[Daily Bike Thread - /dbt/]

Japanese qt with a puzzling facial expression edition.

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yamaha a best

fuck off

checked tho

its ok to be wrong user

>potato face

I would.

You have to keep in mind, user, that yellow fever is one hell of a thing.

Post and rate first bikes.

I know.
Lost a friend because of it. He injected two yellow fevers and then died.

so ive noticed I engine brake quite a bit. It would be like

>stop light ahead
>downshift, blip
>engine brake until about 20% from stop light
>use front and rear brake for remainder

Im thinking this isnt the best. Brake pads cost like 30 bucks while the wear on the tranny probably costs a lot more. Should I engine brake less?

Is that a motorized peddle bike?


I'm all for yellow fever user but they still need to be passable, bitch looks like a balloon full of melted ice cream.

Was a good first bike, pushed it to the limit and it did well.

You meet the weirdest motherfuckers on a Honda.

First nice day for a ride for a while

Still would.

How's the xr ride?

Finally finished my license today and took care of the insurance (250 eurobucks risk group yay).

Let the falling and crying begin!

Sporty but comfortable. Runs smooth at all speeds so it makes a good all rounder on road.
Going to try moving the pegs back on the adjustable rear sets today.


Don't kill yourself

Can confirm

Congrats user! Gorgeous VFR by the way.

Congrats mane, I upgraded my A2 to an A last week, feels good. Enjoy the VFR, fellow V4 user.

Thanks dudes

bitch looks like she's 40, and that eventhough shes asian

i don't have pictures of that shit.
was a peewee 50.

Real life is not Japanese child porn user.

In real life women in their 20's don't look like 12 year old boys.

If the gears aren't grinding then you are not doing damage to the gearbox.

I was assuming they meant on the road, as if not my first would also be one of these.

but i had many bikes before i ever got a road bike, he just said first bike.

is the tank dent?


>is anyone here a terrible rider in their dreams?

Everytime I dream of riding I seem to be swerving all over place like a drunken idiot.
It amazes me how I never crash

Congrats, i had a VFR too, 95' red, devil slip on, dynojet carb kit k&n air filter. Was loads of fun.

Had mine on the rolling road

Yes, and driving too. I always drop my bike in my dreams, or can't operate the brakes for some reason. With cars the seat always shrinks and I can't see where I'm going, or I've had all 3 pedals turn into a dinner tray once.


the clutch is going to take most of the beating from that.

What's more important? Armor or abrasion resistance?

Armor on dirt, abrasion resistance on road.

>Runs 100% until I top it out on the highway for a short bit
>Suddenly lose fuel delivery
>Bike won't go over 85ish
>Go off highway
>Bike idles at 3k and holds that for awhile after I take throttle out
>Crankcase breather tube seemed to have blown off a bit
>Put it back on
>Still some oil spray around the airbox after riding around today
There's a bit of dry rotting on the tip of the lines, but not enough that I'd believe it to be blowing out oil all over the place
Is a bit of oil coming up the breather tube alright? I'd assume it just collects in that small box on the air filter and condenses before going back in
I'd like to assume it's not blow by considering it doesn't burn any oil, and that just replacing those lines would fix the issue

>tfw totaled my bike in pic related
>had to drive 10 miles home with a crooked fork and no peg on country roads+inner city
>at least the throttle isnt going back so its like a cruise control on a bike
best way of suicide without a bike pls?

The last dream I had about riding I was wheeleling road glides.

Holy shit you should not have kept riding it.

the engine is full of dirt.

Enjoy the rebuild because it's fukked

You can get both..

Anybody own a GSXS 750? im looking at it for my next bike.

Blew off at the airbox, not the case itself
If it blew off at the case I wouldn't have ridden it but the assumption at the time was just "pop the sucker back onto the airbox and go"

I learned on a Kawk z200 but I have no pictures, it was a scrap heap that wasn`t roadworthy.

>only one other asshole in the whole country
>other guy is a rich Nig in Deep Afrika
How to find riding buddies?

Don't look for them on Veeky Forums for starters


Is it an American thing to get kids on bikes like these?

There's that French user from /trv/ who's traveling thru Africa via motorbike.
He hasnt posted in months so he actually might be dead

Don't live in a third world country.

>can lane split in california
>too scared and untrusting of other drivers
>sit in heavy traffic that takes me 40 extra minute to go and from work

I feel like that chad vs the virgin meme

I am Australian.

Ew no fucking way

Followed it up with a dirtbike?

