>every general except videogames and bikes are dead
>most threads are weak, blatant bait that mod refuses to do anything about because its more than likely some busrider
>/r9k/-like thread every friday for no reason
>sticky has been outdated for years; nobody would really recommend reading it these days
>rampant avatarfagging and repeated thread spam
Has this board been totaled?
Veeky Forums Meta thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Your face was totaled from birth OP
Now watch as this gets autosaged but shitters' posts don't get deleted, and their threads don't get saged. I think the mods are actually jealous we have a constructive hobby we enjoy instead of just watching porn all day.
>most threads are weak, blatant bait that mod refuses to do anything about because its more than likely some busrider
this is indeed out of control
>/r9k/-like thread every friday for no reason
it's not too bad
i hide it if i don't want to see it
you must tell me if you do your part, though
report and abort all the time, every time
I do my part. I can't really say how much it matters because I don't see any improvement.
Hell, I even do my part on Veeky Forums related shit too, seeing as I bought a new standard transmission car as my first car. Trying to keep it all alive is getting harder every day unfortunately.
a true classic. that imagie. will always make me laufhh
not your blog
>I do my part.
I see.
I understand what you're thinking.
I want to say that people should email or contact the moderation team in their IRC (is that a thing still?), but I bet nothing will really happen.
Other than that, resort to filters, I guess.
I don't know what else can be done.
Chin up, and good luck with your ride, though, br/o/.
Avatarfagging is against the rules
What are your thoughts on CVK-posting?
Filters don't work, the shitters change names and rename files constantly. I went on irc to bitch to the mods about it last year, they told me to fuck off. Lazy fucks.
>i don't know what else can be done
create weapons of mass destruction from gm fangirl tears.
sperg more.
good. Veeky Forums was meant 4 shitposting
I miss longpostguy
I report every faggot that says "sperg more" or "sperg" in any form because more often than not, those posters are really cancerous and shitposting.
>I went on irc to bitch to the mods about it last year, they told me to fuck off. Lazy fucks.
Shit, that sucks.
Really, don't know what could be done at all, then.
>only hope for at least one of them is that small dedicated dox effort
also miss VIN threads, they've been mostly dead since last year
sperg more
It's spam, plain and simple
No it wasn't
It's meant for discussion. People like you would've been IP banned a long time ago if hiroshimoot and his moderators weren't so indifferent.
Was hiroyuki in there?
Basically alphonse and friends who do that, anytime you see a name with a letter and a dot or someone posting gruff videogame men, or just posting similarly to them sans name that's them as well.
I'd like to escalate it to a hostage situation or something but there's nothing they value short of blowing up an animation studio, and I wouldn't like that either.
I think vargposting and variants like cvk posting can be very funny, but yeah, shitters need to be banned.
sperg more
Except it was meant 4 shitposting????
>Basically alphonse and friends who do that, anytime you see a name with a letter and a dot or someone posting gruff videogame men, or just posting similarly to them sans name that's them as well.
im the only one who does this. it's my signature posting style??????????????
Remember when the Angry Ute was the worst shitposting Veeky Forums had to deal with? the good ole days
If you do decide to contact the moderation again, bring up the old and outdated sticky first.
I've seen this at least work on one of the boards I once frequented, they got their sticky updated.
Then, be like "Yeah, we also have this problem..."
This is probably the only way to get their attention.
But then soviet bent prezo's ass out of shape and. he's blamed me ever since
LPG was SUPPOSED to update it earlier this year but didn't. It's only 3 years old, not horrible, but I'd replace the tercel and a few other things. Problem is it's based on I think excel and I'm notmmsking that shit from scratch, also I'd need to take a poll to show the board wants a me a city, but shitters can rig strawpolls.
Ahaha no. There were two mods, one was afk. Chat was largely /a/, pinged the mod, explained the situation, was told they wouldn't do anything about it.
The problem is that there is a very high chance that the mods cannot tell the difference between what is spam and what isn't without being active members of the board. I only really see the mods jump into action when doxxing occurs, which they're forced to do for legal reasons.
This basically confirms suspicions. The mods are probably casual anime geeks, which are poorly suited to understanding anything about cars.
If any moderators or admins feel like proving me wrong about my assumptions, feel free to do so. I harbor no ill will.
I dont get why there isn't an Veeky Forumstist mod. I would gladly take the position apart from hirojew having my personal data (I think this is a requirement, if CP isn't deleted your ass is on the line). So much could be done with mod power. Also I'm actually both of those posts.
