Can you feel coming cali? Say it with me, no more shitbox fart cannons

Can you feel coming cali? Say it with me, no more shitbox fart cannons.

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more like no more anything dumbass

But user, don't you want a Tesla? How about a nissan leaf? Chevy bolt? People's republic of California knock-off gee whiz?

>mfw every car's battery on the 1-110 SB dies due to traffic jam that now becomes a logistic nightmare to clear

they should just ban commuting by car and get proper public transportation but that would involve efforts from everybody so they will just buy a tesla and tell themselves that they are helping the environment.

And of course all of those people won't change their diet to cut out meat (animal farming more harmful than driving) because that'd actually be a sacrifice in luxury.

Also everyone will keep using computers, ac, and electric lighting because it's just convenient.

People are delusional is they think there's any solution other than genocide, lmao. World population needs to go down back under 1 billion.

oh shit never thought of this

think of all the electricfags asshurt LMAO

back to your cesspit

libtard califag hippy faggot detected

Holy shit, could this actually happen.



>Only rich people should be allowed to drive cars in California
You just KNOW that this bill is being heavily lobbied by public transportation officials, the companies that make public transport, and anyone else who competes with personal transportation.

Like every retarded califuckian politician they'll ban anything they don't like its hilarious the amount of bullshit they go through

stupid cum guzzlers

Getting rid of cars is more about making the city more livable than helping the environment and I dont consider most transportation systems to be good enough.
better dead than no red its not my fault that capitalism make selling meat to westerners more profitable than selling food to the turd worlds.

>drive from nevada to cali
>get arrested for murdering the environment

>local cali resident
>california bans ICE cars
>tells everyone to turn them in
>no market buyback
>politicians and hollywood executives and shit exempted

sperg more.

its more about taxing the fuck out of the middle class by making them pay for shit like CARB and other garbage regulations including wicked taxes on gas

I'm here in Louisiana and gas is 2.40

Cali gas is what? 3.20?

California is such a shithole

>replying in the first place


Cali has some 30 million registered vehicles. Since Electric cars aren't a significant part of it yet so I'd assume thats almost 30 million ICE vehicles.

Good luck commiefornia replacing all those cars

>people on Veeky Forums ACTUALLY think this is going to even come close to happening
Stay retarded

You underestimate how retarded californian congress is

sperg more

It'll be something ridiculous like the current program, which could be interpreted as requiring that 4.5% of your car sales be EVs but doesn't really:

There are way more car enthusiasts than gun owners in california. This won't be as easy not to mention that they get the talking point that this would essentially force all poor people to buy a new car.

This too. Hell new cars get such good MPG and follow such stringent emissions standards that I don't see the point.

>There are way more car enthusiasts than gun owners in california.
Who fucking cares california politicians hate car owners like they do gun owners. They'll just shit on them all by a bunch of politicians writing ridiculous laws about things they don't understand

There was one user on here who had a mustang and because of CARB he can't put a super charger in his crown vic even though it had the same engine and supercharger or something as the mustang did because CARB didn't approve of the supercharger in a crown vic but they did a mustang.

>Hell new cars get such good MPG and follow such stringent emissions standards that I don't see the point.
Thats not good enough, think of the children, no one needs a high powered gas guzzler, our environment needs us more than you need gas and to get to work

Then you'll get the governor

>this gas tax is good
>you're all a bunch of freeloaders (to middle class people complaining about the recent tax)
>just take the bus!
>you don't need a car

Like with guns, it'll be a death of a thousand cuts with one retarded little tax after another piling up.

>force all poor people to buy a new car.
France pretty much did that by banning all cars on the road before 1995 or some shit

>>politicians and hollywood executives and shit exempted
Oh how true it is

The day i can't drive my car is the day i fucking move out of california but my job and family is here so i'm fucked please send help

>police may own assault weapons and high capacity magazines even after they retire

>california bans high capacity engines like Ford, Chevy and Dodge V8's
>politicians exempted
>feinstein rolls down the street in her dodge challenger wanting to run over some protesting gun owners
>ma'am you can't drive that!
>yes I can I'm exempted you fucking pleb

>did you pay your tax you fucking pleb?
>no empress feinstein I couldn't afford it
>m-ma'am... I...

>spend 2 hours in a traffic jam during the summer in an electric car
>AC kills the battery

>Hail from San Francisco
>the complete nightmare of SF Muni
There are literally an army of people who will defend our public transport to the death. You mention anything bad about Muni, and you get these fuckers who will claim how it's "DA BEST PUB TRANSIT IN 'MERICA!" and how you have no right being offended by all the fareskippers fucking up the quality for everyone (homeless, addicts, thugs), and these same people will fawn over how "cool and it's like a show!" on all aggressive and depressing shit that happens on Muni.

