Okay guys. I lost my drivers license. How should i feel? I literally don't know how to respond to this except for the fact that it'll be expensive as fuck.
Image not related.
Okay guys. I lost my drivers license. How should i feel? I literally don't know how to respond to this except for the fact that it'll be expensive as fuck.
Image not related.
Chances are you lost your license for good reason. Time to rely on friends, family, and good old public transportation as you suffer for your mistakes. Or you could bike, but we all know thats retarded.
What happened, user?
>implying you need a license to drive.
Git gud
Drove 119 in an 80 zone. It was late and there was almost no traffic and i was only around 2km away from home. Just wanted to get home asap and did something really stupid.
>Be me
>Drive around 140
>Slow down to around 110
>Bike starts approaching me from behind
>He looks like he is going fast
>I'll join him
>Go upwards 120 again
>Blue lights start flashing on the bike.
>He didn't want to race.
>Take it like a champ and accept the charge and ticket.
That's unfortunate. They sometimes 'just' give you a ticket for going 90 at those speeds. You weren't even at 150% of the limit.
Time to move to the city.
Yeah. I go to school around 30km away from here. God forbid public transport, but it looks like I'll have to do it and learn from my mistakes. Holy shit my girlfriend is pissed about it. She scares me more than the ticket I'll receive.
Yeah, i think the limit is at 30%. So in an 80 zone, going above 110 is enough to lose your license. Lost it for 9 damn km/h. I'm pretty pissed about that, but i guess it could have been worse, nice cop though, he told me that i was lucky that i sped down at one point because he was measuring my average speed which was way higher at one point. Phew.
Get off the board, loser
You don't belong here anymore.
Good one mate. Aint lost my license legally until i receive the ticket in the mail. And i of course still got my car.
If you haven't already paid the ticket it might be a good idea to hire a lawyer and fight it in court. Chances are you can keep your license and it might even be kept off your record, making the lawyer worth it in the long run compared to increased cost of insurance (at least thats how it was for me here in America). I was able to get my ticket of 70 mph in a 35, which for you would be roughly 115 in a 55 zone.
Good luck handling the ticket and if you do get it dropped drive much more carefully. Limit your speeding to tracks, if you just have to zoom around on public roads remember the risks and be completely prepared. If a cop sees you speeding you probably weren't prepared to be speeding.
Thanks for the tips, but i already accepted the offense at the time i was stopped. And in the long run it probably won't be worth it, and especially if i don't win the case. Which i probably won't since they have both video evidence and my agreement on the offense.
I had already tried to defer my ticket and been refused, at which point I had no choice but to pay. I then hired a lawyer and he got my ticket changed to inattentive driving. $600 for the lawyer, $50 for the online drivers ed class, $250 for the court fee. This is compared to ~$350 plus whatever unpleasant insurance increase 35 over would net me for several years. I don't care what you think, contact a lawyer who has a history of results and ask them if anything can be done. I am certain that you'll be in for a pleasant surprise.
Thanks. I'll call someone and see what can be done. Thank you!
And yes, when the cop pulled me over I admitted guilt. It was my first ticket and I didn't know what I was doing.
Sorry OP, how long you gotta wait for til its reinstated?
Also, this is why I never understood the obsession Veeky Forums has with speed. I know everyone on this board isn't tracking with their car so what's the lust for it? Why put a turbo in your car just to lose your license?
Becayse if you dont speed in residential areas you don't get pulled over. Nobody cares about back roads.
Its all good man, been driving with no license for the past two years. Just dont get pulled over
Whenever you play with the devil and speed, be aware of the consequences. When I speed I have a vague idea of the legal ramifications should I get caught. If the speed implies I'm going to jail, I need to be ready for it.
What you need to do is move to a good city with good zoning outside the US that is in Europe and features possibility for a lifestyle not dependent on the personal vehicle.
Lawyer or not, you're gonna get dicked financially. If your record is that important you'll shill for legal representation
Speeding laws are stupid.
They should cut the bullshit on this and focus more on soccer moms texting in giant suvs.
