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This one is near me


buy it you cuck

I almost got one of these a few years back.

also someone post the AZ1

almost looks like it's missing it's front drivers side wheel.


is it wrong that this is one of my dream cars?
Would import one from Japan but I don't have the $17,000 - $20,000 that it would cost.

do it. fucking do it.

>Would import one from Japan but I don't have the $17,000 - $20,000 that it would cost.

They only cost that much if its a low mileage one.

the average autozam AZ-1 go for way cheaper.

what was the point of this post?

>riced out honda that doesnt belong to you.

I fucking hate you flyover faggots.


>being a phoneposter

kys faam

it's $5000 to buy one in Japan. It's the shipping and getting it road legal here that's the problem.

Ive been watching them for about 2 months now, waiting for a nice one to come up so I can buy it.
10k landed is on the very very low end, it will have issues out the ass
15-16k will get you a working one with mid-high km's with a couple of minor problems
18-20k will get you one thats got low km's and no problems
Anything more than that youre just paying a premium for showroom tier stuff, im australian too o its all AUD if you need to convert it

I am also a fellow cunt.

I hope you are able to get one soon, even if its before the sevs changes, have it stores somewhere in japan so you dont have to fight americans for them. They have already started going up a bit in price

I'll just go to Japan and drive on there.

Currently wanting to buy a Z4 or SLK230 to enjoy Summer in.