>Part time job
>College is a 40 min commute
>All money is going insurance and gas
>Pray every day that nothing breaks
When will things get better?
Part time job
Other urls found in this thread:
hussle on the side nigga. you're finna making bank if you run
>Get through college
>Get good at interviews
>Get a good paying job
That should do it and then you won't have to worry, but don't be a dumbass.
>he thinks the last two on that list are easy
>he thinks interviews mean anything in a world of nepotism
Have you considered sucking cock on the side?
This is biggest problem. Why are we told college is best way to live good life ?
All you doing is putting ur self in to dept, come out to be someone’s work bitch.
Unless you have clear goal college is waste of time.
>got through college
>couldn't even score interviews for anything but bottom of the barrel jobs
>went into a phd program instead
>currently in 5th year
>earning jack shit and the program sucks dick
Nepotism is a valid form of networking. Network harder, faggot. Update your linkedin, revise your resume, touch base with your contacts four times a year, visit job fairs, use your university resources.
College/university is how to network with people at companies and get internships, which then often lead to full-time offers at the end of the internship if you put in more than just minimum effort.
At least that's the ideal route for business majors
> Nepotism is a valid form of networking
Only in a world governed by shitty humans, but I guess you do have a point.
die in a fire please
>business major
Might as well kill yourself because the only good thing that would bring you is senior management, without the senor or management on the way in.
>believing the college/university meme
maybe if you are careful and chose something that might have work at the end...
but then you have to predict the job market at least 3 years in the future and hope employers don't actually think the degree is trash and doesn't actually give you any of the skills they want.
Also - entry level job, requires experience xDDD
Network in college. Actually try to get internships/coop etc so you have some experience.
As for the job market, STEM/business major cant really lose. Provided you actually try rather than just graduate a mediocre school with a mediocre GPA and expect a job.
Here, let me predict the job market 3 years into the future for you.
Math. Engineering. Science.
Bam, done. All of those fields will have available positions for people willing and competent.
>thinking its that simple
>All these people poor because of University
Just go to a trade school for a year and learn welding like I did. Had a job paying $40k less than two months after I got out. Now at $60k.
It is only shitty because you can't do it. Welcome to reality.
I wish I did/did an apprenticeship
I took one quarter of senior year before my masters to intern at a engineering company, made connections worked hard and got paid really well. Went back after finishing college they gave me a job.
Can't get a job at a big place try working for a start-up company you will get plenty of experience and a good salary, but you will be doing a crap load. College is a great tool for getting a job, but you have to know how to use it.
same lol, but have a clear plan for the future, i myself will apply to med school next year
>tfw I am a social autist so all this is impossible for me
Please tell me why I did a business degree
>Own my own small business
>Do courier work
>Full time job
>Half my earnings go back into the business and gas/insurance
>Shit is breaking constantly
>Desperately trying to save up for a new car
>Really fucking difficult when something shits the bed on my car on a weekly basis
It's always going to be hard.
This is how it works with Engineering as well. Ideal case is you have an internship every summer after your freshmen year with different companies to fill out your resume. Then make your last internship count because your big boy job will come from that.
I didn't follow that, but it was a lot harder for me. Just my advice.
No, getting a job due to connections and because of merit is fucking shitty no matter how you look at it if you're a decent person.
Not because of merit*
Fucked that one up
Lol fag.
Having been a Petroleum major, the vast majority of job placement comes from people coming from money and working for their dad or a friend of their dad. The public job openings are a facade.
Networking need not apply in that major. It's corrupt from the start and I'm glad I switched out of it.
>I'm an HR drone at the bottom of the ladder! Be like me please!!!
No thanks
I'll just be smart instead and get hired on merit unlike your worthless ass.
>he thinks the last two on that list are easy
>he thinks interviews mean anything in a world of nepotism
I fucking hate these whining bitch posts. Getting a job is not hard. Getting a good job is not hard either.
Interviews are a lot, but being able to make eye contact and calling back later is a lot as well. Quit being such a fucking millennial
I'm a different user, why are some so against networking in school so that they have a better chance after they graduate? I legitimately don't see a downside and a reason for the hate, please explain to a current student.
>enslave black people for hundreds of years
>karma happens
>"why is life soo hard ;___;1""!
whte people actually deserve this
>it's another "smug STEM degree holder" episode
nice bait
found the pigskin
>whites continue to enslave blacks through poverty and welfare
Yeah that karma sure is a bitch huh?
more white people are on welfare than blacks
>this post will cause a trigger
>be OP
>be in college
>have a car
Stop complaining bitch, I had to ride the bus for all four years of uni.
its like no one here thought to themself:
hmmm how can i make a lot of money without paying a lot of money to go to college
its not really that hard to develop a skill and further yourself by setting ambitious goals
Yeah I forgot the rest of the black population is in prison. Can't be on welfare when you're locked up, after all.
Go crash another EVO
To be fair, that was your choice
It wasn't bad at all. My dad gave me a loan to make a start up tech company and now I'm in the 1%. EZ.