Truckerfag Thread - /TFG/

>Straight Trucks 4 Lyfe Edition

Brevious Bread: >44 tonnes of bacon-wrapped stuffed burgers
>34 wet wheels fished out of the river
>Sign that lease and I'll siphon all the fuel out of your reefer
>CDL how come to possess? Private driving school, community college, or learn it from your dad
>Swift: Best Through Construction Zone
>Something about Europeans, I don't know
>Milk, Eggs, Rye Bread, Salami, Gas for Skidoo
>Don't be this

>Truckerfag's head is all leaky and warped looking
>Bepis's balls are as blue as Pepsi Blue from all the clothes on grinding and necking he's been doing
>Everlasting Flattop: New name, old management
>Oilfag mourns the imminent firing of Swampbro due to his inability to answer his phone when work is calling
>Gundam is back in a Kenworth like God intended
>Primefag is on home time with nana and pep-pep
>Truckdog is eating a 1600 calorie burger as you read this
>Doublesfag's balls touched toilet water and consequences will never be the same again
>Whiney is living in a weeb wonderland ever since he discovered that he could turn his P/FJ points into Amazon gift cards
>Balam is hairy, bald and unemployed; the panty moistening trifecta


Welp I'm going back to hauling grain in 2 weeks. Not digging this construction gig. 2 loads from Manitoba to Alberta a week, 42cpm plus 10 hours or so hourly a week.

Too little work/cash?

Too much sitting around at job sites and having to deal with morons on the crews. Hauling grain is significantly less bullshit considering I'll now be hauling for a farmer straight off his farm. Also yes slightly more money back otr vs local. Plus I can save money easier. I'll be in a 2002 379 flattop too I'm pretty sure which is ight.

Any opinions on Averitt?

Anyone know if they have driver facing cams?

They have a lot of used trailers for sale in the south.

Big if true. I might have to try to get on with them.

Haha no longer unemployed

I always find it hilarious how these truckers will literally park on the shoulder of a four lane highway and walk to the Dunkin Donuts on the other side of the guardrail. Fucking savage

>Drans Am :DDDD
They had a better offer than Transport America?

>and post ends in 1
Would’ve been cooler if it was 01 desu
Ayy we grainguy nao
Better than many, but super fucking uptight. Yes on the driver can, must also be clean shaven and wear Averitt uniform any time you step out of the truck, including when parked for the night at a truck stop. One big upside they have is their own network of many terminals with ample parking, shops, cafeterias, showers, gyms, free laundry, etc. Not bad if you can tolerate being a company branded drone.
Be sure to holler at me on the CB if you notice I’ve got a light out as I’m passing you. Kek
Won’t lie I’ve parked in a center turn lane so I could walk into Menards and buy two cases of root beer, on more than one occasion.

It's still Transport America, I just felt Trans Am Balam rolled off the tongue better
I'll be sure to get a CB and yell at every passing truck if they're Gundam

What different niches in transportation has the most understanding shippers and receivers?

I started out hauling lumber. The mills didnt give a fuck about the truckers. They would take the cheapest scum while it lasted until they went broke instead of giving a good dependable driver steady work at an average rate.

I'm now a dump truck driver. I've mostly been hauling sand and gravel from a quarry to a new stock depot they've acquired. I know the quarry pays tandem axle dump trucks $75/hour cause I see the receipts every day I turn into my boss. While in the large break room at the scales one day I overheard a guy coming in asking for work and the guy that manages the place said absolutely. Were hauling gravel out this week to the depot. The guy asked what drivers were charging and then he said he would do it for $50/hour. The guy told him to "get the fuck out I just asked if you could haul some gravel not work for niggers pay"

Thats the type of field id like to stay in if I ever became an owner operator, but dump trucking is extremely boring and uncomfortable.

Are there any other niches where people actually look out for the drivers best interest instead of trying to save a dollar? I was thinking hauling in agriculture would be a good field.

These burgers are gonna make me so fuckin' fat.

>I already am fat

>Transport America
>Trans Am
I don't know why I didn't make that connection. Eediot.

>That sweet triple double
Those burgers looked heart stopingly tasty.

