Got some on-the-road scary experiences of your own? Post it here.
Creepy/Horror/Spooky Stories Thread
>driving 900 miles from New York to Lake Michigan
>turn off 115 juts after midnight and head the last 10 miles towards the inn I'm staying at
>service dies
>fog everywhere making the waters invisible but audible
>have to hold my brights up just to see
>no cars around on twisty, undulating back roads
>pull into a driveway to fiddle with phone and see if I can call my bros
>hear faint voice ovee engine and waves but fog so can't see shit
>couple mins pass
>suddenly hear a couple shuffles on gravel drive and a break in the fog in my periphery
>hand plunks down on window sill
>"you can't park here, son, this is private property"
My heart almost flew outta my mouth but luckily the old man didn't shoot me and kindly gave me directions.
>for some reason no one else believes me but whatever
>live in small town in Minnesota
>driving my shitbox
>about 9:30 (remember this it's important)
>rusted out farmtruck (idk what it's called but it was a Ford with a wooden bed on the back kinda looked like the real life pic related)
>anyways it always turns out onto the highway I take to get home from work (somewhat busy road) and only see it on this highway when I'm driving alone
The second a pair of lights is on the horizon it fucking turns at the closest turn and never see it again until the same situation happens
>ask coworkers around town about it
>story goes that a farmer swerved to avoid a deer and smashed his shitty Ford farm truck into a tree
>died on impact
>on (highway I take to get home)? I ask
>yep that one
The thing always looked like it could barely get down the road let alone go 60mph to keep up with me..
sorry for not so spooky
>Driving on interstate at night heavy traffic
>flow of traffic slows way down have to quickly brake to avoid collision
>see decimated red Chevy cavalier through guard rail
>what I think is pool of blood forming
Creeping slowly feel like I've driven over something
>see sleeve from a purple blouse with blood around it
>mow it was probably an arm
>I once had to drive an automatic for a year.
Scary shit.
i did a long green text about it a few months ago but i'm too lazy so i'll shorten it
>be me 2 yrs ago
>driving alone
>winding middle of nowhere road
>miles into thick woods
>guy in business clothes darts right to left across road ~30ft in front of me
>he was very fast
>as he crossed his head bangs 90 degrees to left
>locks eyes with me
>still remember his fucking face
>tight lips
>very weak chin
>bright colored eyes
>even today i still can't stop thinking about him
>he was so fast and just out in the middle of the woods
>wish i was only +/- 100 feet up or down the road and i would have missed him
>just fucking wish i never saw him
That's not scary, that's just tragic. The greeks actually wrote tragedy plays about automatic transmissions. Most notably the tale of Menelaus and the shiftless journey, it's extremely tragic, he ends up slicing his own throat open after driving only halfway to Athens in his automatic Passat.
>went up a canyon with some friends from school to have a fire
>it's a good time, smores, girls, a bon fire -- there's probably 15 of us
>there's a two or three(?) family that lives 10 miles further up the canyon that are notorious, nobody knows them since they rarely come to town & they're all high school dropouts
>fast forward an hour
>a truck comes around the corner and starts coming up the road
>as they get closer, they whip off the road and head they start heading straight to us
>they slam the breaks and stop 10ft from our fire, we had all moved accordingly though
>dead silence except for the fire
>we're just watching the truck, all of us tense because this obviously isn't normal
>two men climb out, there's a woman left in the bitch seat. the men are obviously drunk, one is brandishing a huge ass bowie knife
>both obviously drunk, trying to pick a fight
>I cant remember the convo, but basically it went something like this
>>we heard you were shit talking us!
>>oh yeah? so you're pussies then
>continues on like this until they seem to get bored, realize we're not going to fight them
>they start to get back into their truck
>just as they're about to shut their door a smart alec from the group makes a LOUD comment about drunk hicks that makes them do a 180 and come back, this time the woman gets out and she's holding a fucking revolver
>they terrorize us for another 10 minutes asking "what'd you say?" "what'd you say?" before they finally leave for real
>right after they leave we all relaxed and were just joking about how strange that was. one of us could've gotten shot or stabbed
it was kind of surreal. felt like that confrontation at the party scene from primer desu
>the tale of Menelaus and the shiftless journey
Tha-that's not blood, that was transmission fluid!
