Fighting Games General /fgg/
Friendly reminder that SFV and T7 are identically bad. Both have horrendous input lag, terrible online experience, a lack of character variety, and sparse on features. They even share artificial load times. If you promote either of these games you're a fighting game community killing scrub equal to a Smash kiddie.
Friendly reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
death to all guity gear players
guilty gear anyone?
When's Anji though?
these kids are just posturing. they have no clue how GG is actually played
all you have to do is look at any high level GG footage and you'll see it's all about converting hits, pressure and oki
Hopefully never. Faggot needs to stay away from my wife.
not soon enough
Play Linnes and Wagners game.
repeating the wrong thing over and over doesn't make it right
>Doesn't know who was one the phone in her arcade mode.
>tfw nobody ever played storm/dormammu and got 2 bars and sniped assists
If I played marvel, that would be my game plan
are you really implying in the history of 7 years of umvc3 no one has sniped an assist with dorm or storm
did you just do that
repeating the wrong thing over and over doesn't make it right
movement is important, but moving around doing no meaningful damage is fruitless. it is more effective and important to be awful at moving around but still converting stray hits into actual damage, knockdowns, or creating scramble situations and getting really good at those.
nigga I said both of them AT THE SAME TIME
people shit on sfv but really what else is there i can play if i want a solid 2d fighter with active online
Maybe you should spent more time playing instead of theory fighting?
Melty blood is free
Regardless of what games people say you're just going to either say the game is shit or the online is "dead" (despite being alive and just not as populated as SFV). Why bother making that post? You know exactly what games people are going to say anyway.
Only if you're not a shitty american.
you mean no one ever in the history of marvel 3
has ever
sniped an assist
as storm and dorm
yeah never seen that before no one EVER would have ever thought of wasting 2 bars to kill someones backline when you just use literally anything else and do the same thing or something haha really crazy imagine like if someone used any tools their character had like whirlwind or purification to just snipe assists over the 7 years of umvc3's life no ONE has EVER dONE tHaT
damn the new sfv online is so good. just got my first grim reaper match and he rqed after getting perfected
nobody has every played storm and dorm on the same team ever in history
>saying anything positive about sfv
they're coming..
play pokken
nigga did you really think I meant running around the screen doing no damage?
All I was saying is that moving in guilty gear is important. Knowing when to move forward, making sure to fd brake, making sure not to air dash at awful times, making sure not to forget that you can just jump with out airdashing, making sure to tech into good areas
you don't play fighting games. fuck off you parasite
People who say I only play jive because it has people dont realize if you all stopped having that shit mentality every game would have more people on it.
I want Lusamine to step on my worthless virgin penis!
then what is this
>Game doesn't have Celesteela
For what purpose?
We can all agree that Brief karate foolish is the most technical fighting game out there, right?
you can tell by the 3 vergils on the other team
>start playing tekken with friends
>instantly click with leo and start winning matches
>friends call me a tier whore even though I didn't even know about the game's tiers until today
what do I do
Reminder that this is a thread for fighting games, plural, meaning that it is for people who like "fighting games", not for people who like "a fighting game". Everyone who posts here should own at least 3 modern fighting games, have fightcade on their PC, and regularly play at least 2 fighting games, otherwise go the fuck back to /v/ you fucking shill.
>dyke storm
tell him what you just told fgg
stop denying that you are wrong
there's literally no other game though
the only other thing I can think of is Rev 2 and that is just not the kind of fighting game i like
say "shut up bitch"
its really not that hard
>tfw there will never be an online version of BKF
you retarded?
Look at him in the eyes and say "This is my game"
photoshopping the task bar on top of the picture now? pathetic
lookly look here gimp is on the task bar too
i don't know why you're even talking then. saying "movement is important" is completely useless because that applies to basically every fighting game. it's definitely not as important as combos and offense when it comes to gg.
also teching plays more into scramble situations imo, not really a movement thing.
Talk about fighting games.
>Steam Achievement Manager
Why did people sick of SFV move to Tekken, a 3D game, over another 2D game like GG Rev? I refuse to believe so many people could be THAT repulsed by anime designs.
