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>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
Post Veronica bullying
I wanna fuck Saber
Genny pls go
Azura a best
how do you guys feel FE3 holds up nowadays, I really loved new mystery so I'm curious to play the original
It's time?
Are you playing Hereos yet?
Down on your knees!
About to wrap up awakening need to decide on marriages for the children. I'm thinking
Lucina - Gerome
Morgan (F) - Inigo
Kjelle - Owain
Cynthia - Yarne
Severa - Laurent
Noire - Brady
Which leaves Nah single.
>giving the queen a nuke
Why though
almost had me you little slut
If she's so perfect why am I still stuck at 3.75% on the banner?
Mystery of the Emblem is great. I love it more than New Mystery.
Imagine being Hector in that situation. The smug satisfaction of knowing you're about to wreck this little cheating bitch, with as much power as you can muster. And she can't even run away or fight back.
Stahl a cute~
Lucina Gerome is meh
Her support with Laurent's better
Cynthia's best with Inigo or Gerome.
Severa should be the one single; Nah's nice with Brady or Yarne.
That fucking open map with the cluster of forest in the middle has got to be the worst fucking one. I always lose a team there, because you start cornered with nowhere to go and the tempest always seeds mages with a million extra stats like a goddamn shooting gallery.
he's gonna show Veronica why Hector rhymes with erector.
>Severa should be the one single
How come?
I don't like Brady or Laurent. Yarne/Nah seems interesting considering they are both beasts.
I've got 17K points right now, am I on track to get 50K by the end of the event?
>warp my dancer over to another unit just to prepare them for the next turn
>literally left them in range of an enemy unit
>have to take on Veronica with three units now
I'm a fucking idiot and I hate the map with the tree in the middle
SO much.
I want to play this for the giggles but I'm afraid of being added to the chinknet
3 full days have passed
14 total event days
17/3 * 14
Owain x Severa
Cynthia x Gerome
Noire x Brady
Are you retarded?
>Using a team of merric, robin, leo and sakura,
>win lunatic without losing a unit
Remember when IS gave a Mage a base mag stat of -2?
>still beat the final map even with just three (down to two) ubits anyway
Those are all good units
this is wat i do
also lucina x inigo
>1st team gets to the final map
>gets wiped
>2nd team wins but loses two units
>still get around 674
This aint so bad
I like Hana
The event has been on for 3 days.
You've gotten 17k.
So, 5.6k per day.
There's 11 more days to go.
5.6k x 11 = 62.3k
You're fine.
But you're gonna spend your stamina potions to get all those orbs...right? You're not SAVING them when you could use them and get FIFTEEN orbs as rewards for using the Stamina Potions for their EXPLICIT purpose, as they serve absolutely no other purpose...right?
I refuse to let him be my friend.
I was meming with Severa; honestly, I'd leave Morgan single because a lot of her supports aren't very romantic, and are mostly her bullying and badgering the dude. I guess Gerome's is probably the best one, but even then, eh.
Yarne/Nah is pretty good; has a nice paired ending as well. Yarne usually gets bullied, but Nah's pretty lenient. Nah's a pretty strange character since she's really inconsistent. She's terrible to Inigo and Laurent, but not so bad with Yarne.
>needing pots for the meme event
I dislike this support desu
I like male Morgan/Severa to be honest. It's pretty cute.
This was a terrible idea but still worth it in the end. Pretty sure this was also buffless.
Still need regular Lyn.
That guy was getting 5.6k a day. It seems he needs them. Don't judge.
Yeah, Male Morgan's romantic supports are far better than Female Morgan's; Nah is really cute with him. Kjelle's funny too.
Please don't do this to him
He has one of the best exclusive tomes!
Respect the wind mage.
Also he's been an mvp for me in tempest
>stuck on whatever chapter it is in the GBA Fire Emblem where you're supposed to rescue the green wizard of fuck everyone
>day two, he continues to never drink his elixer; I can only assume he means to practice temperance and that elixers are alcoholic in nature, but he has one in his inventory despite this
>trying different things to get a flier in range to rescue him from himself without losing any units of my own, gave up long ago on theifing the guiding ring thing off the mage that always bum rushes green wizard
>green wizard needs food badly but he's on the angus diet so he's at 1 hp but I'm one turn away from rescueing him having finally cracked how to get to him without losing someone
>I somehow aggro'd the monk with the guiding ring but woops no theif
>one of my units gets struck down by a hand axe from veronica or whatever his name is
I don't have a Close Counter to slap around, and if anyone would get it first it'd be Boey.
Because his low atk and res, my merric have TA2 to survive blue mages and tank lance and Seal res3 to do more damage
What support/movement skill should I give snaki
Rollin' red erryday.
We'll find her sooner or later, user.
one on ones are better
Pro-tip: don't put him against mages.
Just use him for baiting melee units.
He'd rather fight a red sword than a blue tome.
This is my wife, some people dislike her because she's popular but I love her!