>root beer

I'm an indie root beer fanatic.
In Texas on i-20 The truck stop attached to Texas best smokehouse carries a ton of them, out west Smith's (grocery store) has a fuckton, plus a made to order sushi bar.

Pic related, no clue why it turned sideways

Hopefully you'll have more time for leafposting. Where in Alberta thereabouts?

>Mother of god, my digits

Cooking is one thing I absolutely slay at. One of the only things I paid attention to in scouts/school (as well as woodshop, I learnt to build some kickass things, like a coffee table with an inbuilt chess board)/life in general.

My partner loves it, reckons he's spoilt with homecooked meals. Those burgers are most certainly on my to-do list.

Everything kills ya these days, i'd rather it be a burger than poisonous snakes.

>are we still talking about my stuffed bacon wrapped burgers?

I did those in the pic on a smoker. I recommend a grill so the bacon gets crisper. If it's medium like I generally like it's a pain in the ass to eat wrapped. Pic unrelated.

Got to shipper at 8pm, appointment was at 9pm. Apparently they don't work at night, and broker isn't calling back and stopped answering his phone. I'm slightly annoyed.

It's sure as hell not refrigerated, that's for sure.

do it faggot
Having a hard time following your story there. Company offered dude $50/hr and he told them to fuck off because that’s too low?
I haven’t been fortunate enough to try any other brands, I just happened to come across Sprecher at a restaurant in Wisconsin that kept it on tap. Bottled is still tasty af but it doesn’t compare to how good the on-tap root beer was.
I keep telling myself I should learn to cook, but then I’m a lazy fuck.

Yes Sir, we certainly are.

>Will grill to perfection

Never caught it on tap before. Definitely try Sioux city, who also makes a sarsparilla that's close to a root beer and is really good. Also, boylan, virgil's and Jones soda who also makes a good cream soda. So does boylan.

I'd never work for them. Not sure about the camera but they have a strict dress code. They have to wear this uniform at all times, consists of a tucked in polo shirt, slacks, belt, nice shoes and clean shaven. Since they are otr they still look and smell like shit, obviously. To me it's just a bad image, the truth is if you are company cucking and running hard you just won't have time to deal with appearance like that. And that's why they still halfway look and smell like truckers while being forced to somewhat maintain appearance like it's a job dealing with the general public.

Apparently it’s a thing in some restaurants in Wisconsin. And even though Sprecher is a brewery and they do make alcoholic root beer, their regular root beer is their single most popular drink. The restaurant I was at even had Sprecher mugs that were kept in a freezer so they’d be nice and frosty.

> They have to wear this uniform
They're *supposed to* wear this uniform

You ever get any cheese up There? Got some cubed pepper jack one time that is the best shit I've ever had.

Yeah, that's why we didn't work for them either. Wife wasn't gonna be caught dead in some man looking uniform.


I was told - by an Averitt driver - that it’s mandatory any time you step out of the truck, if you’re not at an Averitt terminal, you have to be in uniform and clean shaven. If someone notices you weren’t and reports it, you get a royal ass chewing and could get fired.
Nah never got any cheese, did get my mom a foam cheese head though ‘cause she roots for Green Bay when they play handegg.

I've never tried root beer. Perhaps I should.

Ha, partner does the same.
>I'll learn to cook
"Uh huhhh"
>He doesn't

Which is fine. I really don't care one bit. I cook, he sorts out the dishes. Solid trade.

Laughable. I usually see truckers dressed like pic related in Australia.

>It was spotless because it was my first day of work. It's covered in grease mud and brake fluid now


>I was told - by an Averitt driver - that it’s mandatory any time you step out of the truck, if you’re not at an Averitt terminal, you have to be in uniform and clean shaven. If someone notices you weren’t and reports it, you get a royal ass chewing and could get fired.

Fuck that noise.

>safety snitches

This reminds me of when I worked for (They who shall not be named). Showed up to talk to my DM in my own car on my home time and this 400lb safety bitch trying to tell me about being in flip flops. My DM had to stop her cause I was gonna flip out. Told her I was there in my vehicle, off the clock, bringing him some trip sheets he needed.

