Are you jealous of rich people?
Are you jealous of rich people?
kinda sorta.
I envy them for not having to worry about money.
Beyond that, I can't stand 95% of them because they're so stupid and out of touch, it's ridiculous
a bit. i saw this guy in his Ferrari at the grocery store today. turns out he browses Veeky Forums
i used to be, but now i have the same performance for $5000 and I can actually use it because I'm too fast to catch
when you bring speedbikes to an exotic meet you can watch the egos deflate right in front of you
>not having to worry about money.
The reason rich people have money is because they worry about it far more than everyone else
> I can't stand 95% of them because they're so stupid and out of touch, it's ridiculous
I'm sure you've spent quite a lot of time around a large cross section of wealthy people to come to this conclusion
no instead i strive to one day be able to afford expensive vehicles
lifes too short to worry about what other people do with their own money
>heartbreaker post is total trash
what a surprise
>when you bring speedbikes to an exotic meet you can watch the egos deflate right in front of you
I think that's just interest deflating.
This. When I was a teenager I had a friend whose family was rich. It was so weird how out of touch and naive he was in some ways.
>mfw I do estate management
>mfw most rich people ARE total shitheads
The ones who actually generate the money are leveheaded and pragmatic. They're usually a little distant but ok to be around and very passionate about hobbies. Also they all love Porsches. I don't know why. It's the sycophantic family that spends the money that makes people hate the rich.
Had to get a massive brake overhaul today plus utilities bill and rent soon and basically I'm considering pulling off a Chris McCandless at the moment
Who doesn't, seriously. You can say all you want but deep down you wanted to be rich like the guy next to you.
Also Shmee is a pretty cool guy, even though his last vid about promoting a "chipped" car backfired horribly when he put the chipped 570S against a Stock onde and lost.
Was it me?
>Also they all love Porsches. I don't know why
porsche has a shit ton of different models, luxury and performance
or they really take heed to Richard Hammond's shilling
no just irritated
I cant be jealous of people who do not enjoy what they have
I'm a little jealous of the money, but not the lifestyle. If I was born into a rich family then I would be disconnected from the average American and I probably wouldn't have been raised to appreciate hard work. But my appreciation for hard work is starting to fade a little after I see an 18 year old driving a new BMW or 19 year old youtuber driving a corvette while I'm still limited to the same high school level job opportunities until I graduate college. It's slightly discouraging when I know that no matter how hard I work I'll never get as far as some people who were just given everything.
You haven't finished your degree, why should you even be bitter that you don't have the better opportunities yet?
Well I don't expect full blown career opportunities, but I'm kind of annoyed that even thought I've got an associates degree I'm still limited to the same shitty retail jobs until I finish the bachelor's. And because I live in a college town everywhere pays $2-3 less an hour than the last place I lived with the same cost of living.
You see, they may have expensive cars.
But do they know how to work on them?
I envy their wallet, but I do not envy the lack of knowledge that usually comes with it.
And having a Falcon and a Torino helps.
I mean, I got my shit at a fraction of the price they'd probably spend.
When was the last time someone got a Torino for $600?
>But do they know how to work on them?
Do you view this as a prerequisite to owning a car?
Or just a plus?
Porsches are the motorcycles of cars. They just feel right to drive. You wouldn't get it unless you drove one, and you wouldn't get this analogy unless you went fast around corners on a motorcycle. It's just RIGHT. The physics don't feel off, they don't freak you out, everything feels and happens like you assume it should.
Anything with the engine up or near the front feels unnatural, disconnected, and disconcerting compared to RMR and RR.
only that they aren't wagecucks
There are very few ways to own nice cars and keep your riches, like the jew you are
Fuck the mechanic's wife if he's into that
Let her fuck you in the ass
Suck his dick
Fuck him in the ass
Let him fuck you in the ass
Do your own wrenching
kinda but different jelly
i am jelly about how they spend their money for cars
but, i also hate them on how they are wasting their money on shit cars
If I see someone with an expensive car I try and make their driving as difficult as possible. Fuck those rich assholes.
