What kind of vehicle would drumpf drive???
What kind of vehicle would drumpf drive???
The biggest most expensive Cadillac possible. (Idk what that is at the moment.)
whatever he wants, because he's not a NEET loser like you.
politicians are literal NEETs though
I can't see the Donald driving a sports car. He'd definitely have a driver. Unless that driver was a racecar driver.
A better question would be "what kind of vehicle would trump ride in the back of"
When was the last time he's driven himself anywhere? even when he wasn't president.
Escalade ESV, EZ
Trump has a modest car collection. For a billionaire he's pretty low key.
>ywn own a Diablo
>A better question would be "what kind of vehicle would trump ride in the back of"
hopefully a fucking hearse. this racist piece of shit shouldn't be president
>ywn have a hot daughter
makes me more depressed than not having a sports car desu. lucky bastard.
Does he not have black, Taco and Moooslim friends? he can't be racist if so.
holy shit
he's not a professional politician though.
yea, just a professional xenophobic idiot
I don't understand how thsi is a meme or who this is supposed to anger?
sure, but my point still stands
On a scale of 1-10 how busy can most politicians be? i know running a government of any kind big or small can be stressful as all fuck unless you're a dictator but what about a simple lobbyist or congress voter?
Except the only Camaro he has ever owned is a 2015 Indy 500 pace car that he only bought because they were going to have him drive it.
like 3
yeah, but he turned a million dollars into billions. you'd waste a million in a year on trap prostitutes and anime dolls.
>turning a million dollars into billions
how does it feel to be stupid?
turn a thousand into a million then.
a thousand dollars doesn't have the same purchasing power as a million dollars
again, don't talk about stuff you are clueless about
Make 1%-2% a day in crypto currency for a year and that thousand is now a million
why did you choose loser parents that can't even give you a million to get started out with?
Didn't Obama go to a church where the preacher gave lectures on how white people are the devil?
Also, this isnt fucking /pol/
uhh you don't chose your parents you dumb autist?
>a church where the preacher gave lectures on how white people are the devil?
Nation of Islam? (i guess those are technically mosque)
yo fuck this arguing shit whats her ig
google jessica bleeper
thanks m8
what's with all the roastiepostie
t. incel
maybe losers like you don't get to choose their parents. winners do.
autism. many such cases
nice try, i suck dick
why would anyone be gay when women exist?
men are fucking ugly
I am angry and i will show how angery i am by posting a video game character i wish i looked half as sexually attractive as, looking stern, look at how angery and serious i am
what did he mean by this????
take your meds
I've always wanted to fuck a whore like this. I wonder what the personality is like.
you're looking at her personality.
>men are fucking ugly
>posts picture of fake men created as idealistically as possible.
What did YOU mean by THIS?
Wow you are fucking retarded. It's exactly the same to go from a thousand to a million as to go from a million to a billion you just lack the ability to even really grasp what a million dollars is so you think a billion isn't that much more. You dumb.
her personality looks great
You can cherrypick any male, I can cherrypick any female. Personally I prefers girls because I'm hetero but the guy in your pic is fuckable somehow. 2bh he does look like a fag
That woman is uglier than pic related and the guy in the post you replied to.
my message of peace is just to put your wiener wherever it feels happiest
Maybe not a good example, I have a lot of pics. It depends what features you like in women. Men have less diversity in their features.
Somethings wrong with my wiener. sometimes i want to put it in a sweet ginger like other times i want to put it in traps and women taking big shits.
I long for the days when my sexuality wasn't degenerate.
/pol/ can't even define what it is. There's going to be a time where even Christianity can't save us.
christianity has never been about saving, it's always been about making the most money
Boeing 757
Christianity was around before money was an actual thing, dumbfuck.
no it did not you dumb christcuck
>what is feudalism
>feudalism was the first mode of production to exist
there were democratic republics all over the world before eurocucks were getting cucked under feudalism
SPQR wasn't Christian.
Even if it was, don't you think they would just entice people to give up some other resource?
>I am the speaker of GAWD and if you donate to me your food Gawd will grant you with a plentiful harvest!
No u
Christianity was invented because of an apocalyptic prophecy and has a schizo-tier roman paganism vibe to most of it.
yes and?
>"Christianity was around before money"
>what is the roman empire
holy shit, are you fucking serious
whats all this gay ass pol shit
post fucking cars
>sitting in the worst seat of a rolls
confirmed for shit taste
>smooth and relaxed power of a 453hp V12 isn't maximum comfy
Sometimes rich people enjoy driving casually too.
>"everyone i disagree with is the same kind of person"
>he actually believes money didn't exist before capitalism
good fucking god our schools have failed us
>rich person buys nice car
>rich person never drives said car
I will never understand this
>ywn drive slowly down the road with your boy and listen to taylor swift in an escalade
hes literally not allowed to drive though
bump b4 i beddy bye
He'd drive a big expensive cadillac but he'd take the badges off and tell everyone that it's a rolls Royce
Grumpfety Blumph would be driving an ice cream truck, and hand out extra scoops.