>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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Azura is shit.
Femui is for Leo!
If it wan't for the speech bubble I wouldn't know it wasn't Therja
Azura a best
Seventh post
The time has come again! Let us hear the wisdom from the Cloud!
Leo x Femui is so cute, almost as cute as Femui x Silas!
Fuck Azura!
Impregnating Faye over and over again!
Did Fates writers even care?
>Continent has no name
>Dusk dragon and dawn dragon are never explained
>Never explained if Valla is/was on the same continent as Hoshido and Nohr or if it's in the space inbetween
>1st time getting this far
send help
>always start green chapter might release long grey starts
What did he mean by this
>Henry loves autistic heroes
Which heroes are autistic?
>need kliff blow
And that's really all I'm getting from this one. Hmm.
>Best Res Speed Alm
>Lucina Dragon
menu, surrender, yes
>Henry loves autistic heroes
Not really surprised
No thanks. I have a better ash-haired target for impregnation
easiest way to spot shitters?
people who use rally over reposition on eirika/ephraim for me desu senpai
>henry loves autistic heores
What a nice guy!
I got a 4 and 5 star Male Corrin, the 4 star is +Spd/-Res and the 5 star is neutral IV. Would it be better to merge the 5 star into the 4 star or just train the the 4 star to Level 20 and then Unlock Potential?
What top 20 characters are missing for FE Heroes? I know Dorcas is missing.
>pregnant finished genny
>bride already waifu
>thanks meme raven
Wait, what? Dafuq, I never stopped to notice that. Hell, even for Fates that's weird. Japan loves dragons after all, how could they forget to name the two ancestor dragons from Hoshido and Nohr?
>basically suck thracia blade
>delthea perfect
Unless it's a Leo, a G Tomebreaker Cecilia/Julia/Nino is great ot deal with the mage cav on the right.
The one closest to you is always an armor. Don't attack that one first because if you kill it you'll be in range of the mage cav.
The melee cav will have Wings of Mercy if it's Cain or Frederick
Veronica's friend is always a ranged unit (Not sure about healer) who sometimes may carry Wings of Mercy on it's own
>Great wife man times
My wife Lucius!
Joshua, Micaiah, Lute and Mia
I want an Daggerbreaker/Bowbreaker Setsuna but all I've got so far is the Assassins Bow and Bowbreaker 3 and a +atk ivs. What A and C skill should I use?
Which FE4 translation should I use?
The original one
I hate Veronica
Untranslated desu
>Wings of Mercy Linde
Even Faye is less horrifying than monstrocity.
Just because you never touched the records hall doesn't mean it didn't exist.
Not if I reposition them away!
Plus, have you noticed? That armor and that mage cav on the right? Almost always the same color.
what score are you at so far and what is your rank /feg/?
i need to get some more info to know how close we are to the 1b goal to get those orbs and feathers
35/35 i bet. boobie ninja age is over
150 points
I started playing a week ago
oh henry
It's more fun if everyone (but Veronica if not green) is the same color and you jsut happened to lose your main counter for them on the previous fight.
Please post the pic of Celica on Atlas shoulders
Rank 8,938 at 22,352 points.
Wow its fucking nothing
>That armor and that mage cav on the right? Almost always the same color.
This is not even remotely true, I get Effie+Cecilia and Hector+Reinhardt all the time.
Please don't remind me.
~9000, rank ?
my team is totally ill-prepared for tempest.
I'm here. Rank is 3.3k
Also, I don't know what to give "him" or if it's worth it. But, I'm at 199/200 barracks so I'll get rid of something sooner than later.
project naga has retarded name changes but it's still the best one
The fucked up part is we had 12 fucking dragons in Fates and 5 of them are unknown while 3 of the known ones are fucking useless
Wind Tribe, Flame Tribe and Ice Tribe have no Dragon Vein users and their dragons never did anything that could lead to anything.
Dawn and Dusk never do anything regarding the conflict that's going on even though their kingdoms are fucked up.
Rainbow Sage is the only one that actually intervened in some way, but the fucker never took the initiative, only waiting for fate to have its course
It really is incredible how shit this map is
Rank 1100. 35k points.
Points 27,100
Rank 4,304
It's not the job of the dragons to intervene.
They aren't all Holsety.
The only things that explains is that Garon had 3 concubines
Fire Emblem Echoes gets a manga, these are the canon deaths for Alm's side:
Kliff is killed by Desaix during the fortress siege, and the fort would be a lot more heavily guarded, resulting in Lukas taking injuries that plague him for the rest of the campaign, along with survivors guilt for not being able to save Kliff.
Tobin dies following a solo night assault on Gazelle's troops, resulted from a mix of grief of Kliff's death and jealousy of Gray/Clair's relationship.
Luthier is killed trying to release Delthea from Tatarrah's control. He is killed by Tatarrah, resulting in Felthea breaking the spell and getting revenge.
Forsyth dies taking an arrow meant for Python to the chest during the battle with Mueller. An injured Python follows a crawling, dying Mueller through the snow amd puts the same arrow that killed Forsyth through his head.
Slayde is killed by Mathilda.
Lukas is killed by Berkut, who is then killed by Clive to avenge both Lukas and Fernand.
How would you feel if it happened?
I forgot to save the Celica one.
I constantly get either triple greens or 1/no reds, so I'm almost certain it has to do with team composition going into it. If I do get a red it's Draug and/or Leo, Cain is super rare for me to see but I've seen Stahl and Sophia a few times.
Luthier is cute
I'm glad I use Minerva she usually just baits something to make everyone else move
This is my wife
You should be happy you aren't seeing reds, Celica is the one unit who can fuck your shit up and Cain has wings of memes.
Has anyone seen Kagero as her friend?
Stahl a cute~
I want to protect his smile~
There are 3 units with Darting Blow at 4* so it's no big loss. Also swordbreaker. Anything in the C slot, really. There are tons of other good reds so whether you want to invest in Marthina or not depends on your team,
I like Hana
A few times Kagero. Niles is the fucking worst though. His res fucks my shit up.
Which A skill is good on xander? and which skill is good on ursula? also jagen buff? or gunther buff? on her
>so far i have 7 rank/score combos with numbers from this and last thread but there's a huge gap between 17k and 46k, is anyone around 20k or 30k?
pic to get attention
>genny rolling
I'm ready to roll!
She has a big heart and a small brain!
>not even at 5k
>already tired of this shitty event
>rolled 200+ orbs on greys for brides
>no sheep
Dying inside
>An injured Python follows a crawling, dying Mueller through the snow amd puts the same arrow that killed Forsyth through his head.
That's pretty fucking brutal
Will she ever learn how to read?
I love Fir! She's my wife!
So, Nohr's royals are all of different mothers? Garon fucked like 5 signers/dancers counting Arete?
What a coincidence, she is my wife too!
Must be Nino and Julia 'cause he's always giving them Green tomebreaker.
Exactly 25k
I could have had 25.7k but I fucked up on the FIRST MAP and I just rage quit. I'm in the middle of another round and I gotta figure out how to take on Stahl and Leo coming at me at once.
Oh right, this mode has made me hate Leo so fucking much.
probably more
GHB when?
Rank 442, score of 43k.
The seal is so close I can taste it. Not spending anymore pots and probably will stop after I get the seal.
This is mine! Trying hard so I don't let my wife down! I love her!