Modern car design

>modern car design

>In this age, pedestrian safety is a number 1 prio-

Everything at the Tokyo Auto Salon is a circus. No bearing on design trends.

>pedestrian safety
or... OR (bear with me guys, this is one crazy idea) you could look both ways before crossing the road.

I... I kinda like it desu

>Y U No Rike?

That looks like a fucking spawn villain, or a decepticon that forgot to transform it's face.


we transformers now

you're insane

That jeep looks like a Call of Duty gun.


D:< on my way


it actually looked enraged at that fact that it's an electric car.

Looks like a cow catcher


"perhaps he's wondering why you'd pass a man before going 5 under in the left lane"

If I take the grille off will you die?

that meme is way danker than the one i made

It would be most painful

By law in most places cars need to be designed to protect the pedestrian in a crash.

you're a mid to fullsize van

you're a big car.

>the masketta man


>the masketta man
>not masketta van
cmon son


get this user into congress

for you

hat promo girl is cool

so.... that thing is supposed to appeal to older women?

mirin' that toyota 2 door SUV



It's fucking sick, I hope it makes it to production

are you sure this is not some promo for one of their power ranger series? It looks like something a power ranger would drive.

>legs and entire inside visible
cant masturbate anymore