>be me
>almost get a felony DUI because BAC
>have it dropped to misdemeanor + 9 months classes (30 dollars each week x 4 x 9 = $1,080, plus court costs and CHP bill)
>financial castration
>1 year license suspension
>thought it would help me learn my lesson, so I "took it like a man and to receive my punishment"
what i found out is that a year of not having a car will fuck you up financially more than you realize right now. you won't spend three hours a day on public transit for a job that will further your career, you will choose something closer and shittier, and your options will be severely limited by your limited location. riding the bus and train seems nice at first, but you'll soon find you have to add extra travel time to your day for the bus you miss by 40 seconds and the train that is running late due to maintenance. add that up over an entire year. is the couple of thousands of dollars to at LEAST keep your license worth not losing a couple of hundred of hours on the bus plus the lost job prospects? oh, and your social life will be incredibly fucked. friends and definitely women will not want to make plans with you an hour and a half ahead of time while you're weighing out which bus line will arrive on time/be the fastest/run the latest for when you get home afterwards. the other option is to uber/uberpool, but that will destroy your budget way faster than you realize.
I'm sorry that you live in the freedom states.
Posts like these scare me, sometimes at 2 AM on weeknights after work I'll go 80 in a 40 just to get home faster
They should, take it to the track next time hun
I'm in europe.
>take it to the track
how about we do the real sensible thing here
we take the morons off the road and up driver skill requirements and safety inspections so 80mph is considered a normal speed
and then fill in the gaps with technology
>be you, a dumb poorfag who derives their sense of self worth from following the rules like a good boy
>drive a 1980s mid engined toyboata in bone stock condition
>pull out of your driveway
>instantly descended on by cops for having a vehicle incapable of meeting modern standards for braking, acceleration, safe handling characteristics and being too dumb to drive
>rage hard as some chad in his 2027 camry zips down your residential street going 65
>"i...i bet he has computer-assisted emergency braking...fucking normie"
>"muh freedom"
Underrated post
You'll get it back soon op just don't drive. Mine was suspended for a year because I refused a test for suspected drunk driving and i drove without a license because a year is a long ass time and I lived in the suburbs 2 miles uphill from the nearest bus stop at the time. Ended up getting arrested for it once but the case got dismissed because I guess in my city it costs more in paying prosecutor's then they get from suspended license fines so they just dismiss all driving on a suspended license charges and have for years. And I never got charged with a dui so I learned my lesson without a record luckily, but not having a license for a year and always being worried about driving sucked
please do, don't take everything they give you. even if you admit to speeding, the offenses that carry it can be negotiated down to similar offenses
I got caught doing 100 in a 70 the other day, but the guy was a top bloke and let me off with a warning. Was ready to lose it all too but I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
I have noticed police paying more attention to me now though, I got followed by a 4x4 for about 10 minutes today though back roads.
lol that's not how it works here
Drive anyway. What are the odds they randomly run your plates before you license is reinstated? Really fucking low that's what.
I always said if I ever got my license suspended I'd still continue to drive to work/school. If I get caught I'll go to court and make a big stink to the judge about how they are actively preventing a law abiding taxpayer from continuing to contribute to society with such harsh penalties.
Assuming op is australian they automatically run every plate as they drive around so its literally just a matter of time, and if they get him for it they will probably start checking his area more often
It's even worse than Australia. A small country with a population of 50.000 in the middle of nowhere in the ocean. In such a small community everyone knows everyone, what's worse is that my car is very recognisable. 94' BMW E34, there are very few of them around here, only around 5 as far as i know.
I've lost my license twice, cost me $4,000 in fines and a year and a half of my life wasted.
If/When you do get it back, hold on to that shit. Don't break the law. It may be stupid and we all may disagree with it at times (Speed limits, am I right? REEEEEEEEE) but the law is the law.
Use this time to your advantage. Don't just piss it away like I did.
I swear if I lose my license again I'm leaving the country.
You're right. Losing it again would be absolutely terrible. It really sucks, but i learned something from it. Without my license/car I'll be useless and empty. My car is my livelyhood and my freedom.
You don't need a license to drive, you just need a license when you get caught.