Fuck these moron motherfuckers.

You definitely should

>shitposting episode 1

Hometime has been fun got the audio stuff wired up in my car, doing AC and a bunch of other shit tomorrow, might be getting pussy but I wouldn't hold my breath

I can understand uniforms to an extent. Like, I get why UPS and FedEx require nice looking uniforms and don't just let long bearded smelly dudes in gym shorts and Grateful Dead t shirts drop off packages door to door. But when you're talking about the daily life of an otr driver, that appearance shit is for the birds. I'd like to dress spiffy but the fact of the matter is there just isn't time for that. I spend most nights sleeping at shippers, receivers, rest areas, or literal lots of empty dirt. Sometimes I stay at a truck stop, if you're in a busy area the wait for a shower can be two hours. Plus you have to eat, sleep, fap, and do a bunch of other shit in a short 10 hour break. I just can't imagine running hard and working at Averitt, I think I'd rather be buried alive.

Root beer is good when it’s not name brand soda. Here in ‘Murica the big names are A&W, Barq’s, and Mug, all of which taste like vanilla soda. Find a real root beer to try.
That’s dumb. Glad I work for a laid back company.
>tfw want to work on car but literally have no good tools, no ramps, jacks, or stands
>also kinda chickenshit and don’t want to bork my only vehicle
Some day…
Totes. Skyline offers uniforms, which includes cleaning, but it’s purely optional. Looks like mechanics’ clothing, blue/gray button-up tee and shorts or pants, pocket with company logo on the shirt.

I'll dress up at shipper/receivers with the jeans, nice shoes, tucked in flannel shirt, the quintessential classic trucker look but in between that time, shorts, flip flops and whatever clean T-shirt I have.

I do shower daily if possible, one of my friends has Pilot Shower Power and his friend has Loves Diamond whatever it is, and I'm working on my TA UltraOne Platinum, and we all have access to each other's accounts so we don't pay for showers, but until I have Platinum the rule is if you take a shower off my account you put one back

Aren't you in a casual gay sexual relationship with a former codriver?

Well he didn't specify what kind of pussy.

I don't drink a ton of root beer like I used to but if you ever come back to Houston, Saint Arnold makes a great one and I always have a couple bottles on hand for when the mood strikes. I'm sure there are better but it's become sort of the standard for me. The regular beer is also good. Probably not the best but I don't drink a ton of regular beer either so it's fine with me.

You disgust me. Good luck with that pussy.

>Shorts are slobby
I fail to see why a nice pair of cotton shorts paired with a button up shirt and decent shoes aren't acceptable when at a terminal.

Because it makes you like like the guy in the picture, ie a faggot.

Company asked dude what he was willing to work for, he said $50, company called him a nigger and offered $75 like all the other drivers make.

>Food and shitposting episode one with your host, TruckDog™

Over here, ginger beer is all the rage, but it's far too bitey for me. I will track down root beer, consume it, and return with a report.

FedEx do have nice looking uniforms

I'll look, it's hard to find places that stock imported stuff. I know of one place, i'll go check there.

I agree with you. Especially if the weather is hot.

Based boipucci, of course

>tfw home daily but still sport a neckbeard and disheveled hair
Who else /slob/ here

>Said the busrider with a fresh crop dusting of Doritos sauce powder, pit stains, and a sweet and sour sauce stsin on the front of his Assassin's Creed Black Flag t-shirt

That was a mega, I work for a much smaller company now who works for a larger one. We only have like 30 trucks.

Cool. Also, the good news is fedex uniforms are only for package delivery. Long haul Ground doesn't wear them. Freight does though.

>don't get home until 7pm
>start microwaving leftover lasagna
>before it warms up, company phone beeps
>we need you back by 0600

b b b but at least I'm in my own bed right


>MFW unwashed masses

>11 hours
That doesn't seem so bad tbqhfam. When its busy, I sometimes only get eight or nine hours before we have to be back at it.

>Forgot the image

Truckerbros, non-trucker here. I do accounting as a day job and hate it, but make about $86k a year.