It's a city with 800,000+ people crammed into 7 mile by 7 mile square with water on 3 sides. And yet if you DEPEND on SF Muni to get to work and around, you get shit tier quality.

Holy fuck I am mad right now.

Got a solution for you
>don't live in the big shitty
>don't have to deal with big shitty faggotry
Real easy

>assault weapons
There's no such thing as an assault weapon.

electric cars barely use any energy when they aren't moving. You could sit in one for 24 hours with the AC or heat going, before needing to charge.

The ban being discussed is for new cars. You can keep your old shitboxes and buy other private sellers' shitboxes. You just wouldn't be able to buy a new one from a dealership.

what about trucks and SUVs?

will farmers and other professionals have to grovel before CARB to get a specially licensed guzzoline vehicle for work?

Yeah, there will probably be exceptions for commercial and emergency response vehicles. Will be exceptions to a lot of shit, especially in the case of the almond farmer lobbyists (lol we dindu nuffin, watering lawns caused the drought). Right now, the idea is literally in the stage of "shit that the governor thought in passing that mite be a gud idea."


Los Angeles is way to big for all electric to work. Well, especially with the current infrastructure. We would need to rely on public transportation more, but it would be far too expensive to cover every square inch of LA.

The poor people live in the outskirts not reached easily by Metro. And the rich people, who don't need public transportation live within the city.

"California officials" should go ask Gray Davis what happens to elected officials who fuck with Californians' cars.

Brb firing up the old horse and cart.

(citation needed)

A line from Roadkill from their trip to Alaska:
This isn't California. This is America.

Yeah, can't wait for horse shit, deafening hooves and disease to take hold again.

I have had or have 3 leafs. the HVAC/infotainment uses like 1 kw per hour and the battery pack is 26-30 kwh depending on year.

Jokes on you, peasent. I can afford shoes.

Thank you user, I actually wanted some numbers.

Ameriturds BTFO

Yuropoors are more likely to see it happen than Burgers. Yuropoors already have Congestion Fees and ban cars from city centers.

california ruined their cities by making freeways. get rid of freewaya in the city and watch people figure out how to find the best route to go to work. boomers and families need to fuck off with the muh noise pollution, go buy some better windows you stupid fucks

thats london, that city is dominated by the banks, every other city is comfy

and Sweden, and Rome, and the germans

I think paris banned diesels because they had china tier smog.

munich is the only city cucked enough to do it even though its not even the largest or 2nd largest cith

>land of the free
>can't even drive a petrol car

We should be asking ourselves though: is banning cars from city centers /really/ a bad thing?

City driving is a horror show. It's slow, confusing, and stressful just to get from A to B, even ignoring how difficult it is to find parking.

Cars just don't fare well in that environment. They belong on open roads where they can stretch their legs and settle into their most efficient cruise, and in areas where there's space to put them and a need for their cargo carrying capabilities. Cities provide none of those things for cars.

Plus, removing the car from the equation removes the need for parking as well (for the most part; you still will need parking spaces for people driving into the city) which allows for more areas to be zoned for things other than parking- productive things like businesses, parks, and housing areas.

City driving is a horror show. It's slow, confusing, and stressful just to get from A to B, even ignoring how difficult it is to find parking.

Are you a woman?

City driving is fine. Not every city is NYC or LA.

t. Boston and Charlotte fag. Both cities offer great city driving.

Typical america behind the curve on everything.

Seattle fag. The rules of the road in Seattle might as well be foreign in comparison to literally anywhere else in the area (especially the Eastside, where I'm from) because there's a trillion stipulations all based on different ideas of city planning from various decades (along with some god awful, inconsistent signage that sometimes is downright unreadable), so it's possible that my experience with the pants on head retarded road design in Seattle has blurred my judgement. I remember from my brief visit to Boston that it was quite clear on most of the roads and it seemed like it was all relatively well maintained.

Regardless of your experience driving in the city, you can't deny that cars simply aren't in their element in the concrete jungle. They're less efficient than they can be, take up lots of space, and are more prone to hitting things. IMO it's better to put them somewhere they can shine- suburbia and rural areas. PT works far better for cities.

>California somehow gets worse
Does California do anything right?

im pretty sure that banning the most common variety of car, at the local state level- would be literally illegal

*dies from the extreme heat not even saudis would put up with*

>uses a picture of Australian RHD traffic

>everywhere not a city is a desert
not sure if pretending or just fucking dumb as all hell

This is why EV won't be a thing till Musk gets his head out of his ass and supports liquid Hydroxy.

