/tfg/ - Titanfall General

Scorch'd Edition

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Searching 'the fast guys' will bring it up in game for PS4; for PC, you have to join using the link, and for XBone, you need to request entry in the thread first.

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Search PSN community for "Titanfall General", request membership, and state you are from the thread. It helps us add you to our friends lists, and that makes stacking easier.

Monarch's Reign Complete Patch Notes (inculding the quiet stuff): i.imgur.com/iohNh1B.png
FNN 15: respawn.com/frontier-news-network-05-23-2017-monarch-reigns
Monarch's Reign Trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=rMeaxj8k_3U
Meet Monarch: youtube.com/watch?v=s85IrfMlBUA

>Titanfall Spinoffs/Side Projects

>Doomed Thread:

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First for Monarch is a slut and needs to get SCORCHED

In honor of Pride Month, which Titan is the most likely to be gay, bisexual, or transgender?



Don't assume Monarch's gender just because it has a female voice, you shitlord

Fifth for best girl

Sorry Xbox bros, my autism could not be on tonight cause of OW and >Muh Plaitnum

T. Typhoon

whoops, wrong image



>Cooper would've totally ate shit if he didn't have his special main character titan
Maybe if the piss drinkers stopped blowing up planets for a change they could their suddenly superior technology for peace.

What is the line I'm thinking of that she says where she's like "What a X" where the X is some in game action like a double kill. But it's not a double kill.

I only remember it cause she says it so deadpan and it stuck in my head. Just not enough that I remembered the last part of the line.


>militia decides to treat the pilot-titan bond as a serious thing
>it works pretty damn well
IMC is going to copy the shit out of the idea, and refine it to be better than what those piss-drinkers started with

Coming back after not playing for a couple months. Any new cancer I should watch out for?

Thats it, thank you..

delet this

>she doesn't even wear a jump kit
Confirmed fake pilot used for militia propaganda

Neither does best boy.

On console aim-assist G2 from map corners and high-points is absolute cancer
R-97 is still king on PC

Barker is retired and flies ships, he doesn't need a jump kit :^)


Sword tactical when
I want to be able to run it + Mastiff and become a pilot-sized Ronin

G2 was always cancer on console. Thing lets people fire too quickly.
What about monarch? Is she okay?
Is my girl Northstar still useless?

I made some shitty OC because I kept thinking of it

save it friend it's all yours

1. Enter the game
2. See that you are using the Softball as your primary weapon
3. Press Options/Start/Escape
4. Switch to another class
5. Stop using weapons that are both useless and not fun

Aim and fire.
Preferably at enemies.

I want it as a secondary or primary, so I can run it with holo pilot for ultimate *it was a hologram*

Edit the shirt white and it would be perfect

git gud

You carpet bomb people with it
The softballs biggest strength are it's rate of fire and it's splash, if you can get the drop on slows it takes 2-3 reasonably close hits to kill, and if you tag someone it's a guaranteed kill, albeit after a short delay. This delay makes it so that it's a very bad idea to try and take people head on unless they are extraordinarily bad at the game. It takes a long ass time to reload, though, so make sure you kill quick or you're fucked

>needing a jumpkit to be a pilot
IMCcucks actually believe this lmao

She's gonna get her titan dirty inside.

three shot bursts in the enemy's general direction.

but sarah is a clean girl

even in porn she is disgusting

I think you need your eyes checked pal




so some EA executive talked about Titanfall 2 being free for a week, does anybody here know how you can get that? I redownloaded the trial version which I had from a free weekend event, dunno if that's gonna work though, can't find it in the psn store.

oh please no

I believe they're doing free timed trials on Origin and PS4 from the 10th to the 18th. They'll probably advertise it somewhere once it starts.

More slows = more executions for farming tho

They were probably talking about this
7-day "free" trial that you need a credit card for

you're totally right, I too hope that nobody new starts playing this game, I hope they turn the servers off instead.

if they make it actually free the game will be nothing but the worst shitters and they will never go away

free for a week, you dumbass.