I certainly envy their money, but I hate the ones with more money than sense.
holy shit, all this porsche dick sucking
It would be hilarious if someone cut off your balls before kicking you down a flight of stairs.
it's much more hilarious when I park my shitbox so close to the expensive car that the fat fuck owner can't get in
>a plus?
you get to know what sounds and wobbles correspond to what parts
and also the spooky sense that something is wrong
so can pull over and catch things before they self destruct
>"They all love Porsches"
Step 1 complete
>The reason rich people have money is because they worry about it far more than everyone else
You can't possibly believe this, right? The vast majority of the wealthy have inherited their wealth and had a tremendous amount of privilege growing up. Elite private schools, mentors and strong connections due to their rich parents networking. The rags to riches stories do occur, but they're essentially sort of an anomaly. The rich like to peddle the self-made millionaire story because it makes them look better while poor schmucks actually buy it cause they're naive as fuck and love the romanticism of it. Don't be a schmuck and don't rationalize a system that fucks you in the ass because of a cute story.
Yeah, you'll never be rich.
I'd give up now, if I were you. Save yourself all the stupid effort.
This guy is the most insufferable wanker on youtube
>Also Shmee is a pretty cool guy
it'd be nice, i'd say i'm envious.
if I wasn't, I wouldn't be slaving at my job right now, i'd be blowing thousands on my engine build and doing burnouts.
>fast around corners on a motorcycle
How's the weather in bizarro world?
I never understood Porsches, though they all looked the same and that was an ugly VW Beetle.
Later I ended up driving to Le Mans, I had Audi A5 3.0 coupe, we had an M6 and Boxster. I have driven a lot of cars but holy shit, it was an amazing, was a 981 Boxster and I can say it is one of the best cars I have driven, so much so that afterwards I spent two years looking and went down the Cayman route and never looked back.
>I never understood Porsches, though they all looked the same and that was an ugly VW Beetle.
pretty much
I'm not jealous of their expensive cars.
I'd rather have a shitbox I can have fun wrenching on.
I am jealous that they don't have to go to work everyday to make ends meet.
Yeah man, that extra 4 inches of pant leg looks plush.
Can't say I do. I live comfortably. It would be nice to have someone I know get me into a high paying job like they do with family members, but that is about it.
They are still addicted to opiods, get cancer, and die. Their spouses cheat on them, they get Gonorhea from hookers, etc. They are the same as you and me. Although, with maybe more problems when everyone is pandering them for money and stealing from them because "they have a lot."
FR feels right. It's why 50:50 feels right. The cars moment is usually very close to the center.
In an RR or MR the moment tends to be behind the driver. If your moment isn't going to be centered, it's going to feel more natural in front of the driver. The farther back you are the quicker you can recognize angle.
Depends on what you consider rich.
no, I am envious though.
No, I make ~$5k a week. It's enough to live in a nice white neighborhood, wear what I want, eat what I want, and drive what I want. That's all that matters to me.
Don't chase the money. Once you start chasing it, it's never enough.
>when you bring speedbikes to an exotic meet you can watch the egos deflate right in front of you
This is what bikefags actually think
Actually kill yourself. You're not going to make anything of your life anyway, might as well end it now.
i'm from a poor country were an engineer for porsche gets 400 euro, our average salary is 300 euro. but you won't believe what cars you see. we got the panamera executive 1/100, the g class brabus that costs 500k euro, i remember that i saw the new s class more times in my country than in frankfurt, germany.
i don't care about those who work hard to achieve those cars, but come on 90% of those people in my country, are corrupt politicians or do illegal stuff how could you admire them, you can ignore them but you can't ignore them when a 50k car drives past you.
There's tiers to wealth. The vast majority of millionaires did not inherit their fortune. The extremely, extremely rich usually inherited something, but that's 1% of the 1%. The rest of us just work like slaves and take risks until something works out.
