...2...1...



who. is. it.

motorsports discussion belongs on Unless you want to talk about the racecars themselves, you posted this thread on the wrong board.

but my post is on topic?

okay thank you


Pretty smart 2bh, since they've been a niche motorsport so they know that only outsiders would be offended. And it doesn't matter if outsiders boycott.
Now they might (marginally) increase their viewer base from the football refugees fleeing.

I was watching the "F1 at singapore" on tv last weekend and Max fucked his car in the first few laps, which utterly fucked my day.

Also i wish the nascar faggots whining that 'toyota cars are faster than theirs' would shut the fuck up.