First of all it's a week trial they're not making the game free to play.

Second of all more shitters means more targets. And if you're concerned about them being on your team just stack.


you think the server costs will somehow go down when a bunch of free players are on?

that's what I mean, I hope to god that they just turn off the servers. would be so much fun, they should also patch everyone's copy to make it unplayable offline before they turn their servers off, best case scenario really.

>people are allowed to play the game for free for a week
>people realize that this is literally the best multiplayer FPS ever created
>people buy the game once the trial ends
>literal PROFIT

It's not rocket science, user.

The best wasted potential ever seen, maybe.


Gave me quite a spook.

Hey, /tfg/'s a family, and we'll kick your a ss

>monarch doesn't have a waifu nose art

holo and grapple should be combined into one pilot. and everyone should be forced to play that class.

Monarch and Ronin are for the gays

how do you express gratitude ingame through body language, without text or voice chat?
I got rodeoed with some teammates nearby, so I dashed in front of them into their line of sight and showed them by back, next thing I know a ragdoll pilot flinged away from the top of my screen. I turned around and nodded mad hard to whoever was there.
Learned that move from a webm here or one of vaughny's meme videos, can't remember.

Since when do we have titanfall quality content holy fuck


If an ally is giving me a battery I teabag with them on top of me

If they kill an enemy on my back teabag with em



Is blowing up the evac ship a war crime?

Only if you're a piss drinking terrorist.

A retreating enemy is not the same as a surrendering one

Vigorous shaking and teabagging

Terrorists love to blow stuff up. They don't care if it's a crime

Can you no longer shoot from inside the evac ship? Or was that a glitch?

>war """""crime""""

lel m8

fuck the reapers as useless boy

war crimes aside, is blowing up the evac ship considered as rude?
I mean, assuming you are alive at that point, it's up to you to decide whether to deny them the evac bonus or to spare them. I've seen videos or webms where the winners let the losing side evac because they fought well.

Who am I kidding I never think about any of that I just see the shiny new objective indicator and be like "ooh piece of candy"

it's not crime if you win :^)

Is blowing up planets with significant civilian populations considered a war crime??

>there exist people that think minions aren't that important in attrition
Tis truly a fate almost as bad as being slow

>there are people who brag about winning by killing minions

If the game was a particular stomp I recommend we let them evac for the extra credit, if my team agrees, I let the enemy team know we'll let them evac.

9 times out of 10 though the enemy uses it as a cheap way to get after game kills, if they kill any of us during the evac phase we pull all the stops and blow them away

I like to think there's some honor among pilots

No, of course not.

>talking down on killing minions
>one of the main points of the mode is to kill minions

>tfw people ruin your screenshot by leaving

And that's why I don't play attrition to begin with. Shit rewards boring play.

every mode rewards boring play


It is.

sure if you don't use exloits

wow it's rpg the vectorvitale wannabes

alternator is broken also fucc you

>tfw you embarrass yourself in front of a TFG on the other team cause you have to go on anti titan duty cause your team are fucking mentally deficient

>rest of team has died 3-4 times apiece
>you're the only one killing titans
>doom/kill four of them in one life as a pilot, drop your Titan
>there's no friendly titans on the field, the of our players have left the match, and I proceed to steamroll the enemy team until they get their titans again and actually put up a fight against my ronin

>we lose, two of my teammates have less than 3 kills and under 20 points overall




Okay, the time has come. How do I Kraber? After having fun with grenadiers I can't aim for shit.

fuckign shitter

Did they change melee past some tweaks because it feels like I can never get a grapple melee anymore.




Looks like it locked onto the surface of the dropship right as it blew up. Good shit, Respawn.

oh look, it's fucking 4 phaseshitters on enemyteam

What? I'm trying out everything, man.

We webms now?

>new titan
wew I thought they would never go to that much trouble
anyone got webms?



Have you been faithful to your titanfu?