>control freak mad that people won't give him power
Updating it seems almost pointless. The varying perceptions of manufacturers and the varying anecdotes on the same vehicles, and the regional differences makes a good solid "recommendation" sticky nearly impossible.
I would recommend a total redo and just do what /k/ does.
/k/ doesn't recommend what gun to buy as a first gun on their sticky. Instead they recommend that you learn the absolute vital basics of firearms (i.e. how it works). Then the sticky recommends learning the basics of firearm ownership and maintenance.
The funniest thing about all of this is you newfags thinking people can actually be banned from Veeky Forums.
I'm sure plenty of us would love to moderate the site, but since hiro often proves himself to be an extremely close minded person, and outright refuses to learn about his own site and the people that visit it, I highly doubt he will take the measures needed to moderate it properly.
I would love to be proven wrong though.
With cars it's a little easier. Basically, you just have to make faults known. Car had a glass transmission and competitors didn't? Don't recommend it. It's a niche car? Put it on there with a warning.
>I'm sure plenty of us would love to moderate the site
no lol, it does not fucking work because you can not ban anyone who is not a retard incapable of googling "how to change IP address"
or shit tunnelbear is an addon for most browsers.
This, banning people only works on newfags/children that are pretty dumb.
IP banning a residence is easy. If shitposters decide to post at school or a public place, they can have their devices banned. It eventually becomes too difficult to post like the avatarfags on this board do.
This would take time and effort, neither of which hiro or the mods are willing to give, seemingly.
Theoretically enough steps could be taken (ban mobile posting or require "accounts" to post, names still appearing as user) but that would kill traffic and hirojew won't allow that.
Sorry kiddo but im unbannable.
if i wanted to shitpost here i can do it all i want, get banned, change my IP and be back within a minute or two.
If they can't ban me there are countless others who can not be banned.
Getting around that is as easy as restarting a router. Mobile range bans kind of work, but even then, VPN services exist. The only way to truly slow someone would be to use an account systrm.
Don't you remember Sieg Heil?
I think he still posts on Veeky Forums.
Then the only solution is to have someone actively monitoring the board.
Add ons and other subversions can only work for so long before becoming too much effort for a spammer/avatarfag.
pretty much and Veeky Forums is anonymous...
if you want accounts on this website you can fuck off back to 9gag
An account doesn't have to be visible. Just have posting rights tied to a username and password. Ban the account, and it's site-side instead of user-side. Like I said, nothing about the browsing interface would have to change, there would just be a login beforehand.
back 2 red. dit
yeah nah fuck off back to 9gag m8, or maybe funnyjunk.
that place is fairly cancerous these days surely.
forgot my husbando
user, you're not reading my posts, you're just skimming them, seeing "account" and then screeching autistically. Usernames. Would. Not. Be. Visible. Period.
>>/r9k/-like thread every friday for no reason
faggots like you kill board culture
No one cares, fuck off, you obviously don't want to post on Veeky Forums you want to post on a website like 9gag or funnyjunk so you can have a safe space with no shit posters.
Alphaggot, your mistake is seeing the entire site as /b/. If people being racist actually bothers you and isnt just another meme shitpost, acknowledge your own hypocrisy about the rules.
>I went on irc to bitch to the mods about it last year, they told me to fuck off. Lazy fucks.
Wow its almost as if the Veeky Forums mods and jannies are braindead fuckers. Who would've thought. You can shitpost for days and get away with it in here, and you can trust me cause I've done that. Same pic, same responses and moving goalposts constantly in a fonzy tier way. After 3 daysaof syraight up shitpostong, all I got was a 1 day ban. So the next time you think a shitposter is ban evading, he's probably not because he was never banned to begin with.
Don't call me alphonso you poof, he wishes he could b8 you pricks as well as i do.
Mods have time to delete memes they don't like on /a/ but don't have time to hunt down this faggot's shitposts
Do you know why? Because the very small group of people that shit up this board will nuke it if harassed. That is why Veeky Forums is shit. Because Veeky Forums is weak. Captcha is pointless google tracking when you can pay indians to solve 2000 of them. Bans are pointless when internet users are effectively anonymous and have no fixed identities. And this site lets anyone with an IP post, no accounts to make, nothing. Get in and go. If you want to fix Veeky Forums you have to fix all of Veeky Forums and add a mandatory account feature. Spamming, particularly nuking sites with more barriers to posting is extremely difficult compared to wiping a board on Veeky Forums as it is. turn it into reddit, all problems solved.
Or, you can do the sane thing and accept that you are on Veeky Forums and that Veeky Forums is shit. If you wanted a moderated forum you would go to a fucking forum.