I remember when I first started my business I worked 10-12 hours a day, 7 days a week, and for the first 18 months straight I only paid myself enough to survive. I didn't even sleep in a house/apartment. I slept on a folding cot on the floor of my warehouse for almost 2 years so I could reinvest as much capital as possible back into my business.
I hate his face but his content is ok.
Only of Porsche owners.
>S class
>g class brabus
>panamera executive 1/100
none of the cars you mentioned are remotely interesting. jfc. get some taste faggot
money will never make you happy, because you'll always want more.
example: mayweather won 300 million, when asked what he'd do with said winnings, his response was to invest appropriately to make more money.
300 million, i think we would ALL be happy with. but naturally we're just gonna want more. even though if we were handed that, its enough to live a full life easy as can be.
money simply makes the range of things you can buy more accessible. and Your reality becomes insanely skewed and out of touch.
Not to mention, are your friends really your friends? without the money, you'll have new circle that you'll inevitable acquire.
would they really be there without the money in the end?
Id only say im jealous because if I were rich I could go travel, Have unlimited car parts, build a dream garage and house. maybe a few dream cars. But I wouldn't flaunt it.
the moment people find out Im wealthy they'll leach on me. And pretty soon, my reality is gonna just as fucked and out of touch as the next millionaire.
you completely missed the point of his post you dumb idiot
>R E D D I T
>S P A C I N G
>R E D D I T
>S P A C I N G
>R E D D I T
>S P A C I N G
you didn't get the point, sad.
>poor country
>average salary 300€
>cars that cost 50k or more are present
>90% of the owners are corrupt politicians or in the mafia
how can you admire them?
more like lurk forever never post.
my bad br/o/
it seemed like alot so I didnt wanna make it all crunched up.
>i would spend at least a few hundred thousand dollars that appeared out of thin air
>But I wouldn't flaunt it.
meaning like im not buying guady accessories or suddenly wearing gucci errythang.
just the stuff that really mattered to me to be honest, like parts to finish my project cars. should've specified that.
also depends on your definition of flaunting i guess.
>Earning over a quarter million a year
>Acting humble and telling people not to chase the money
You are The Rich
I try not to be that pessimistic but it's really just being realistic. That work hard and you can live the dream story was bullshit. I spent half my life practicing music, and I knew the odds were always against me, but then I realized that the whole system ran on luck and connections rather than talent. Then I realized that the whole world runs on connections rather than merit. So now I'm going through four years of college that's set up from the bottom to the top to suck me dry of money just so I can get an average income while some recent highschool graduate is making just as much as I will because he got set up with a nice job because of his last name.
And I'll graduate and get mine, and as long as I've got friends to spend time with the money isn't that important. I'm more upset that I was lied to all my life about how the world really works than I am jealous of people with money.
You obviously didn't learn anything.
Connections help but almost all successful musicians work their asses off while having those advantages.
>I'm sure you've spent quite a lot of time around a large cross section of wealthy people to come to this conclusion
I've spent enough time around CEO's and assorted people to say that 80% of them are subhumans. The other 20% are appreciative of what they have.
I can tell. Clearly wonderful musicians such as Niki Minaj and Chief Keef have spent countless hours studying music theory and have stayed in the practice room until 1 a.m. many times to perfect their musical abilities.
I know I cherry picked extreme examples but not everyone works hard. It also doesn't help me that rock is mostly dead. I suppose I can always go stage musical route.
>implying chief keef isn't a modern contemporary artist
>implying chief keef didnt entirely change the sound of hip hop world wide
give the man some credit my guy
are you rich now ? how rich are you now.
Chipping works for shitboxes.
The only people you can trust to chip Supercars are ex-tech of said company who know the ins and outs.
>the "you have no chance in becoming successful- FUCK THE SYSTEM!!!" meme
What held you back from saying we should steal their property too? Go back to Veeky Forums, you jobless Sour Grapes tankiepoo
Funny you mentioned Nicki Minaj because she's an example of someone who worked hard to get to where she is.