I was expecting that gif to be this
I almost got impounded once but a bikebro going the other way saved my ass with a quick helmet tap
lidar is terrifying
Around the car sure but there was also quite a bit around the sleeve which was like 1 or 2 lanes over, at any rate it just didn't sit right with me
>brights in fog
It's like you were trying to have shit visibility.
>driving along back road heading home
>coming up to a nice tight turn i like to take fast
>mid corner see this guy just standing at the edge of the road on the outside
>just standing there
It happened too fast to be spooky, but it was very unusual, and a little creepy in hindsight.
prepare yr spook receptors y'all
>leaving gf house a few years ago in old shitbox mk2 jetta
>about 11:30 pm
>rural alabama county roads completely empty
>pull up to 4 way stop that I am familiar with that I pass thru regularly
>continue on normally
>drive for a while, unlit narrow road dark asf surrounded only by trees
>see another junction in the distance
>wait a fucking minute there isn't another junction between here and the main highway
>impossible that I had gotten turned around, I had been driving straight and I was completely sober
>sit at stop sign for ~5 minutes trying to wrap my head around it until a truck pulls up behind me
>keep going and successfully make it home terrified i had become stuck in a time loop
still have no fucking clue what happened or how. still get chills when I drive through there
pic related my old jetta, miss the shit out of this thing. rip
You used the wrong generic 'bland-brand-automatic'.
Passats use perfectly capable ZF transmissions. Not really sporty but also not Americuck auto tragic tier.
Not spooky, but MN related.
>be student at SCSU
>working summer job
>stuck in traffic on way home
>approaching I-94/494/694 ménage a trois in Maple Grove that's always fucked during traffic
>extra slow today
>see totally fucked car
>thinking "what an idiot"
>finally make it home
>find out that Earl Potter Jr. died on I-94
>the Dean of SCSU
Spooky keks
This story doesn't make any sense. There's not enough info to figure out what even happened.
I had a nigger in my car once.
What did you replace your head unit with?
I was once driving late at night going to Louisville, when I got about 300 feet behind this old ford truck. Whenever it went over a small bump in the road, and the rear axle moved up past a certain point, the differential would disappear entirely.
That night, I passed 100000 miles on my odometer.
I still don't know what it meant. Did it foretell what would ultimately total my car?
This thread reminded me of a scene from some movie where there's a truck following a car, and the driver of the truck warns the car that one of his tail lights is out, before rear-ending it.
What's it from?
Don't panic. It might be that you briefly slipped into a dream where you hit the intersection, slowed down due to falling asleep and then actually hit it.
>can't see
Enjoying those bright blue HID's faggot?
>driving to drop off driveshaft at shop in an area I don't usually go to
>late afternoon, want to find the place and get back on the highway before rush hour
>google maps is shitting the bed because there are lots of private ways, backroads, alleyways that don't quite count as streets
>semi-urban, pretty run down area, doors locked
>think I've finally arrived, turn down street
>street continues and continues into woods and scrub, becomes clear it's not the way I want to go but no way to turn around
>finally arrive at what looks like an old warehouse, parking lot completely overgrown and nobody around except a few cars
>as I'm looking around, see movement
>large, bearded, greasy bogan has rolled out from under one of the cars and is walking towards me
>already on edge from being lost, take a quick three point and skedaddle
>see him staring at my car in the rearview as I drive away, eventually crawled back under the car
>mfw I live in Maple Grove
joy ride. had paul walker in it. i think they were driving an impala iirc
Oldfag here
>Be me
>High school senior
>Friends an I want to go on one last trip before college/military
>Decided to go on a camping trip
>Drive up to the UP in my friends shitty van
>Chill out in the park and decide to stay in the van instead of setting up a tent
>We were smoking and shooting the shit when I heard a tap on the window.
>I looked over my shoulder
>There was a dogman looking in, and grinning
>I scream and my friend starts up the van and we tear out of there.
