He did nothing wrong

He did nothing wrong.

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Hope a nigga's right about Gilead.

Hi Shkreli, We know and we agree with you. Pls go.

He still has alot of growing up to do.

Sure he knows alot about finance and medicine but he is way to smug about it. If he wasn't such an ass hole to people, he could possibly be one of the greatest people of our time but no he chooses to act like a child.

the only reason you know about him is his smugness

if he wasn't an asshole he'd be a complete unknown, just another faceless multi-millionaite exploiting regulatory loopholes

I'm going to see you. Already got my tix looking forward to it

how are his investment teaching videos?

well now is his chance. It's easy to see he was a loser through school and now he loves the attention because it is showing all those people in his past that yes he was better than them and he is probably way further ahead of them now. The problem comes that he doesn't aknowledge it, yes he is better, he did it he got that attention he wanted. Now he should be a leader, not just some rich person that acts like a little child.

I think he's a great guy, i've watched alot of his videos alot of his livestreams, but he has some growing up to do. He's a very smart person but he's repulsive at times. Just think about it if people could look past that repulsive part about him he could be a great leader and motivator. Instead he chooses to always try to shut people down instead of helping them out. Thats the behavior of a know-it-all teenager.


We'll find out at 10:45am PST on Tuesday

what happens then?

Except for not being PC. That he did very wrong.

One of the key aspects of being a rich and powerful CEO is being both quietly spoken and PC. Using big words and sounding like just a worker bee.

That way the common man does not realize how royally fucked is by the wealthy corporations.

Shkreli did not do this and society crucified him for it.

Earnings call

How did such an effeminate douchebag become a CEO?

>loser throughout school
He worked for Cramer when he was 16.

>shows off
Literally owns a tiny apartment and nothing else.

Just lol.

>doesn't help people
Cured a rare disease all by himself. Tripled his investors' money. Could have made millions off Turing but instead worked on curing HIV and creating a better toxoplasmosis drug. Donated a million dollars to his school. Dozens of hours of free chemistry and finance lessons.

Fuck you, you stupid asshole, fuck you.

earnings were on 7th already or am I just retarded?

Fuck off Shreli

You literally stole and colluded to make all of your money. All that l337 excel shit is just to make your bottom bitch fanbois think you're some kind of expert investor.

You also tried to pay the girl you went to high school with to have sex with you and she turned you down because of how pathetic you are.

Enjoy prison

What about stealing all that moolah?

>how are his investment teaching videos?
good for investors, not day traders, aka Veeky Forums


The presentation is scheduled for Tuesday at 10:45 local time. Should be a huge success.
ER was just last week, and the market is generally undervaluing GILD right now.

oh interesting, I actually bought some GILD just for fun because of shekelri. Lets see how it goes

stealing it from corrupt insurance companies that steal from their clients more like it.

hows his cock taste?

Either Martin fan boy or Martin himself.