Grey you're a fucking retard.
this guy is still at it
movement is a big part of neutral
neutral is more important that combos/setups
don't know why thats so hard to grasp its the same for every fighting game. Knowing combos and shit is cool and all but doesn't mean shit when you can't land the hit
Its fine that you dont like GG but dont say Jive is the only thing cuz of numbers theres plenty of games out there to play even if they have smaller communitys you can find people to play just about fucking anything.
Why don't you play Honest Brit of good neutral tools?
Tekken plays closer to Street Fighter than Xrd does.
GGs combo system is honestly pretty shit
If you enjoy a fighting game that I don't I hope your game dies and I hate you.
Please leave or I will be forced to make fun of your game because I am insecure about my own.
so are you
was that guy beaten by him and being a sore loser?
cause all I would do is do that move where you wrap them up with the chain rc it then push them into the corner while they're chained cause it looks cool
Injustice 2
Jive players started playing it for stream views so they followed the pack.
I won by spacing him with godoukens
he never sidestepped once, then got mad I didn't give him the rematch
>he crossed out the player names.
Well that's just uncalled for.
Play succs.
Unlike Tekken, GG plays like complete garbage. It's not about the number of dimensions.
He's ashamed of playing Axl
its ok i only masturbate to animal boys anyway
if you say silver rashid five times in the bathroom with the lights turned off, this shows up on the mirror
See what said.
Tekken has long combos yeah, but movement, poking and whiff punishing are HUGE parts of tekken just like in street fighter. i went from SFV to T7 myself
even though tekken is 3d it's much more similar in style to SF than GG
i unironically hate injustice 2/mkx
i played them at a friends house and i have never felt a game so fucking sluggish, so fucking lack of control. it was fucking insane
what a loser
If you want a solid 2d fighter, sfv isn't a choice
Most of my friends went to Tekken and I didn't want to be alone
When I play fighting games I want movement,pokes, and whiff punishes
GG is too much bullshit
Whiff punishing is big in GG though, you can't gatling your normals when you whiff.
Leave killing SF V to me
>b-but muh 1 billion mechanics
>past month
>tekken 7
>bought jive
Fighting games are back and it feels so good
>Zappa, Robo-Ky and Anji all appear in the story mode
>Arcsys will most likely add Asuka and Ariels
What are we gonna do Bridgetbros... they're never going to add our boy at this rate...
Redpill me on Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
T. melee player
Dont worry once P5A is out gooby gear wont be talked about for a good while since afgc jump ship every 6 months.
Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, KoF and MK/Injustice have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!
If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.
RNG game of 50/50s
>check my match history
>have met 0 fang and 0 kolin so far
>17% Ken and 12% Ryu
Really? Huh. What's the unironic pinnacle of fighting games?
>Likes shit not fighting game
>Wants people to convince him to play a shit fighting game
Stay in your containment board shitter.
its shit, dont listen to 30 year old losers who cant let go of thr past with their ST glasses on
the first significant hit matters. otherwise, you can play neutral all day and lose if you don't convert. you're going in circles. good movement with bad combos is completely awful in gg. gets very little reward in neutral and on offense. only some extremely good players like e.t, zadi, isamu, and n-o in xx can make this style work in gg's system, but aside from zadi they are not considered best of their character by far.
otherwise, guys like fab, nage, samitto, omito are all clear best or most think they are the best of their chars, and it's mostly because fab has retardedly good conversions and reads in scrambles/on offense, nage has great item improv when it comes to combos and pressure sequences, samitto is literally known for having bad defense but makes up for it with strong offense and combos (not superior movement, definitely not while e.t is playing chipp), and omito is really good at conversions and coming out on top in scrambles (whereas karinchu has stronger movement esp in air since he's not an old school johnny player; he takes advantage of his new tools and strong optimal combos, but constantly drops random hits).
the threat of getting hit by big damage or strong setplay from a knockdown is also a big part of neutral. so if i know you suck those, i can play neutral with more freedom and take more risk and not even worry about certain things. if you're not converting any counter hit 6Ps with sol into 200 damage, what do i have to fear? your movement?
>movement, poking and whiff punishing are HUGE parts of tekken
Who the fuck is Fang?