>Tell some park ranger on the way out
I have never been in the woods since
>supposed to be creepy middle-of-nowhere or whatever
>all I can think is "wow, that looks exactly like the seasonal roads five minutes from where I live, including the suspension-destroying humps"
>then some whirrrr noises and video cuts to nothing
wow, amazing
>Be me
>decide to drive through pine barrens at night
>Get deeeepp
>I definitely see something come from up to straight down and kinda get big
>Looked like a huge bird.
>I honk horn
>Its kinda just there
>I honk again and then it like darts right at the fucking car
>I shut my eyes and scream at the top of my lungs
>I hear a thud and then nothing.
>Open eyes and floor it back to my bed
thanks for the spooks fellas
>was going 80+ mph at midnight in my SW20
>turn a corner and pull some sicc g's
>lights in mirror
>slow down thinking it's a civilian
>flashes lights at me
>its go time
>drop a gear and floor it
>suddenly, we pull out onto a long straight
>this fucking madman blasts past me at what could've only been 120+ mph
>passed me like I was standing still
>as the rear of his white monster passes me, I look at the license plate
>maximum spook
> driving home at night
> stopped at unprotected left turn
> look left
> no one
> look right
> no one
> take the turn
> look in my rearview mirror
> car without lights right on my ass
> had that been a tractor-trailer I'd be dead
i have a bad habit of if i'm startled while driving i'll floor it regardless of wanting to or not. i drive a big car so this man would've been dead if i were you.
>>have to hold my brights up just to see
was this your first time driving a car?
tf is a dogman?
Yooper here, not a driving related story but still good
>Its around 2am, clear night with a full moon
>me and my buddy are at the sandpit, smoking some green
>Had a few drinks but not drunk
>Suddenly we both hear quadruped footsteps quickly approaching
>looking for it but seeing nothing
>sounds like its right at the base of the front end loader we were standing on
>Nothing Visible.jpg
>I say "What the fuck" out loud?
>invisible creature takes off into the woods
>Hear breaking trees
>Still hang out and smoke weed
>Found the broken trees next morning
>About 1 foot thick, each.
And that's why you need to be incredibly wary when you're near the woods, especially in the UP
some weird thing that lives in Michigan
bumping for more spooky tales
>15 years ago
>passenger in my gf (now ex) car
>driving to beach through canyon
>about 12 am
>windows down
>look at side of car
>see a large coyote
>much much bigger than regular coyote
>chasing us running along side the car
>chased us for a few hundred feet and then ran into the brush along side the canyon
To this day when I drive through there I think about what happened. It spooks me to this days.
definitely a skinwalker.
um you should not be driving
thats the exact opposite of what you do in an emergency
>be me
>be security guard
>be inna parking garage
i wouldnt worry about it.
Funny thing is that this canyon is famous for paranormal/ufo sightings unbeknownst to me at that time.
he was signaling to put a helmet on?
helmet tap is indicative of police ahead
lidar is a method of measuring speed, he was likely approaching a speed trap
>work sends me check the harvesting crews at 11pm
>get a call that one of the girls had a "monthly accident" and she needs to go to town
>she's in the pickup and wont come out
>leave the field
>nearest town is like 30 minutes away and you need to drive between the woods on a gravel road
>pass abandoned farm
>notice a small light moving
>give it no importance and keep driving
>notice a bunch of branches and some fallen trees on the sides
>stop since there is a tree on the middle of the road blocking it
>area is muddy AF(it hasn't rain in weeks)
>try turning around and fall in the ditch since its mud
>truck gets stuck and wont come out even on 4L
>this is literally the middle of nowhere so not even the long distance radio works
>lucky the truck had a winch
>we both get out and put some planks the truck had on the back under the wheels
>go and tie the cable around a tree on the other side of the road
>hear something move between the trees and notice she pointed the flashlight at something
>get back to the truck and finally manage to get it out
>hear rustling between the trees again
>something begins running towards the vehicle and screeches like a pig in pain
>GTFO of there
>turn on field lights and the beacon
>not 500ft there is a tree branch on the middle of the road
>it wasn't there the first time we passed
>it's not so big so we drive around it
>passing once more the abandoned farm we notice a car moving out of it into the road
>turns off its lights and keeps driving
>car never actually gets close enough to see it even with the extra lights but can notice it thanks to the beacon
>radio finally comes back and i call the other crews for help
>someone offers us to stop at his brothers home near there
>car stops chasing us after we get in the driveway
>stay there for a while and the farmer offers to escort us to town
>police checked the area today and there were no trees blocking the road
>abandoned farm was abandoned and there was signs someone was there
>Maple Grove
Holy shit, I'm surprised people from MN go on Veeky Forums.
