Driving home

>driving home
>asian guy behind me is texting while driving
>likely virgin white male rips past all of us, cutting everyone off without signaling, going twice the speed limit in a school zone
>nobody seems to care
>look to my right
>woman texting with her kid in the front seat
The fuck is wrong with society? Why does every idiot on the road think they're the only important thing that matters in the universe? I'm so sick of dealing with this shit every day. /blog
Feel free to post stories of normies/annoying road shit

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>being such a shit driver he can't even text while driving and relies on signaling to make his moves like some autistic beta

That's why being a pedestrian is fun so when they get to a red light or go in for a turn or whatever you can walk up and motion to roll the window down and inform them that their turn signal is out or whatever, smile, wave, have a nice day!

At least 25% of the cars I see on the road, the driver has a goddamn phone to their head. Even newer cars that I 100% know have bluetooth built in. Who the fuck are all these people even talking to? Not counting work hours, I spend maybe an hour a month on the phone.

9/10 aggressive drivers on the street are miserable, that's why they drive aggressively, the rest are maniacs

people that are glued to their phones are miserable too, they are slaves to social media and are constantly exposed to people that are far more successful than them which serves as a constant reminder that they are failures in life.

when you see someone cruising, listening to an ebook or music... that is someone that has their life sorted.

>The fuck is wrong with society?
If you have it and their license plate on your dashcam, upload a snippet webm to the driver rating and shaming site Rate-Driver. An example of what someone uploaded is at:


Be clear on posting the date and time and also mention the license plate in the text of your post so that google searches will turn it up.

>t. virgin

when you get into an actual relationship you'll realize everyone is talking to their fuck partner

Not that user

I'm married.
I fuck my wife a couple times a week.
We never talk on the phone while we're driving because we're not


Why would you talk to your wife/gf on the phone? Do you jack off to her too?

>ruining my sweet ride over some roastie texts
no thank you

Subhumans who shouldn't be allowed to drive.

>t.busriders who shouldnt be allowed to drive

>driving aggressively for fun makes you a maniac
2017, ladies and gentlemen

I think unironically think texting while driving should be made as illegal as driving drunk.

>they cant drive drunk, texting, in the snow, with a girl in the passenger seat

fucking amateurs, how did you even manage to get a license in the first place?

I intentionally drive next to people in two 4 lane streets.

driving aggressively in traffic is a shitty thing in all years

Lern2 multitask m8

I think I've called my fiancee or had her call me less than 20 times in the couple years we've been together.

Being on the phone is for old people and blacks.

>never text and drive
>browse Veeky Forums at every red light

Do I annoy you OP?

>drive around 15km/h above the posted limit in my 20y/o shitbox
>some faggot in a leased diesel mercedes still feels the need to overtake me because his car is newer

You are criticizing normies by pointing out how inferior you are at traveling from point a to point b. You are inefficient, slower, and clearly have a problem with achieving the same goals in a better way than everyone else on the road. Instead of being a beta, why don't you learn to multi-task AND drive. Or, at the very least, put the fucking pedal to the metal. You

>being a pedestrian is fun
>being poor is fun
>being pathetic is fun
>being self-loathing is fun
You actually made me giggle, user. I'm curious, how many of those people actually got angry at you, and didn't just laugh at how pathetic your Walmart Nikes are?

She's not texting because she's not fucking you.

She's texting Jamal and Tyrone and telling them they have 30 minutes before you get home

>when it snows we get about a foot each time
>illegal immigrants and blacks around here barely know how to drive when the road is dry
>each winter people get stuck in the slush making shitty turns
>or smash into people because they slam on the brakes
>or slide onto the islands changing lanes
>or spin out because they turn too fast
>some guy walked through two blocks of ~2 foot deep snow to ask some guy to plow the front of his garage and offered $5 while everyone was shoveling the alleyway

I have a laptop in my car, I answer email, watch videos, and play minecraft while driving. Normal road driving is a brainlet activity that takes 3% of my attention, if you aren't maximizing your ride quality by having a bit of fun, you're just retarded.

Then just chase them mate. If you take it as a challenge and not an insult it can actually be a fun situation. Just keep in mind the police will probably bust the dude in front first so no need to pass.

Nah mate I have a little hoonmobile. I just prefer a brisk walk to and from work than paying to deal with rush hour traffic, wear and tear, parking, and gas money.

I don't do it often. Usually just if I'm having a bad day. I've never had worse than a finger and some choice words, though. A lot of people are surprisingly sheepish when you call them out.

Lane splitting on the 405 as usual
Guy starts drifting across the Lane, going to hit me
I lay on my honk
He moves back
Look into his car,
Cellphone in hand


Lane splitting
Car is riding the line
She moves
Continues to text
I smash her mirror