League of Legends General - /lolg/

Follow the damn train edition


first for ff

Have 10 purple shits
Darius skin worth it?

Xth for tfw no Madotsuki champ

good bread

Who is the best designed champion in league, and why is it ___Ekko___?

I hate weekeneds, theres no PBE update coverage. Why does Riot have to work Mon-Fri?

This is my wife, Riven. Please only say nice things about her.

xth for /ourguys/

It's nice never having to see her again since 5 bans arrived

xth for Syndra
finally gottem

Because he's the closest thing to a shota champ we have. League needs a shota!

Everyone who's ever been asked agrees its the worst Hextech and one of the worst Darius skins.
Dont bother with it.

>"m-muh alpha" gets triggered over being ignored
so much for alphas staying calm and collected

it's nice never seeing her again since she's garbage

gtfo furfag

Anyone who plays in silver/bronze and it's pure trash, add me: Verde
We need 1 player for a Flex Ranked, please come soon

Guys, I said say nice things, come on...

Turk server right?

wrong reply?

What about critdamage runes on ashe? It's stable percentile increase of all your damage past first shot (on paper), why shouldn't I run it?

I keep trying to practice with her, even though everyone yells at me!

Sorry, I forgot the most important part. It was EU West. We already got it, sorry

Fiora is a very easy matchup as long as you don't panic. You'll have a minion advantage most of the time, when a vital points towards her you back away a bit until it times out and just don't get baited into riposte. If she ever ripostes the air, straight up Q+E and murder her, she's super squishy.

Yasuo isn't particularly hard, wind wall doesn't even block your E autos.

Irelia is trickier, you have an advantage pre 6 and she can set up good ganks, it's even and mostly comes down to junglers IMO. A bad matchup is Jax because he kind of counters your kit and wins on burst trades early, later all trades.

> she has no hard cc which is bad
You're playing her for damage, if you don't have a couple of people with CC on your team then it's just a bad teamcomp.

> maybe I should build her tank
No, a GA or Abyssal Mask at most, treat her like a ranged champion exclusively (at 37.5% CDR you can have E up forever and you can get there with runes and just Nashor's Tooth).

> if a melee jumps on you its pretty bad because you cant really get them off you
That's why you have Q, W and even R, also a team. Again, treat her like a ranged champion, don't position yourself ahead of your frontline.

How good is Trundle support? Be honest.

I want to beat and rape Riven!

Haven't seen a riven ban for some time now for some reason. Yasuo is doublebanned every other game though (and singlebanned the rest).

Will Kayle and Morgana become bird Vastayas so they can stay winged but fit into actual lore?


And Riven wants to be raped, its the only way she'll get laid.

Three cheers for cumming inside Riven without her permission!



fuck that shit, if they dont keep their otherworldly lore im gonna int a thousand games

How retarded is my idea

My concept of a kalista rework:
Keep everything except her current rend stacking.

>New Rend
Passive: Applies maximum of 5 stacks and has an indicator (think braum or sejuani) and slows the enemy for 10 seconds (Enemy is slowed by 2% per stack)
Active: Can be used once reached 5 stacks, Consumes the stacks and gives kalista (10% per enemy) attackspeed/ increased leap distance.

idk share your ideas

Riven can carry me if she wants to.
Top lane waifus!

I can't not laugh at his noddle legs

>be me
>Gold V player
>climbed there this season from Bronze II using nearly only Amumu and Taric
>but my true love is with playing Soraka
>I love her playstyle, kit, looks, everything in general
>I tryhard every game, poke enemy in lane and nearly always win it or at least stall
>but my teams fuckign throws nearly every damn time
>they just chase for kills instead of doing objectives
>0 peel from team for me when we teamfight
>43% winrate on her after 74 games
>13 wins and 21 loses in last 7 days

Just kill me. If anyone will ever said that playing heal/shield supps is easy mode I will fucking murder him.

Irelia is my pick if Riven gets banned

Niche pick into an immobile ADC + melee/immobile support lane
Can and will sustain the enemies shit in, steal early AD (read: All) from their marksman, completely reliant on Pillar usage.

>picking a support role in an elo with noone worth supporting

you brought it on yourself desu

>% health damage on every champion
Remember when this shit was rare

playing heal/shield supps is easy mode kid, just position better.:^)
>Support demanding peel
fucking what?

Top lane Rammus

As good as you think pillar will be that game but nobody expects how short the cooldown gets.

Name a more iconic duo: you literally cant

I want to look EXACTLY like shyvana!