I live in a nice part of Brooklyn Park, but y'know, it's still Brooklyn Park.
>driving with me bloke
>enter forest
>all of a sudden fog
>suddenly clears up
>old hag in all white in middle of road
>literally real life version of simpsons crazy cat lady
>all black eyes
>facing towards the woods but turns and looks right at us when the fog cleared up
>no reaction time traveling 60mph
>hag vaporizes and turns into a.mist that goes right over the windshield
oh and her skin was grey hair white
Kek. When in doubt, gas out.
nothing crazy, but freaked me out at the time
>in bugeye wrx
>picked up a buddy from the airport in Austin, TX and driving us back to Fort Hood
>one other buddy tagged along for the ride
>taking the back way, dark 2 lane highway good for speeding
>we are telling spoopy stories
>come around a bend and there's a shirtless dude walking in the middle of the other lane
>we all freak out as it's the middle of nowhere
>almost seems like guy makes eye contact with us but that's impossible
>we stop telling spoopy stories
I've driven through there at 3am and never seen anything, I have seen shit up in angeles crest though.
>Dagumi in drag
Not particularly spooky, but a dead cat in the road had its eyes open staring at oncoming traffic reflecting any headlights pointed at it.
Quite unnerving that night, but the next day it was flattened.
I've been thinking about it the past few days and came to the conclusion that I should've just said "his automatic chariot". Seems a few people enjoyed it regardless and that really brightened up my day.
it was very clever and automatic Passat is funnier because it gives even more depth to the absurdity. Automatic chariot wouldn't have been as funny.
Bump, I'll post my story later
Dafuck ma man.
>in India
>driving around somewhere deep in the rural areas
>car is an old Ford Ikon
>cousin with me and she's scared of the dark
>car hits a pothhole and the exhaust came off
>cousin crying because there is no service and can't see no one around.
>i'm paranoid thinking what if when I get out, someone gets into my car and goes away
>car won't start again and dunno fucking why
>suddenly we see a blue light in the distance flash 4 times
>we don't know what it is
>scared cousin gets out of the car and screems asking if anyone around
>we wait a min and no one responded
>time is 1:45 am
>we wait for someone to pass by
>no one passes by
>we at-least expected anyone from our family to come looking for us
>no one came by
>i wait until she sleeps off so i can be awake up until I can so she'll wake up a little more earlier than me.
>at around 3 am i woke up to scratching sounds from the back of the car.
>LORD KRISHNA, that is a fucking leopard
>my eyes are all open to the max
>restrain myself from not screaming out loud so i don't come out as a scary cat since she's a very good friend of my crush
>i honk a few times, the leopard startles and gave out a light roar
>cousin is awake and i shut her mouth from screaming to make the leopard not know that we are in here
>i was awake until the sun came up
>crawled to the back seat, took the saw i had in there and got out.
>car starts and service is back on too
>we nope the fuck outta there
Cousin says to my crush "He stayed cool and tried to maked me calm." She smiled at me.
>Mission Accomplished : She smiled at me.
Hey, you guys see Nocternal Animals?
Why your abarth puntos are so shitty?
Even brazilian ones are better, and faster.
Dafuck india?
You are speaking like it's my fault. What the fuck am I supposed to do.
I have a sence that we are distant cousins or something.
I got really angry with fiat for doing this.
They dont give the brazilian T-jet ( a 4 door abarth) the abartyh badge, and wen they give to india the fucked up the car with this bullshit.
You deserv better.
