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Starlight Stage:
>Event: 06/12 ~ 06/?? Live Party
>Gacha: 06/09 ~ 06/14 (Natsuki, Erika)
>GBF Collab: 06/09 ~ 06/21
Cards: starlight.kirara.ca
Tracker: twitter.com/deresuteborder0
Database/Resources: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1piHtf1IziDOKwRZQ3fPBXrFOd0tItW7pf2Kjqf_jkM8

Theater Days:
>Preregistration: prereg.bn-ent.net/common/serial.php?app=imasml_theater

- CG Update (June 9th): - SS Update (June 9th): - KR episode 7 sub: - SS Erika commu UL: - CG 5thLIVE @Osaka Day 1 setlist: - CG Theater ED3 Sunflower CD cover + preview: - SideM shirts: - Upcoming ML Update (June 10th): - SS 1komas/rumors TL (June 10th): - Kirari fancomic TS: - Archive of : archive.is/rREhR
- CG 5thLIVE @Osaka Day 2 setlist: - CG 5thLIVE @Osaka reports: - CGVR custom units in Onegai! Cinderella:
- SS Assets (May 19th): - Honoka/TakeP fancomic TS: - Pink Pinya noises: Upcoming:
June 11th: SideM GREETING TOUR 2017 @Hokkaido
June 17th: SideM GREETING TOUR 2017 @Ishikawa
June 22nd: Million Magazine volume 2
June 24th/25th CINDERELLA GIRLS 5thLIVE TOUR Serendipity Parade!!! @Shizuoka

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Cherry Marry Chieri

That is soo hot

Mio sure is.


Does Hinako fantasize about her big brother? This is important.

Guess I'll post this for OG/ML side.

Is there one of these for SideM?


This is DJ Chieri, and you're listing to cherry*merry*cherry!


Now we just need to find out where Rin's boyfriend is.

Fuck off, nerd.

Many poyos


Elena has a younger brother? I didn't know that.

artist must have one hell of a headcanon

Saki IS the big brother.

>younger brother



>Ami has a sister
>Mami has a sister
How did I not know about this?

You know working that 9 to 5 work week, finally relaxing and chilling this fine weekend.

Playing "war" with Aki from a very young age!

Also seconding Hinako's question.

Shizuka/Serika and Shiho/Kana are well established canon pairings. The former shows up a whole bunch in the official ML 4koma manga, and I'm pretty sure also shows up in the Gessan manga. The latter shows up fucking goddamn everywhere, even in the 4thLIVE animated PV.
A pairing doesn't have to be sexual in nature.

>A pairing doesn't have to be sexual in nature.

He sure seems to like drawing Serika and Kaori together.

>A pairing doesn't have to be sexual in nature.
Are you saying that Mario and Luigi don't want to fuck?

Shoving Serika out of the way to hug Kaori!

>A pairing doesn't have to be sexual in nature.

Not the case for this guy though.

I can't believe Chieri is a dirty 淫夢厨.


I think he's convinced himself that Kaori is Serika's mom or something.


Similar hair color and ahoge.
Kaori has a real motherly aura to her.
Serika is a sheltered, homeschooled girl with some musical background.
Kaori is a music teacher.

It's not inconceivable that Kaori could've educated Serika in the past.

Sure, but I'm referring more to Kaori hanging out with Serika and Kana so much to the point Shizuka and Shiho take issue when there's no info on Kaori's character except the mini-profile.

Serika and Kana are kids.
Kaori is a teacher who teaches kids music.

Kaori was actually hired by Mr. Hakozaki to keep a close eye on Serika.

That's it, we have unveiled Kaori's secret.

Literally writing a fanfic as we speak.

teaching kids music doesn't prompt chainsaw attacks

Are you being retarded on purpose now?

Or she was scouted by P after he met her one day as she was leaving Serika's home after a lesson.

>Or she was scouted by P after he met her one day as she was leaving Serika's home after a lesson.

Or she is actually a super secret agent sent from the USA to capture the Blackthorn Project that is somewhere in Tokyo along with her russian sidekick Tsumugi.

Serika is a girl who needs to learn a great many things if she is to integrate into the outside world.
I am glad that such a trustworthy woman is leading her down the correct path in life.

Why would P be at Serika's house

Also Kaori is an assassin hired to kill Takane, who is the Queen of the moon on a mission to earth to win over the hearts of earthlings before her invasion starts.

Fuck off.

Fuck on.


to allow every virgin male to self insert as the grown male in a young girl's home and rape her given the chance

She won my heart.


Another year, another "24 hours of Konomi".

P visiting his idols' place of residence is not that uncommon. He even went inside Haruka's bedroom once, and she tried to give him her bunny pen.

Why was P in Momoka's bedroom as she was getting ready for bed?

He it could make for an interesting event.

Baba is running late this year, huh.

>lights out idol radio

She's getting to that age where she needs two alarm clocks

>alarm clock 1: wake up
>alarm clock 2: actually wake up

>Takane can canonically beat the shit out of armed criminals
>can't beat some woman child


And here is last year.

I've been doing that since I was young though, user.

Only two?

I was about to say I use two alarm clocks and I'm not that old, but then I realized I'm the same age as Baba.

And then I remembered I actually have 5 alarm clocks.

Yeah, who hasn't been doing that his whole life?

>hit snooze on the first alarm
>hit snooze on the second alarm
>repeat until awake
It's effectively 6 or 8, really.

>it's part of the theater plot

>Why was P in Momoka's bedroom as she was getting ready for bed?
She was trying to entice him to fuck her senseless. She failed. Thank goodness.

I have five too and a sixth alarm app of my waifu.


If she can't handle the bitterness of coffee, she's not gonna be able to handle the bitterness of love.

Gonna make Momoka drink lots of bitter things!

She can handle it. She might not like it, but she's going to handle it.

Not many girls can handle the bitterness of a man or coffee at that age.

How old was Elena when she first tasted such bitter flavors?
13 years old? Younger? Older?

Don't forget that time in OFA when P went to Chihaya's room to help her get over her traumatic family experiences

Don't give her too much coffee, she won't be able to sleep

I think that was her plan.

I want to feed her my homemade warm and bitter yogurt.

Someone post the Idols who are older sisters version.

Hai hai hello

Inappropriate remarks with Yui!
Commenting on her lewd body!
In front of all her fellow idols!



Yui I think you're cute!

One of these is not like the others.

Chihaya looks so natural on my flatscreen monitor.

The bottom three though.

Don't worry, I'll make sure she's too tired to stay up for long.

Minami's younger brother is so fucked. Literally.

>that doujin where Minami was happy her little brother was jacking it to her

Yui I love your voice so much it hurts.

Shit, hope he's not the overprotective type.

>Roco's little sister
Is she also a fluffy autist?

>Miyo will never be your onee-san that will help you with your car troubles.



Honk honk

She traded her big head for big tits?!

She only mentioned him once in CG and it was like "yeah I have an older brother" but that's about it.

It wouldn't surprise me if she has a complex though.

Roco has an older sister.
You're reading the chart wrong.

Roco has an older sister, she is an architect and the source of Roco's inspiration.

I feel ya man.

>Miyo will never show you how to change your oil
>she'll never take you to the drag races or a drift event
>she'll never cuddle you from behind with her head on your shoulder as you watch Jeremy, Richard, and James fuck around on Top Gear