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pastebin.com/Ve4yjWyP (embed) (embed)
pastebin.com/RSiBHKeP (embed) (embed)

>Endgame guides and class balance patch notes

>Veeky Forums guilds and how to join
pastebin.com/rCXKYxvv (embed) (embed)

discord.gg/gPKMfv9 - Touch Fluffy Tail discord - mostly just the discord for people who still play TERA
discord.gg/5BN8qEq - Reddit discord but it's pretty much just the TERA community disocrd now

Elin album: imgur.com/a/PdM3t
Castanic album: imgur.com/a/JJwCl

>Elin lewd SFM

Previous thread: (Cross-thread)

>ywn sit next to bmp ever again

Which boss gives you trouble?
First boss, everything is blockable except the clap and the jump. Second boss everything is blockable except the red aoe and the rock mechanic. Third boss, you can live even if you stay in the in/out pattern since it deals set flat damage, and you can facetank 2/3 of the handslams. Everything else is blockable. Watch videos of other lancers on YT if you're still having trouble after gearing up. I felt kind of shitty after my first run of VH but once you get it down it becomes a really easy and tank friendly dungeon.

Luperca is a terrible person.
Kelp is a slut and loves disgusting things.
Nyurei is not pure no matter how many times she says otherwise.
Kusu is not dead they're just staying low key on a new account and will not play on CH ever again.
Meishu did far more bad things with their proxy server than they'll ever admit and willingly shared it with someone who used to stream exploits for twitch views.
Kyntsune is a cuck in an open relationship with a known slut.

How about you make new friends, or learn to live with the fact that sometimes people leave and never come back? BMP doesn't read /terag/. BMP will never see your posts. BMP would have created a method of keeping in contact with you if he really gave a shit, but he didn't, so why do you care? Let it go. There are dozens of people who try to cheer you up in game on a regular basis and you just shun them repeatedly so you can post pictures of your dead TR character and host a pity party for yourself in a thread where no one can bring themselves to care any longer.

Literally who? Fuck off CH. No one cares about your obscure fags. Tell me more about Misiu.

do me

>dozens of people
But this is wrong

If you can't even see it then I'm totally blown away. You join guilds full of nice people willing to play with you and be your friend, and then you leave them without so much as a good bye on a regular basis. I've seen you guild hop like three times in a week, and each guild was left confused and saddened afterwards. Then you come here to cry about how lonely you are because BMP won't come back. Get a grip and move on.

>and the jump
don't know what you mean by that, p sure there's 3 attacks that stun in total
>everything is blockable
not true, p sure can't block that spit thing (and his summoned sanics- not like it matters, i'm stunned for those)

also i just have to mess up once, get stunned, die in 1 sec, and lose all the aggro

>rock mechanics
positioning them seems like a pain. other than that he's not so bad

>third, everything else is blockable
not the aoe that sends you flying, and the push is annoying, and mostly i don't like his patterns, he has ridiculous spacing between his attacks
>watch videos
>it's easy
not convinced, at some point i'll prob find one of those "let's wipe" parties so at least there's no expectations, but yeah this is an idiotic spike in difficulty