It's bad. You won't get your stacks on multiple targets unless you already have runaans and teamfight setup is great for you to aa a lot unpunished, in which case your E won't even matter, also gaining aspd after you already autoattacked plenty is kinda counterproductive, it's gonna be worse than jax thing, he gets incremental increases at least, you won't get shit until you pulled off so much autos your enemy is near-dead.
10% is just a small number overall, half the botlane has much more powerful aspd steroids with easy activation. It also takes away your only "burst" which is delayed sure but is a large chunk of your damage and your kit in general, not to say it makes csing so easy. Added mobility part is gonna make her even worse in terms of balancing since her jumping passive is where all the troubles come from. So I don't even know why you thought it's a good idea honestly.

l want to kidnap Riven!

adcbabbys bitch about everything geez

I was surprised to find out Viktor has a crush on Cassiopeia

Why would ADC give a shit about % health damage

Is this Lulu getting blacked?

follow your dreams user

xth for Futaraka is best Raka

Well they are gonna rework her but they only get to choose two between
Her passive movement , rend stacking and her ult.

Why rape Riven when you could rape Lulu____

cumming inside her without her permission while she tries to fight you off her and Pix just watches failing to understand the situation

lulu is a literal onahole

As a squishy I'd take max health any day over retarded base numbers. As a tank it doesn't even matter since resistances cut to zero anything but the most powerful sustain damage. Unless we're talking true damage but it's just fiora/vayne and vayne is shit and well tank buster champs gotta exist too.

I'm not a pedophile

its a nice ship

Because people who don't play adcs think they usually die to maxhealth damage of tanks/bruisers and not to instadelete of assassins/mages who have retarded scalings and dish all their shit in a split second.

draven is fucking broken lads

Mata is cute!

is it worth learning draven just to carry myself out of bronze?

>mfw people still expect early game ganks from shaco
Yes let me just gank your lane and oh wait you decided that farming your minions is more important, guess I'll just 1v- oh guess I'm dead now since I have 0 fucking damage on my abilities and my base stats are that of a cannon minion

Draven isn't a safe pick. You either carry or you lose , there's not inbetween.

Twitch is greed for solo carrying and thanks to his ult you never missposition.

no play garen/annie/lethality MF till youre plat then you can pick up harder champions when you get tired of winning

Draven isn't too hard, keeping up your W is easy and catching axes is basically what every decent adc player on any adc is gotta do too, they just don't get rewarded with damage for it. You'll be fine as long as your don't get too greedy and missposition yourself for a single axe.

>and Pix just watches failing to understand the situation


See you at worlds TSMfags


Also this. There's many adcs who can do something even when behind, who can play safer, and generally always meta or somewhere near it, draven is a lane bully and if you fail to bully you fail the game. Axes deal retarded damage early-mid but after that adcs with huge aspd steroids start to come online and you start to fall off a bit. Also not too much mobility and mediocre range make you risk your head to do anything at all.

Noob here.
What was the worst meta ever?

i hate brand why does he do so much damage

is this you, jhin?

no i'm an azir one-trick

i can't belive your waifus are so shit

Coming back to the game after five years, what are some tips to get back into the groove and retrace my steps from when I was playing back then?

youre my waifu
does this make you shit

Take it back.

it's different game now, user

Too bad TSM is gonna win worlds :/

Are they more psychotic than kled?

I'm blushing user
ye, she takes care of homeless peoples erections whenever she is banned and can't play so that's pretty often

Stay positive bros, everything will be alright, theres always light at the end of the tunnel.

>only get to choose two between
>Her passive movement , rend stacking and her ult.
says fucking who? unless it's been publicly stated those are the target points anything is up for grabs.

I hope they fuck off her W, keep the ghosts in a different state and give her back the attack speed they loaded into it.

But user , to win worlds you first need to know how to beat dignatas!

late xth for breast metal waifu

W-what happened to her....

>playing a cannon minion

she got ganked

No, she rests and takes care of our pets whenever she is banned.

because they constantly bitch about tanks being unkillable while dealing %health damage


are you homeless too?

I want to look exactly like Soraka!

And then find a qt user bf. to do very lewd things like holding hands and cuddling while watching chinese cartoons.

The stacking Black Cleaver meta.

Why is pentakill sona her best skin sonafag?

i feel like i can win any game as long as one other player besides support is playing well
is it ok to depend on your team this much or is it a crutch you should get rid of?

How good is Vlad for stupid people? I remember spellvamp patches when he was the most annoying thing in the world and I didn't bother buying him because I knew that wouldn't last forever, but the way his Q and E work now make me curious. Also, mid or top?

Do you like Illaoi?

Because its the most metal

Are you a cute girl (female)?