>i want a website where i can say whatever dumb shit i want without consequences
>as long as people i don't like us it, that is
I don't think it's unreasonable to want an imageboard format with moderation. Shit up the board with spam, get banned. Simple.
how you think Veeky Forums's mod system works:
grizzled Veeky Forums vets scour the boards for shitposts, seeking and destroying the worst of the worst while holding board culture and fun above all. they all report to their overloord, japamoot, who oversees everything and ensures Veeky Forums remains Veeky Forums.
how Veeky Forums's mod system actually works:
some newfag who wrote an eloquent and charming essay is called a "janitor". he sits around his the threads he usually shitposts in and sometimes deletes posts, usually for butthurt reasons. everything is a GR3 violation. the janny has access to the SUPER REPORT button that sends a ban request straight to the mods and mutes the user.
a bunch of ninnies from tumblr sit in IRC and talk about their favorite love live ships. these are called mods. when you report a post it shows up in their report que. if they don't like it, they delete it and ban the person who made it.
Then go to an image board that has that holy shit you cunts are autistic.
plenty exist, pick one.
sperg more.
The problem is most other imageboards are dead as fuck. While not a bad thing on its own, you miss any sense of real time conversation.
here you go, you can make an account there, post shit and get notified when someone replies to something you said.
now fuck off.
So if they dont do the job they were meant to do, kick then outn simple as that.
/sperg more/
go to an IRC channel fgt
Yes, that's what mods are supposed to do.
If a post is worth deleting someone will report it
does anyone else notice that homophobes are the only ones proposing to ban me????? it's almost like ive done nothing wrong and they're just homophobic
I was with you guys until you said CVK posting is spam, there's a big difference between spam and funposting you fucking sperg
>posts unrelated shit on automotive board
>haha you guys must be homophobes
i bet you boi pucci has warts on it.
It is not too much to ask for one single moderator to catch what is extremely obvious bait threads and spam
Unless this guy is right and all of our moderators are literally tumblr and 9gag
I know hiro is incompetent because he's a japanese human resources drone, but it should not be that hard to find someone who is able to do the job for him.
nice deep self projection.
Posting Japanese child porn is only fun for pedophiles.
So there are no board specific mods, right?
No wonder nothing has happens for several hours everytime the nukes the whole board with g-fur threads.
Seems legit
I like Koenigsegg
The threads I have never clicked on because they all begin with the same post, so I assume its spam
Shit, looks like I have missed out on the great times...
Every time I see a Honda Fit I am reminded of Honky Kong.
When hiro was handed the website because moot couldnt handle the overwhelming responsibility of dealing with govt agencies, the site took a nosedive in quality.
There used to be zero ads, no captcha, and avatarfags/spammers would give up because the site was too active to ruin. Now its unsalvageable, and honestly between the impotent car-less children like soviet and alfonso that get free reign of the website because none of the mods care anymore and the lack of any interesting topics and traffic makes it so that the best solution is to just let the website become so unprofitable that hiroshit has to sell it to someone who knows what theyre doing. Honestly, I'll never forgive moot for selling the site to some greedy douchebag who can't even speak english.
Anime is a disease, Initial D is the vector, and only gunfire is the cure. KILL all anime nerds TODAY
just call them Japanese child porn enthusiasts, if we say it enough it becomes the truth.
normies already believe it to be true.
>every general except videogames and bikes are dead
Kek. I literally spend 99% of my Veeky Forums time on /dbt/ and whenever I decide to check the rest of the board I'm reminded of how abysmal things are outside our motorcycling oasis.
Didn't know the other generals were doing poorly, though. Shame if that's really the case.
Once people found vehiclehistory it was basically begging for carfax fags.
>mod refuses to do anything about
Get out newfaggot. Phoneposting and dynamic IPs mean that shittards are effectively unbannable
>being this assmad over cartoons
Neither of you own a car
They are bannable. Its just that no one is banning them
Was meant for
>would gladly take the position apart from hirojew having my personal data (I think this is a requirement, if CP isn't deleted your ass is on the line).
If at least janitor applications open up again, jump on that.
>They are bannable. Its just that no one is banning them
Patently untrue, you dumb newfaggot.
I've watched hundreds of shitposts get deleted on this board and have seen posters mention that they're banned and brag about changing IPs.
Would just force you to create a new account. Accounts in other websites matter because then you can recognize people, people can recognize you, and then you try to get "social capital" with other losers
IDs on Veeky Forums:
And why is this thread autosage?