Is truck driving as good as it seems?
>you get your own bedroom three feet away from where you work
>you make pretty good money
>you get to drive on the open road, away from your bitchy wife etc

Some of those semis look like they have apartments built in the back.

Is this all it's cracked up to be?

Can you own your own semi and work for yourself? Is that possible?

Stick to accounting.

Not anymore. Government is regulating everything so hard it's just getting harder and harder to make any money. Used to be a good idea to own your truck, but basically they're not gonna stop until everyone is driving matching white automatic freightliners at 55mph. If as many people quit this December as they say they are, who knows, pay might actually go up for the first time in like 20 years for company drivers.


Nah, you're gonna have to start off working for someone for cuck wages most likely.

Working for yourself takes time, experience and alot of work and saving.

It's breddy gud if you like personal autonomy and not having someone breathing down your neck. Everything has it's pros and cons, it's all about what you prefer to deal with.

I fell for a day rate and after three or four longer than normal days I'm questioning my choice. My rate really starts looking shit when I work over 10 hours. I need to stfu because my job is easy as fuck but other people's screw ups are wasting my time and I'm really missing my set 10ish on/10ish off OTR schedule.

So the guy had a dump truck he owned? They pay people who own their own dump trucks $75/hour? I thought it's usually per load

Getting tired if the end dump might get back into the heavy equipment operating there is a whole new interstate going up I'm sure I can find a toy to be in

Yeah, that's the shitty part about dayrates, when you break it down into hourly.

When I was coil tubing, my day rate was $147 a day, before job bonuses when we were working out in the field. On an 8 hour shop day it wasn't so bad, but the times where it stretched to 12+, it became a lot less desirable.

What are you doing for work?

Only the real men can handle virgin material.

>I've never tried root beer. Perhaps I should.
Bundy ginger beer is what you are looking for.

How long did it take you to collect the pubes to glue onto your chin?

7 hr minimun legal break in Straya. Sgit can get fucked sometimes.

Bundy Ginger beer is root beer? I drink shitloads of the stuff. I used to live right near the distillery in bundy, went for a few tours. Got absolutely blind when I was 12, dragging my hand along the bottom of the vat and licking it all off, heh.

I always thought root beer was different to ginger beer for some reason. huh.

This man speaks truth

Bundy ginger beer is not alcoholic. You are confusing it with rum.

It depends. You could say that ginger beer and sarsaparilla are root beer.
Ive had different root beers in USA that taste like sarsaparilla and others that taste like ginger beer.

I know the difference between ginger beer and rum.

They brewed and distilled everything in the same building. You could go pay $12, and see the whole place. The vats i scraped off and licked were filled with rum. The reason I did so was because he told the adults to have a small taste, and kids not to, so i thought fuck this prick.

Got kinda sloshed.

At the end of the tour, because I was underage they gave me a ginger beer instead of a rum.

Hmm. Since i've had ginger beer, i'll track down root beer and compare.

should be able to get A&W root beer in straya

Well, what do you know. I can.

I can get a few types of A&W down at the local IGA.

Oh nice. I'll look tomorrow when the shops open and report back.

In single cans of diabeetus yoo.

>tfw most of /out/ had their mind blown after learning that Pepsi isn't just any shitposter, but actually a beautiful shitposter

Day 2 of tryin to avoid conversation about my neck with the girls at my stops

Oh bepis, you beautiful bastard you.

How's hiding the battlescar working out for ya?

>tfw """"""""Trump""""""" will be less than 10 miles away from me today

Grab him by the pussy

I got lucky yesterday because the 2 girls I was worried about weren't workin yet when I got to the stops. 10/10 head chef girl, I went to her restaurant early before she got there.

I might have more today if I can finish this BS route in time.

Kill him.

Get banned?

Just checked the last thread. His posts and also daddy's boy's got deleted. So we do have mods on Veeky Forums. The system works. Just a friendly reminder to do your civic duty and alert the mods of blogshit.



I'm the smart pig guy. When I'm in the field the day rate is great as I'm normally just standing around for a few hours at a time. I'll have the occasional long day, but at least they're productive. When I'm in the shop, which closes at 1600, and asked at 1400 to go pick up something on the opposite end of Houston that could have been picked up in the AM i get annoyed. Took me 5 hours to drive 100 miles yesterday, if I'd left at say 10am it would have taken 2.5.

