Tfw I'll never be able to drive in Ontario Canada

>tfw I'll never be able to drive in Ontario Canada

I dont know how you guys do it. Do you just drive without insurance and use stolen creditcards for gas? I see no other way to afford a car and its related costs.

>wanting to be in canada
enjoy your refugees and chinks, fake america

But you're less white than us. You literally have blacks killing people everyday and half our population in illegal immigrants...


Why is america afraid to say nigger?

I didn't want people to come in and start saying " " if I said it

>t. sand people
>t. chink people
>t. salt cuck
>t. most irrelevant country after new zealand
>literally the only known person from Canada is nickleback and justin bieber

t. 56% white


>mentioning that fourth world hellhole in the same sentence as America

How fucking dare you

Yes and yes, myself included. No one actually registers their cars there or pays for gas because unprecedented corruption and compliance from the people have turned Ontario more than any other province into real life Mad Max

I'm so glad I moved to Oklahoma. I'd rather burn in hell for eternity than go back there. If you value your worth and potential as a human being you'll run as far away from that indescribably less preferable alternative to North Korea as fast as you can.

>living in Onterrible
Your biggest mistake, and mine too. If I get posted to a base in Ontario I'm going to scream, 2 years in this fucking dump is long enough


This place sucks.

Ya it can get depressing.

Have you tried a job?

Insurance for my car + bike + ATV is only just over 1k/yr after turning 25. 24 and below sucks a bit, but deal with it. If you can't swing ~2k/year or less then get your shit in order before getting a car.

Oh, and TRY NOT VOTING LIBERAL YOU FUCKNUTS. It's only old people who have disproportionately been favored by this clown show of a government that ever vote. You want shit to change, help it change.



How about so you can learn a vocabulary beyond cuck and nigger you mouthbreathing unloved NEET

No I'm just not poor. Get a fucking real job or start a business. Canada is a glorious tax shelter.

Like what? I cant find a job beyond minimum wage retail or officecucking.

Don't have any skills?
Enjoy your bus rides.

Not really man. I have some skills normies dont have but no professional experience.

Not sure how im suppose to get experience if you people wont give me a chance.

If you're 27+ and have a classic car, insurance is piss cheap. It's also manageable once you're over 24 and you're clean. Not if you live in the GTA though, then it's double the amount from anywhere else.

Prove to me you can make me money.
Why else would I hire and pay you?

This is the result of participation ribbons. Everyone feels like they deserve a chance to be put on like they're an underdog character in some fucking football movie or some shit.

It's your own damn fault if you're not making money. Cut out this woe is me bullshit and grow up.

Also gonna add the fact that you better hurry up and develop a skillset because with minimum wage going up and automation taking over your competition pool is going to get drastically bigger. Learn how to manage social media properly and do that for some dickpiss companies for $1,000 a month. 4 clients get's you a decent income for literally 4 hours of work a day. There's money literally waiting for people to take it.