Corbin are you here? Do you browse Veeky Forums?
Corbin are you here? Do you browse Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
yes hello whats up
is he, dare i say it, /our guy/?
bread on hood
>0 matches for this image
that image better be a crop of matt's video
The image was pulled from facebook, see image name. Facebook images don't show up on an image search.
what dis
>the guy who owns the Trolls Royce
Ambitious, are we?
What next, Jerry Miculek browses /k/?
Nicky Hayden posts (more like posted) on /dbt/.
>guy who builds stupid hukuna-miata esque shitboxes
>NOT from Veeky Forums
lol wut
>build retarded car
>your car is retarded
>i was only pretending trolololol
A Rolls Royce that was modded to handle well and make a lot more sounds.
Love you corbin dallas
I don't understand this guy, i thought his whole thing was just to slap something together for super cheap, like a stop gap because he couldn't afford better but then he spent 3 years on this thing.
Still an awesome project though
this shits over the miat
Nice shill post I see it coincides with a new video on your jew tube channel.
not jerry but /k/ had leggionare from mali
He probably got the basket car for a few grand, free turbo, intercooler and piping isn't expensive
there's that one youtuber that did browse /k/
CarniK Con, i believe
last i heard, he got some affliction, like MS or something
and now it seems his channel and vids are gone..
Corbin you are a cunt
Fuck off and die, painfully. Along with Abbot.
He actually came out with a video on the 25th this month. First in a while.
Instagram images have the same names though.
>muh no fucks given rx7
>muh trolls royce
Could he try any harder to be edgy?
bingo thats where i got it from
>supporting the eternal g*rman
only a moron that browse /k/ would actually join the légion.
This just ruined my night... I fucking love Carnik Con.
Brothais posts on /k/ you faggots.
There is a good bit of suspicion regarding Eric being a /k/ommando as well due to threads conveniently popping up asking for a topic for their next video and then having the next video contain shit the thread mentioned.
He's back, dear user.
Look up primary and secondary on YouTube; he's making vids with inrange now.
you can't get any more fucking reddit
was nice to see he could finally afford to do something about his acne though
(I only watched fat marrahs vid ironically i promise)