>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
Azura is shit
So with EA here. What are you expecting from the Nintendo conference?
Lucina is CUTE
Azura a best
What should I be rolling for, /feg/? Rein? Reds? Greens?
I want to marry Fayeanon!
As they should, for all memehouse does wrong, it's LITERALLY just pure gameplay when it comes to E3
>liking landwhales
Fuck off raul
Time for sports.
Who is the most /sp/ FE character?
I bet Hunktor would like this conference.
Forgot pic
I love it when the dumb whores who fawned over Marx around release come back to /feg/ to grossly overrate his usefulness in Heroes solely because "mai husbando".
Just kidding, those bitches are retarded and I don't love it.
>go to IGN's EA stream
Let me know when it's Monday
This dumb chad
>not tomorrow
Heh, get ready for the Scorpio blowout sonygger
>put vantage 3 on ryoma
>it makes defiant atk basically useless
so what should +spd -def ryoma have in his A slot now?
Eldigan is the best red cav hands down
/sp/ here
Who is the most Star Wars Fire Emblem?
You do realize we're getting a new Banjo-Kazooie right?
How JUST would it be if it actually destroyed Yooka-Leftee?
Guys I really want a distant counter user but people are saying to use Eliwood what do I do? I'd use Camus but I need a red.
Perfect Bride
I'd recommend you stay in the other thread and die with it.
>giving a shit about Banjo when Mario is finally back
Xander is better than Eliwood and can actually counter and kill mages
Which FE girl would /feg/ forcibly breed against their will and leave to be a single mother?
Ignore them and 5* Xander
Banjo-Kazooie was always better than Super Half-Press 64 though?
And lmao "mario is finally back" nigga where did mario go he never left
Stahl a cute~
I want to hold his hand~
Trip back on.
I love how this image is always accompanying some autistic shitpost where the poster has literally nothing left to say
Might as well filter it, whatever retard keeps posting it seems to insist on being useless no matter what
This is your nuke tonight
Say something nice about this nuking 13(THIRTEEN) year old cute mage
I want to nuke her sluice gate
doot toes
your waifu
Why did you even ask then?
Just do Xander and give him Quick Riposte and Bonfire/Ignis
Why doesn't FE have tsars?
Who is the Iconic women battalion of Fire Emblem?
The Macedonian Whitewings
So how about that e3?
Best red cav coming through
Who's the TSUUUUU of Fire Emblem?
Unless they make a DC seal or you get a spare Hector, but even then you probably have reds that work better on the enemy phase than Eliwood (Lloyd and Zephiel to name 2 free ones), Xander is better:
With Fury and Fortify he can tank an hit from a green mage and One shot them back with his 51 Atk, and you should have Camus too so parking him 2 spaces behind Xander so that they are in Goad range will give Xander 55 Atk just to be sure
If you do Xander, he'll need Triangle Adept 3 and QR.
If you do Eliwood, you'll need a spare Hector.
DC Eliwood is better than TA 3 Xander, btw. Hector is harder to come by, though.
It's just EA for now. Better check again tomorrow.
Nintendo will be the last so wait for Thursday.
>Good but overhyped as fuck
>TA over Fury
Why is "xandaddy" the only one who gets buffs?
Stupid slut
Felicia is the cutest! She makes me the happiest person alive! I`ll always be there for her no matter what! I`ll be there to support her with whatever she needs! I could never want anything more! I couldn't go on without her! I love Felicia!
Go for Xander. Eliwood has ugly art and really bad stats
He wants TA in a horse team. What is he supposed to do with Fury? His speed is still bad and he tanks and attacks better with TA.
Stop bullying Eliwood
That feel when everything was going well including a few close calls where a high percentage chance to hit was going to mean death, and then you realize you forgot to bring keys to get the epic weapons out of the treasure chests.
who is the best red cav and why is it adam xandler?
Eh. He already does well enough against greens. The only potential problem is buffed Gronnblade Camilla, but you should have your own buffs to avoid getting doubled.
>Life and Death 3
The Blade tome inherently doesn't need any + Atk, he's still ONLY 34 speed (and this is a +10 Gold!!!) and you lowered his Def and Res to neutral levels, removing his ability to tank.
If you're set on LaD 3, you should love Swift Sparrow more. Otherwise, maybe give him a better A, 'cause he's ain't doubling anything.
>have only 5 orbs left
>a bunch of colorless and 1 (one) green
>pick the only fucking odd orb
>pic related happens
I question your taste in waifus but admire your dedication.
Why is Wendy there?
Is it just me or does Alm's army suck massive dick compared to Celica's?
The only decent characters I have are Alm, Clair and Lukas. The villagers all blow and Forsythe and Python are literally worse than enemy generics.
I can't even grind up some of the worst characters since the only spawning enemies are groups of cavs that tear through everyone in the party.
Xander with qr and cav buff could actually tank veronica and kill her.
Go look at her waist
But her sister is smokin' hot.
Florete Mist when she comes on the RD banner
You should move Gwen higher to show her waist/thigh ratio
I'm writing more fluff with her soon
I'm just going through prompts to pick now.
How the fuck did BOTH your Grey and Kliff get bad?
How many Pitchforks can you get? I only have one and I'm stuck between Delthea and maybe Conrad.
It's a cav team. DO NOT let Xander fight against blues, are you fucking stupid?
Besides, Xander only has 40 HP and no speed to make use of having low HP. Getting -6, -6, -6 on top of "tanking" mages is a terrible idea.
TA is far better Atk (+6), Def (+7) and Res (+3) for him and his opponents. Which are green and neutral. Never blue.
I don't know about those skills, but Marx's singular niche of "well at least he beats green mages" being done much better by his otouto is pretty hilarious
Pick Close Counter instead
I'm still mad I got her instead of Lyn
fuck you
Waist : Thigh ratio
I hope FE never has these kinds of """"actual"""" gameplay trailers
Grey's fast because I turned him into a Merc but the rest of his stats are lacking and he can't take many hits.
Kliff is alright I guess but I went Mage with him so he can't really survive a turn with the cavs all over.
Might cave in and buy the exp DLC so I can catch up the lower leveled guys.
I see nothing wrong with her waist.
Just a reminder that Nintendo's conference is gonna be 10 times worse
Heroes question, if I merge a same rank I get a level+ for extra stats, but if I upgrade/unlock potential of a merged 4* does my new 5* keeps the increased stats?
I was thinking because it'd be easier to get a bunch of 4*s first, merge then to +10, then spend the fuckton wings for the 5*.
this desu
I remember a lot of Nintendo conferences being bad but I don't remember one which was nearly as cringy as the worst conferences Microsoft, EA or Ubisoft did.
How do you type when you're blind?
>close counter on a squishy snail
have they ever had a non cringe e3 though? 95% of their games are trash flavor of the month shit anyways
My Kliff was bulky as shit and I got his supports up so he ended up pulling Sagg crits every fucking where while tinking attacks by endgame.
I guess I was blessed.
Holy hell son, go back to /v/.
just want to say thanks for all the (lol times here because June 25 FGO is going to permadeath this thread for eternity