>The hydrogen meme fuel

How's that catalyst replacement every 10000 miles, Tricia?

What about external combustion engines :^)

We excel in fucking things up for everyone.

Hop to a new one every time the Nissan quality CVT died, eh?

There is in Cali. It's anything that can be used as a weapon be it a Red Rider BB gun or a 9mm pistol. It's all an assault weapon or an AR-15 in Commiefornia

>to make the batteries for electric cars fucking destroys the earth and poisons it
>the energy needed to charge them ruins the earth even more
But guise electric is sooooo good for the environment:)

>50 of the worlds largest cargo ships pollute more than all cars on earth combined
but ummmmmmmmmmmmm fuck off racist? we NEED electric cars cuz theyre the future :)

>Musk called it a meme so it must be a meme
Be it hydrogen fuel cell, hydrogen combustion engine, or even hydrogen thermoelectric, fucking hydrogen steam, it doesn't matter. Anywhere with water and electricity can make Hydroxy, they can save it up, store it, and they can dump it into a car as fast as any liquid fuel.
Fuck this Tesla supercharge shit, you out a 3x3x5 foot box in your Garage, plug it in to power and connect a hose to it, then anytime you get home plug in your car and it's full in three minutes.
Just because everyone's arguing about how shit certain hydrogen to electricity converters are doesn't mean it's a dead technology.

It's you edgy teenagers and lefties that force the 'issue' of overpopulation. Fucking look at the facts.

76% of the world's population is in Asia and Africa. When the bubble finally breaks and Western countries stop putting their hands into their own pockets for failed 3rd world shitholes there will be starvation and death on a scale unheard of. If people take offence, it's a tragedy, whatever. We can't stop the fucking morons from pumping out 13 children each. Aside from aid in the form of money and food, those shithole countries get contraceptives and training how to use them.

Stop giving a fuck about overpopulation, it's not an issue and it will resolve itself. It's just a fucking meme.

nigga wat, me not getting my electronics and other consumerist shit will be a real issue because of eventually higher demand from China and India

>California is such a shithole

says the guy in louisiana, lol

>banning cars is bad!
>hurr hurr go back to /pol/ #triggered #ptsd

California politicians did this with guns. They are exempt from all of the gun laws they have passed since 2011.

>ITT: there are asshurt spergs who don't realize there are non-retest counties in CA
>and are implying that rural counties will ever allow ICE ban
>oh but the hill said so
>oh but those libtard lawmakers are fucking pinkos
10/10 bait OP

>shitbox fart cannons
I saw that stuff on a german dominatrix site
fucking twisted

get a job

>implying rural counties will ever allow high capacity mag ban
Oh wait

too much big oil in California. unocal, chevron and fuckton of others are here and have shown to have immense power over how things are run. Once some energy company starts waving fat fucking stacks around, and prices go down, talk like this seems to always go away. I like electric but I don't see the state weaning off oil any time soon.

Apples to oranges there chief. Guns arent essential for modern life in the way transportation is.

>Liberals, two years later: well, we're gonna regulate it.
>Liberals, four years later: well, we're not going to do shit because republicans have control again

Also lmaoing @ thinking the problem is cars not being good enough when the problem is too many cars

>i...i need a 4 tonne box to move me and five bags of groceries. it's about the comfort!

No way this would happen. The libtards rely on illegal mexicans driving shitbox civics to do all the cheap labor

If they couldnt drive, Cali would devolve into anarchy

They are essential for some people but they don't need high capacity mags

Since when do you run into more than 20 hogs you have a chance at killing

what about motorcycles and scooters though?

maybe we should take a hint from asia. they could work pretty well if you had 1000 people instead of 10,000 because we don't breed like asians.

You're actually right. Guns CAN be essential for some cuts of life. banning high capacity mags does not require you to scrap the whole unit in a way that banning ICEs would.

>going hog hunting
>not having two guns
i see laws being stricter on new vehicles, sure
but CA loves cars
and most emissions standards aren't retroactive
>you test emission levels for your car model, not some gold standard moving goalposts

On the one hand, I see no reason for motorcycles to go away... On the other, they'd need much stricter emissions controls, because motorcycles can spew out just as much nasty shit as any coal roller can.

Double edged sword I guess. At least they'd be cheaper to operate

Dont forget the 8million unregistered illegal immigrant mobiles. They dont need no stinkin badges

Also they could stop making ICE cars now and wouldnt do shit all mechanics would still have jobs for 50 yrs and plenty of parts to rebuilld all those cars to keep one thr road another 50yrs

mfw electric cars can only win, when government bans the competition

I mean come on, if your faggy 4-wheeled smartphones are so superior, why they can't beat ICE cars without help?

pick one