[Daily Bike Thread - /dbt/]

And you guys say still that scooters aren't fun edition.

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>say still


still say*

wow what a fun image

kys spergo

Looks like someone kicked the fag out their house.

> it's another wr sperg

Fuck you. ;___;

No thanks.

did you seriously consider raping ybr

he sniffs pictures of her what do you think?

Australia fuck off

Sup cunt

Looks rugged

get a gold chain next time will you?

nm having breakfast of a bagel and coffee and working on assignments
How was u r ride?

Indeed it does, user.

Honda calls it the Big Ruckus so it probably is, too.

How long until we start seeing stretched and fartcanned models

>tfw no super cub

a while ago


gold accents are the best on any bike

prove me wrong
>protip, you can't

It looks so cheap.

Any tips on commuting during winter? I don't have a car, so my XTZ 660 will be my only source of transportation.

Black and orange looks better.

Get hand guards, heated grips, a good suit, layers and a windshield if possible.

Make sure to ride extra careful.

Ride was good, got all the papers done so it's in my name now.
I've never had a bagel, am I missing out? The boil them before baking right? Seems like it'd be pretty interesting.
Seems a bit over the top

user pls


I said gold accents LOOK cheap.

this, i have hand guards and heated grips and commute pretty comfortably in whatever weather with just a rain jacket and pants

If somebody thinks ohlins look cheap their opinion doesn't matter anyways tee bee aych

>loud exhausts


>being autistic

I know Ohlins are expensive.
Still they look cheap due to the gold colour.

Hey, as long as it produces more power/sounds nice, is all good fun.

>watching Japanese child porn

aftermarket exhausts is the first symptom I look for when discerning autism in patients

Your opinion doesn't matter though.

Yes. When they hate them, it's autism.

Heated grips sound nice, but I'm guessing aftermarket ones would be really expensive. Would handguards and winter gloves work well enough?
This looks very convenient, I hope it's available in my country

Japanese child porn is the first thing i look for when determining if a poster is a pedophile.

It's similar to a pretzel in that respect.

I have never made bagels but I've made pretzels a couple of times, you have to boil the pretzels in a basic solution, I use baking soda and water, although the traditional way is using Lye.

This is what gives pretzels their chewy texture and it does the same for bagels although pretzels also benefit from a p.h. change on the surface that facilitates extra browning and that characteristic pretzel flavor.

Glad you got your bike all set up!

Those hand warmer packs are kind of expensive, like $3-4 every time you hop on your bike. Heated grips can be had for like $60 all in.

>but I'm guessing aftermarket ones would be really expensive
Oxford heated grips kits are like €50


Why get so riled up about my opinion when it doesn't matter?

big loud noise mean bike go faster

>sitting in my room drinking a beer and watching netflix
yeah real riled up




When an exhaust looks and sounds good replacing it for a street bike is dumb.
If your bike comes stock with a big ugly can to keep the price down it's a different story.

I bet you're the kinda fag who either
a)doesn't own a bike
b)thinks ugly bikes shouldn't be judged because "they ride just as good don't be a fag."

This is the kind of logic that feminists and fat acceptance retards have.

wait user I never saw if you replied to whether you were Canberran or not. that background looks super familiar and i need more riding buddies

he is victorian iirc

Sorry mate, I'm in Melbourne.

i want to fuck that bike

I, too, have impure and unclean urges at its countenance.

Okay, noob question here.

So when I ride home after fingering my gf the smell is gone by the time I get back. Is there a solution to this?

finger her on your way home

wear a latex glove to keep the smell in

finger your sister when you get home and just pretend

If you keep having to smell to remind yourself, you haven't been doing it enough.


This is the sexiest bike in existence, prove me wrong

You need to wake up and realize that hooker isn't your gf

Wipe your stank finger under your nose.

But you're right

thats up for debate but i also think its incredibly beautiful

too bad it performs like garbage

Sportsbikes are like sports cars. They look nice on posters, but they look like midget mobiles in person. Big bikes > small bikes

Its sexy, but its garbage.

2 RC675's in my local shop, and another i know of personally. All dropping valves and wrecking the entire engine. I think one of their suppliers didn't do something correctly... it's becoming a bit of an issue.

...and I'm glad I listened to the little voice in my head that said buy an RSV4 instead. I took the MV's out multiple times for test rides and was about to pull the trigger.



steal one of her used panties

I wish I can live in the country where big bikes aren't pain to use

I actually have a Yamaha Tenere and I like it quite a bit, but I still lust after sportbikes, especially when looking at pictures like this

>sixty2 $8000
are people actually going to buy this?

Post your bike(s)


why do you have 6 bikes

Why don't you?

too bad I couldn't come to this year's SEM
next year again

XR100R god bike reporting


The only scooter I would unironically buy and tour the shit out of. Looks really comfy


>that pic
Don't be fooled by eurolets


Third worlder here


How's that XJ going? Worth the money?

Quite well
Yes it was very well worth it, I like it. Reliable so far, I had no problems with it apart of a loose connection of the indicator
I just didn't go too hectic with it yet because the tires are a bit old, I don't trust them that much for touge action.
I was in France for holiday with my family and I took the bike and rode around a bit, was pretty nice
But the next bike is definitely going to be something I can go offroad with decently though
And I still like the R65, but after having ridden the XJ for two weeks exclusively the R65's handlebars felt ridiculously high

>tfw no dressup africa twin qt gf


Happy to know senpai! I like XJs too, seems like a nice daily driver that you can pick up for very little.

I've been having off road thoughts too.


is this guy really Australian?



>I've been having off road thoughts too.
But I'm not sure if I want something like a XT600/DR650/KLR650
I want something really light, but I don't know if there's much difference between for example a DR350 or if I should just get the 650 because more power.
And I don't want something with extreme maintenance cycles
but either way, it has to wait until I have my master degree that I buy another bike

and I don't know how much off roading I'd be able to do anyway, it's not like it's allowed around here to just hoon through the forest, and I guess I could go anywhere with a 650 too




The DR350 is lot lighter than the 650. The SE is right around 300lbs wet (dirt version is a bit lighter), the 650 is more like 365lbs wet.
The 350 makes good power and has decent torque so unless you're wanting to ride highway too, I wouldn't bother with the 650.

I have a TT600 for sale if you are interested :^)