If I ever have a kid i'm going to do that. Beats have to listen to harpee screams coming from a flute.

followed up by many dirt bikes, that was like my 10th bike, 3rd if you only count ones i paid for.

>Is it an American thing to get kids on bikes like these?
It's a good dad thing

>blue plastics

It's a love/hate relationship
I lovded it at first. I would look forward to it. But would get sooo many close calls.
Eventually I got hit by this lady switching lanes and totaled my baikfu.

I kek'd. I dunno why. Twice even. Maybe its the gin.

Anyone have/recomend any ear plugs made specifically for riding?

85 outside. Time to squid.

Wow nice bag face

What possessed him to think that was a good idea?

Get custom made ones for snuggle points. Then lose them and buy generic $0.50 30db yellow ones. Make sure to only throw them away when the turn solid brown for foul bachelor frog memes.

The fuck? Thats not even 30 in real temperature. You can do better.

I have

Yeah definitely recommended, can have a conversation at normal volume and not go deaf while riding. Takes a long time for them to get uncomfortable.

Pricing is extortionate though. Had them done via a hearing care shop. €175 for just a bit of plastic gunk with a tiny plastic membrane. If that thing cost more than 5 bucks in total to make i'll eat my shoe. Any generic made to measure hearing protection will do the same shit. Don't buy into that whole special for bike, shooters, diy-ers spiel like I did.

Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Company™

Had a pair of these prior. They suck. Don't get them. They feel like rape going, you have to dig them out and are constant source of discomfort. Also they block off everything so you can't hear anything other than the movements you make resonating at a super loud volume. Like you're underwater. Also they shuffle about or rub, which makes a terrible racket.

Being deaf is slightly preferable.

i use pic related.
pretty much anything under 100db is cancelled out completely.

Pinlock earplugs


>what possessed him

Oh god whats wrong with her face?

I don't read eurocuck languages and the art is shit. What does it say?

Next week, on friday, I'll have my first bike ever in my apartment. I'm about to bust a lethal nut.
1996 Harley-Davidson Sportster 883 XLH
Fuck me, I'll probably die on thursday midnight.
Please help.
I'm about 20 years old btw.

Fuck dudes, should i buy an Africa twin or get an sv650? I've got a motard atm so the sv650 would be good for road riding and commuting but love how the Africa twin looks and would love a big dirt bike, any thoughts?

Africa Twin is double the price, obviously it's a better bike.

I broke down at a nice scenic location today.

"broke down" meaning I dropped it and bent the shift lever underneath the crank case. Luckily I was right next to a firefighter training ground and got one of them to get a prybar and unbend it for me. But what the hell am I supposed to do in this situation normally? Try to put back home in first gear?

Why would you want that? It's worse than the FZ09 in just about every imaginable way.

bend it with your hand.
why are you so weak?

I don't think so m8. Maybe on your chinese scooter you can bend the metal parts with your hand, but I couldn't even wedge it back with a screwdriver

Dude I had one with like three sets of handlebars, one moved normally but did nothing, one was fixed in a near unreachable position and the third were fixed and moved only straight up and down in slots in the fairing

Blew my own mind just trying to figure out how to work it, guessing that happened because I've never been on a sport bike but really want one.

In terms of security/theft prevention, is parking your bike like any other vehicle a smart thing to do?

I unfortunately have to park mine in front of my fenceless front lawn

Fucking prole.

How does someone become so fucking disgustingly fat?

They blame their metabolism while they eat about 5000 calories per day.
fat people are truly disgusting.

Hide it. Buy one of those portable sheds and zip it up. Park it in 1st gear always

out of sight is your best bet, find some way to hide it. Put a bbq tarp over it if you have to

the colonies of the eternal kraut, the eternal crumpet, the eternal baguette and the eternal fake country in that order

I seriously believe that they are conducting a self experiment where they try to see how fat they can get because no sane human being can do that to themselves and think its ok


>those tendies
lawd jesus

He's been thru parts of Africa and some places in the Middle East like Iran and Kurdistan via a 4x4.

He started this trip going down the west coast and bribing his way south and getting fake documents and what not.
It was pretty interesting to follow his travels
But he hasn't posted in months so he is either in jail but most likely dead

already posted a pic but yee

Uncanny resemblance

I'm thinking of buying this rear stand for $30AUD. Will fit a CB400? I don't know much about them, I'll post my swing arm next

What kind of shitbike do you ride where you can bend the shift lever by hand?

fpbp also checked