That was so nice of you. But hey, I haven't drivent he Punto Abarth but it's got around 145hp and the base Punto is like around 90hp. Many of em around here don't complain anything about it but people do say the quality is all very skimped inside these cars.
That shit being?
A recent one
>weekend racing in the backwoods of NorCal with two friends
>don't leave until nearly 7:30pm
>racing up Deer Creek Canyon Highway in the dark, but it pretty cool
>lose cell service about 45 minutes into the mountains
>after about 2 hours we get to the lake
>race past it into Canyon Dam, only 31
>no one is out
>all the lights are out
>almost out of town when we here a strange industrial sound
>oh shit is something wrong with my car?
>slow down to listen
>sound coming from the lake, but stops
>silence for a few second
>then a new sound comes
>not the industrial sound of a blade moving like the last sound, but a wailing noise that sounds not quite human.
>we start to freak
>try to rationalize it
>first sound must be a saw mill
>maybe the second sound was a mountain lion
>don't really believe that though
>keep driving until we reach Greenville
>get gas from a really creepy hillbilly
>finally have cell service in this town
>look up saw mills
>nearest one was 25 miles away in the opposite direction of the lake
>decide to go back the way we came
>drive through the little town real slow
>drive alongside the lake
>joke about pulling over
>friend says lets do it
>find a road off the highway and follow it into the woods
>trees feel oppressive as the dirt road gets more crowded by them
>keep following it until we reach a clearing
>park and get out to walk the rest of the trail onto a little peninsula
>1 friend wants to keep going other says no
>I say no as well
>it's quiet
>no bugs out
>no owls hooting
>just the sounds of three idiots by a lake
>thought I saw an outline of a woman out of the corner of my eye on another peninsula to our right
>shine a light, but there's nothing
>friend starts walking onto a sandbar
>Who through that? he asks about a little splash near him
>no one
>probably a frog
>we laugh about being jumpy
>he keeps walking out
>all gazing out at the silent lake across to the empty shore line opposite us
>suddenly there is a massive splash
>about 30 feet away from us
>start to freak the fuck out
>I've seen fish leap from lakes before, but this was different
>too big
>to heavy of a sound
>everyone freaks out when we realize none of us threw a rock/ had a big enough rock and no one is on the other side to have done it
>hall ass back to the car
>look for other cars as we drive out
>we're alone
I drove away from that place fast as I possibly could. Maybe it was one of the hill folk fucking with us, but we didn't see anyone or any other cars. It was just us.
>Way past midnight
>Finger my girl, while she is blowing me in the corn field
>After we finish our business we drive back to her parents house
>Get lost take a right turn thinking its towards the main road
>make a few more turns
>cornfields as far as the eye can see in the moonlight
>Pull up to the same intersection we were after we left the field
>Take a left this time around
>after a few mins of driving, pull up again to the same intersection
>can tell its the same because of the closed off road directly ahead and the sign
>gf is freaking out now, I tell her.
>"What if we fucking died in the cornfield, and we are just ghost now stuck traveling in the same area
>Make her cry
>whip out my gps
>drive her home
>No good night kiss from her
>worth it
>driving normally at night on winding road
>someone comes up behind me
>decide to gas it
>45mph becomes 75
>Leave them in the dust
>speed though a couple of S curves where they never see me again
Bet they thought I was a ghost; it is an old white car.
I made this for you guys.
Thumbs up food helper.png
what happened to it
Not super spoopy but
>Driving down trail in my truck
>Just getting dark on the way back into town
>See a person up ahead on the trail
>go around bend and lose visual on person for about 10 seconds
>they are gone from the trail
>"where the fuck did they go?"
>Both sides of the trail are steep as fuck drops into a lake on one side and a ravine on the other
>person nowhere to be seen
my guess is they ran into the woods for some reason, idk tho shit was weird
2 ufos on one occasion, they merged then shot straight up, the other was when Switzer falls was closed due to bear activity and my buddy and I saw a couple of dudes in all black heading down. The last was when we were down in Switzer at night and we saw figures moving in the woods. Probably the same dudes in black we had seen on a previous occasion.