>a package was able to get to Dallas from Fukuoka faster than I could from Missouri
sometimes I just want to buy my own truck and trailer so I don't have to deal with these retarded pencil pushers anymore

>Ginger beer and sarsaparilla are root beer


Real brewed ginger beer is not even close to tasting like traditional root beer.

Sarsaparilla generally tastes similar to root beer, but it's made (traditionally) with extract from the sarsaparilla vine, whereas root beer flavoring comes from the sassafras tree.

Ginger ale, which is soda pop with ginger flavoring, is a lot milder than the brewed stuff, which could be considered closer to root beer, I suppose.

Why all the quotes? Is it not Trump? Does he have a Saddam style body double?

>The system works
Yeah, the mods swooped in just in time to trim three Pepsi blogposts, two EF bragposts, and a handful of anonymous troll posts (that read like they came from the same person that probably got banned) seconds before the thread became archived.


I guess the main thing to consider would be whether you have more long work days or shorter ones.

Zoz. Had the Supra parts overnighted from Japan?

not even overnight, just EMS

My understanding is most of the loads are going to the Lethbridge area but I think he also mentioned Red Deer

>meanwhile in Alberta

>Line of rail cars parked blocking a crossing
>They’re hooking up another line of cars a few feet to the left of this image

I feel your pain. The city I live in, the railyard is right off the downtown core, and they often block several crossings at a time while adding cars.

One of the further crossings is a couple blocks from my house, and there have been times where they block the road for upwards of half an hour.

Looks about right for 'Berta. So are you going to be taking grain from Manitoba to Alberta and then deadheading back?

Yeah I managed to be off duty for 24 minutes there. When they finally hitched and starting moving, they didn’t move faster than a slow funeral procession.

Zoz. Is that Kenworth elog ready or are you still playing at outlaw trucker with paper?

Yeah all of Skyline’s company trucks are equipped with Omnitracs computers for eLogs and all that.
>Still get unloaded after going on sleeper tho

Bu, but that would be an hours of service v-violation!

While we're on the subject, how many of you guys are on e-logs and how many are still on paper? I bought the transflo elog last week but it's a piece of crap, still using the keeptruckin app for my logs. Is anyone going to keep using paper after the deadline?

I can definitely see why many drivers prefer paper logs after using them last week, however I’m interested in seeing if the eLog mandate cripples or shuts down any shade tree operations that have been abusing paper logs in order to accomplish more at lower rates, maybe freight rates will go up. Of course I have next to no idea what I’m talking about here.

That describes about 95% of oilfield trucking outfits up here.

>show up at shipper in Houston at 0800 yesterday morning
>supposed to be unloaded in Dallas by 1700 at the latest
>shipper takes almost 8 fucking hours to unload me because it was supposed to have been loaded at noon the day before
>end up unloading in Dallas at 8 this morning
>planners never take me off my next plan, was supposed to have been live loaded in Dallas at 0800 this morning
>show up at 1000
>it's 1330, they haven't even started loading and when I went in to check they said it would "be awhile" since I was 2 hours late
>supposed to drop in Houston this afternoon, then pick up a load in Houston for a 1030 unload in Dallas tomorrow morning
>mfw I probably won't even make it all the way to houston tonight with my hours unless they hurry up and start loading me

Getting tired of this shit. I like the actual driving and being on the road but lately all this waiting is killing me. I'm claiming detention but I don't know if I'll get it since I'm being set up where there's no possible way for me to get to these appointments on time

Load on this guy's farm in Manitoba for Alberta, then reload somewhere in Saskatchewan to bring me back to Winnipeg area. Pretty simple gig with no fucking around like my old gig

No matter how much you defend your boyfriend his blogposts are still against the rules.

I've only used paper logs for a short time frame when I flat bedded. The rest of my 12 years I never once ran a logbook.

Well fuck me guys, Schlumberger is putting all driver positions on hold for a long time. So back to the unemployment line, at least I got a medical card out of it.