Draw Back on squishies, Reposition on fliers and things capable of taking a hit. Don't forget you can also use Draw Back to extend your movement range in some cases. I like using it on horse teams a lot since trees and corners sometimes get in the way of chucking other horses back.
>it's a Veronica gets trapped in that spot on the left between the two pillars and the rock
Tempest is so fucking annoying without a mage. Barely scraped 11k points so far, probably not going to get the seal, fuck that last fucking map.
Someone please tell me what to do about the swamp level at the beginning of Act 4
I have no dread knights(3 myrmidons). Every thing I try ends up with at least one person fucking dead
Please tell me theres no more swamp levels
So I just started Act 2 of SoV. Does anything bad happen if I just have Saber fork the Golden Dagger back over to Celica at the beginning of the next map? Or is it a Prf for him now?
No, do it.
No, nothing bad happens. In fact, the Golden Dagger has to be forged to get Celica's Prf weapon
are you planning on going after the seal? it's been very boring for the past 40k points
No, you can give it back to her if you want, and later evolve it into a prf weapon of her own for some reason. It's the meaning behind the dagger that interests him more than anything else.
If I have nothing better to do, but I'm already sick of this fucking mode. I really hope they retool it for next time.
Celica is a smooth operator.
Do it for the 15 orbillion
Anyone running armors can post your Sheena builds? Wondering what to put on her. No distant counter available.
It would have been nice if earning the rewards meant more than just autistically grinding.
The unit and seal should have been mission rewards for doing stupid/crazy shit.
Get them to 10 and promote them
Put rings and blessed weapons on as many people as possible to offset the damage
Cleric promotion is immune to floor damage and heals everything around it, and I usually have bad luck with Genny's level ups so may as well promote her early.
So is this how Heroes dies? With a shitty ladder event that doesn't really take permadeath into account properly? I think less than 30k people are playing now
I want Saber to fuck my tight pussy raw!!!
+hp -def Eliwood worth 5* over Xander?
Well, it's a business strategy. If bad players run out of potions they can use orbs to power through to get the rewards instead of stamina. With the amount of people playing and how retarded the majority of mobile players are, it's not unlikely they'll make cash out of it.
Sheep pls go
Celica pls, you are underage
I don't suppose there's a way to stop /u/ from repeatedly starting threads with their shit pairings.
Oh yeah, that's the stuff.
>expecting actual permadeath in a gacha game
With TA2 he survived Linde and Reincock in Tempest mode and killed him in the next turn, in coliseum may not work, but in events, merric is useful
Yes, the seal is useful, -1 countdown in turn1 means that a brave user can activate moonbow in their first strike, QR uses with bonfire can active and kill his opponent in their counter attack, or even if you unit don't fight in a battle in Tempest mode, in the next battle they decrease his counter again
Better grind for those idols m8.
How do you not have dread fighters? Going into Act 4, Saber, Kamui and Deen were freshly promoted dreads. Hell, I think everyone was promoted besides Atlas and Jesse (myrmidons) and Est. You are promoting ASAP right?
>implying I meant actual permedeath
No, just some sort of better permadeath, not this shit.
I love these "Tharja can't die or I'm fucked" maps. This one was actually really easy thankfully, only Azura died since that Julia had way too much health.
>gotta grind 50k points every month for the best rewards
The majority of players will never even reach 4 star mouthpussy let alone fatalpulse. The way the system is set up means you get fuck all unless you can consistently clear the final mission of the lunatic maps, which means the vast majority of players won't get anywhere no matter how many orbs they waste.
The minority that can clear lunatic Veronica will clear her consistently, and won't need stamina pots or orbs to get all the important rewards before the end of the event. See how this works? The setup was poorly thought out for a cash grab. It doesn't work as one, because for once throwing money at the game doesn't help unless you already have a set of good teams ready to go.
Many people are playing, they're just casuals. There are 30k+ players only in arena tiers 18-20 by now probably. Another 30k+ in tier 17. And to be in 17+ you need to be fairly commited.
I've been playing normally and doing relatively well
My Kamui is lvl 5 and Jesse and Saber are level 3. I promote ASAP
You don't even need to beat the last mission though. You can fail every time and still have enough time to get the Quickened Pulse seal if you get to the last map.
they are so cute
Casuals probably play like a map a day, they will never spend and are probably leaving the game soon. The core playerbase is dying, FGO US will be the final nail in the coffin to this game.
Even if you fail to kill the loli, you get 300+ points. You can just keep dumping orbs for 5 tries each until you get that seal.
>Jagen keeps repositioning the loli away from harm
That's real thoughtful gramps but the bitch dies tonight.
>The minority that can clear lunatic Veronica will clear her consistently, and won't need stamina pots or orbs to get all the important rewards before the end of the event. See how this works?
I can inconsistently clear Veronica and I am already at 20k points without stam pot use within this many days, so what you said is not exactly right.
Am I better off promoting Xander or Camus to 5*?