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zac and twitch edition
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Post orange rat nigga
cap is the fox
capper is the dog
jesus i need to watch that movie again
I want to cuddle Kog'maw and Skarner!
cait still good with runaans?
I love Riven so much!!
>Buffs soon
Xth for Viper champion WHEN
Not really, her ASpeed scaling is horrible. Better to get RFC, PD, IE
I'm pretty sure if you tried to press Elise her legs would kill you
xth for Syndra
Theyre going to Nerf Sejuani again arent they?
Can Illaoi beat everyone in an arm wrestling contest ?
I thought that the more CC a champion had, the more likely the person playing it was a bro but then I met Riven players.
I know and I am so pumped you have no idea.
>There is not gonna be a viper champion that spits fire
Why live
Xth for Sona the bustiest and bestest waifu in league!
Is new Zac freelo?
Is Sejuani's name Sejuani?
If it is, yes. Champions named Sejuani can't be strong.
In the industry we call that WORTH
>leglocked by elise
Sion's arm would snap off before he would accept losing an arm wrestling match, but she's high tier
>She'll never bite you and pump you full of aphrodisiac venom paralyzing you so she can do what she wants with you
its hard to root for the best queen when ashe and lissandra can stay unchanged forever and sej gets 10 minutes in the spotlight
>rammus ganking and dying immediately after
>everyone feeding
>set up a nasty R Q combo
>jinx quadra
>rammus still trying his hardest to lose
>kills start piling on as i keep her from getting faceraped by kennen and kindred
>GG jinx from enemy team and my team
gold forever crew where we at
Pretty sure she would lose to Braum and Sion. Darius and Garen would be close as well
I heard statikk shiv was good on her too
>haven't played in almost 6 months
>start solo casual game
>2 picks left, support or top
>pick Jayce for top
>last guy doesn't do anything till the last 10 seconds
>picks Riven and says "Jayce pick support you didn't say top"
What kind of diet is Sona on to maintain such extreme curves?
It does help her waveclear and give slightly more burst, true.
Copious amounts of semen
Sorry, but Sejuani doesn't make as many LCSBIGPLAYS as elise/gragas/lee sin/graves/reksai, but her kit has so much CC and playability that we can't let her be good in SoloQ either.
Don't worry, we'll keep producing only the shittiest skins from skin lines no one wants for her though!
t. Riot
>give up rift herald to make a fake non-existent play
>give it plus top tower over for free
EU man
>Pick Lucian mid
>Die all game
>Do nothing
>Offer nothing
Why do teams keep picking it?
Ryze buffs when?
>Deficio is a libtard
trundle would destroy her
Only Perkz looks this useless, compare to when Huni played it and took over the game
fucking never
the fact he's incredibly successful in competitive means that he can't be touched
He's right you know. You didn't say top so the spot was still free.
>Announcers are shitting on Donald Trump and comparing him to EU Teams
Holy fuck I already thought Riot Games were liberal unprofessional mememen, but this is a new cringy level of autism.
what defico say about trump?
When he gets reworked.
Seriously though, I don't know why riot wouldn't just nerf his ult and leave everything else the same. He's basically unplayable in soloqueue. They should revert the E cooldown nerf at least, and nerf his ult so he's not any stronger in competitive play.
Shitting on Trump is a popular pasttime among well off people
> Laugh track sounds for 20 hours
They did it yesterday too. Only in EU.
Fuck Drumpf and FUCK white people
>tfw Urgot's VGU is almost here
I'm ready for whatever Roadhog/Pudge-like champion he will be, lads.
Expect the hype to hit maximum after the new champ drops.
>Ashe free hits low health fiora for 5 seconds with empowered
>does nothing
What did they mean by this?
How would hugging Nami feel like?
Looking for fellow autismos to duoqueue on EUW.
I main mid and secondary support in Plat II.
We have another champ first though. So he's still like months away.
>Unlike Assassins, Skirmishers aim to shred through any nearby enemy that approaches. Because Skirmishers lack high-end burst damage or reliable ways of closing in on high-priority targets, they are instead armed with situationally powerful defensive tools to survive in the fray, along with extreme sustained damage to cut down even the most durable targets.
Sounds balanced to me!
>Perkz just Eing into Viktor
How do you go from dumpstering Faker to being this shit in like 2 weeks?
I remember when /pol/ didn't dictate the overarching culture of Veeky Forums
We are living in worst timeline
He just thought he's Doublelift.
Dumb phone poster
star guardian ezreal soon tm
comfy bfs~ too
>I remember when /pol/ didn't dictate the overarching culture of Veeky Forums
Maybe people don't want fucking politics in their video games or video game streams? Maybe we hear this shit non fucking stop all day and want to relax by watching/playing vidya but it's shoved down our throat there as well?
One sided, as I explained yesterday.
nature n shiet:
>Nippon beating G2
Nani the fuck?
This is not daijoubou
>We have another champ first though
anything concrete yet?
>implying I'm wrong
/pol/ is full or reddit users in a tumblr environment
>if you have a different opinion you are a shill
>noone has mentioned the fella who masturbates all day
I didn't post yesterday though.
Hey /lolg/, give me a good dodge list for Gold soloq. I already have in it Teemo, Kalista, Azir, Ryze and Aatrox.
> Implying there's not trannyposting and faggotry each thread
>Deficio keeps referring to NIP as "nips"
>Proceeds to referring to bad team play as "donald trump"
Only Riot Games can allow this shit and have him not receive any backlash whatsoever.
Shill please
NIP has Zac and Perkz is inting.
>dodging in gold
lmao get gud
Yasuo , Riven , Master Yi , Darius
Kami-sama will unleash his wrath on him
>Initiator CC Tank lands a 5man ult and wins the teamfight
>Baaaaah, get carried, you're a nonfactor in this game
>Lee Sin R+Flashes somebody sideways but his target dies anywway because his other teammates have good followup
>Everest of skill, hardest champion in the game
>Implying nip should even be considered a slur
That was anticlimatic. It was a cool game but they pretty much gifted Elder and Baron.
Yeah, I already mentioned that
"Now that we're past Xayah/Rakan we should be back to generally alternating new champions and VGUs again for a bit. Up next's a new champ, then Urgot, then another new champ, then Evelynn."
From the "Quick Gameplay Thoughts: June 2" on the boards
is it the first time he does this
pretty sure riot doesn't want any of that shit
Let me summarize:
You do not hug Nami, she hugs you. You do not touch her.
*touches nami*
>ask people to build executioners to stop Olaf self heal and win near a certain game.
>No one listens and just fucking masturbates to their standard build and then Olaf 1v5s us all and we proceed to lose the game.
Why does no one listen? Is it because I'm support? Or are people just stupid?
it's probably because you're playing a dumb healslut support.
I'm gonna touch her in all the right places
>Why does no one listen? Is it because I'm support? Or are people just stupid?
It's actually both
>getting 1v5d by anyone
>let alone olaf
there are greater problems with your gameplay
You should have built it
Only 800g
w-wheres forgiven?
w-wheres zorozero?
Why didn't you buy it?
That doesn't make any sense
>feed your ass off on Lucian
>wait until 3 items and win anyway since your Janna is a god-tier peeler
Nice game lolbabs