Obviously she doesn't give a fuck about musical theory, no one except for career songwriters do.
She worked hard by networking and improving her craft and creating music.
I'm sure she often was up until 1am working on her career.
Your narrow-minded attitude shows you probably never learned the first thing about the industry.
And yes, mainstream rock is dead. Best you can do is some Chainsmokers sound or indie rock. Obviously you have to be playing music that appeals to people.
I have like 5 hedge fund kiddies as friends, all of them i have met from my fraternity. They're all equally as miserable and lonely as a lot of us.
So I don't really envy them. If anything, they have it a tad worse since a lot of people know they're just walking wallets and treat them like such. Literally everyone. Girlfriends, friends, best friends, etc.
I'd like to say I enjoy wrenching on shitboxes and that slow-car-fast is better, but yeah, I'd trade my Civic Si for something fast and exotic in a heartbeat if I won the lottery
>bullying bikes in any way stock for stock.
Weather is better than the dreamland you live in.
Do I envy them?
Yeah, sure, but not to the point that I hate them just because they have money. I simply envy their wealth and its ability to initiate fun-time.
Other than that, meh.
It's hard to learn about an industry that requires ass kissing and selling out just to get your foot in the door rather than skill and ability. Or rather it's hard for someone who values their integrity.
by the time im 50 hopefully i will be
Somewhat. Depends how they got rich.
No, jealousy is rarely productive or positive. I do think, however, that more of them should do things that piss off people, while doing no harm. Things like
I'd love to see the butthurt around all of that
I don't consider myself rich.
I really don't mind it honestly. It helps to break up important pieces of information. I just like funposting when I see the opportunity to do so.
Some "wealthy" black do this kind of shit. But the blacks that follow them don't really care about cars. It's usually more along the lines of burning Air Jordans or walking through mud with Yeezys on.
>You are The Rich
I don't think so, otherwise he would've gotten reamed under Hilary's tax plan.
She specifically said she wouldn't target middle class people who make under a quarter mil.
Lel, still good fun. Have to be careful about dem chimpouts tho
It depends on how you define success. I genuinely don't need more than my PC, guitar and my shitbox. I'm happy that way. I just want to live a quiet life. You'd have to be delusional to think the system is fair though. Apathetically accepting things as they are is the antithesis of progress and the essence of being a weak-minded useful idiot. I'm well aware that it's totally hip and trendy to be a conservative/libertarian nowadays because people have to rebel against mommy and daddy while trying to look all logical and cool, but I implore you to read some actual political/economic theory instead of watching "Le SJW Feminist OWNED by Shill McShillerson" videos on youtube.
>Riced out McLaren
Lmaoing at your shit taste senpai
>riced out
The P1 GTR looks like that from the factory
The factory has shit taste then?
A lot of people born into a rich family are miserable.
not really. people born into wealth tend to be dumb as rocks. rich parents are fucking cold and have no empathy so not really jealous at all. the ones that buy up ridiculous toys to flaunt their wealth are masking underlying insecurity issues of feeling unloved.
>everything added is for enhanced track performance
nah, usually these people are worried about their image and have no idea how a car works except go fast
Its like someone with a brand new macbook, he knows nothing about technology, but has to buy the latest macbook
Born into one, sure. They've never experienced anything but their own insular world, disconnected from the vast majority.
Those who became wealthy have experienced both, and at least have an idea of why things are as they are.
No. They just have more money. That's it really. A lot of them are depressed or on drugs 24/7 anyways.
"the system" isn't fair. It's not supposed to be, it never can be, it never will be. Welcome to life. Now people can either complain about it, which won't accomplish anything, they can try to make "the system" fair, which will never work, or they can start working to better themselves and their lives so that they can end up in the position that they would like to be in.
End blogpost.
>depressed or on drugs 24/7 anyways
Wait, you aren't?
I kinda thought that was a given here.