sleepy edition!
sleepy edition!
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for lulu wins again
He rocks!!
Books also rock!
Orange rat nigga getting buffs, yo.
this is nice thread
is braummode achievable
I want sona to be my mommy~!
you must train from child
xth for breast metal waifu
you couldn't even start to think to be as nice and as huge braum is fagboy
> miss w
> e in
> hit q, fail 2nd q
> autoattack once
> get raped and/or ccd
> press r
> be useless for the next minute or so
Viktor has a crush on Cassiopeia
I get to play with the good players now right?
fun ship my dude
comfy bfs~
not yet fagboi
Fiora gutted when??
>Good damage
>Good mobility
>Ult is a get out of jail free card
It's not like he's sleeper or anything. You're hardly putting yourself at risk by picking him.
>13 deaths
>"haha i'm just tired guys"
Why do bad players always tell themselves they aren't bad?
there is nothing wrong with her
>Tank Galio Mid
Holy shit I should've started copying esports sooner. This shit is SO broken. Triple-D into Abyssal gives you a DPS of a carry for the first 20 minutes, then you smoothly transition into an unkillable colossus.
PM me IGN: ImThem
dude max hp % true damage lmao
>tryndamere banned 4 games in a row
hmmm do I keep dodging or just take the L
t. Fiora main.
Exactly why Riot has already stated they're nerfing her right :^).
I only wish it was next patch instead of 7.13
I want to CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!
thats not funny
I miss him
>it's a gnar top episode
it always ends with the credits rolling with '-22 LP'
t. Tank baby
get outplayed
Who's the guy in the red?
Timely bread.
>Enemy Teemo is 0/1 and 50 CS down from our 4/1 Tryndamere
>Starts blaming his Jungler for literally everything
>"i won lane"
I haven't encountered retardation that strong in a while, Christ.
Post Webms!
Me too user.
is this nigga serious
How do I make sure i max sona dmg?
Ks a lot early? Build sheen asap and other app stuff that give dmg on poke hit?
Zed, its from the academy adventures comic
hes actually a comfy bfs~ shipper,
feels gud man
Eat shit Lulufag.
zed im guessing
y u mad
elise is cute too
she can't just compete with lulu
oh but she also dumps on mages, and assassins, and marksmen, and supports
Such is life in plat elo
It literally doesn't matter what champ you are, once Fiora has 2 items she dumpster everyone unless you have an absolutely ridiculous lead.
She warps the game around her way too hard, she needs a genuine weakness because she really don't have one aside from the person playing her being shit
w-what do you think they're going to do to Ezreal once they catch him?
then stop being a low elo scrub silver friend :^)
>idc just a game
>hehe implying i'm not trolling
>this isn't even my main account
grand isn't it
This, Fiora shreds tanks and bursts squishies. Vayne can do the same but her tank shredding is much easier to deal with.
> a 1vs1 champion can 1vs1 you
Oh yeah? And is water wet too user? :^)
>(Top Lane Streamer) is streaming
>Open stream
Maybe I'm just a cocksucking faggot, but am I the only one who wishes more Tank-mains streamed? Watching a Fiora instakill a full build Maokai in seconds is only fun the first couple of times.
How come Galio is so small in game compared to his art?
watching a tank cc somebody isn't even fun the first couple of times
t. tank main
tanks are boring and don't have carry potential
No one wants to play tanks and be raped by Jayce/Riven/Fiora/Swain.
I imagine watching a tank farm all laning phase or getting into wed noodle fights with another tank gets boring a lot faster
give him a wedgie, afterwards Talon begins having...strange thoughts
assassinbabs whined about "muh tank meta" until tanks got nerfed into squishies
is illaoi a bit OP? ive seen some rape lately
anyone looking for a cutie bard support friend on NA? ign: LeobardoDiCaprio
Then maybe I'm just autistic.
>A 1v1 champion can 1v1 literally every single champ in the game, even other 1v1 champs even if they're at a significant defecit because of the bullshit nature of their kit.
That's called cancer user.
I don't even know why I'm arguing this with some lolg shitter, Riot already agrees with me and I can only pray they kneecap that bitch like she deserves but will likely just get a slap on the wrists because she appeals to the LCSBIGPLAYS crowd
Assassins aren't even good right now though.
It's a 4-1 splitpushing Bruiserfest sans the occassional Galio/Gragas pick,and once those Dorans changes hit you won't see those guys anymore either
you know, I could say anything good about a champion you don't like and you would sperg out just like this.
do you think that it's more enjoyable to watch the maokai's perspective of that matchup for some reason?
i wish this game had more tanks.
seeing someone get deleted in one instance of cc just isnt that fun to me. i want long battles
I want to skip time to pre season. Really want to play around with a new way of building!
She's similar to Darius in that she's OP if you let her be OP. Just focus on farming, don't contest Vessel's unless you're one of the few champs who can, kill her tentacles whenever fucking possible, if you're below 50% and she's 6 go b no matter what. After you get a bit of armor it gets really hard for her to harass you, and she can't teamfight unless your team retard-runs into one of her space jams.
Also, like Darius, 90% of them are retarded and have no idea what they're doing.
depends are you gonna put on a skirt and send me thigh pics?
>I really enjoy watching people play my favorite champs
>None of them are good enough to be played in high elo
>There also aren't any high elo OTPs that play any of them
Feels bad. Feels even worse that there are so few decent streamers that are jungle mains.
LS said it best, the game is in a better stable place when tanks are actually viable picks
Honestly just delete Fiora and I think every Tank main would be happy.
ekko should just be deleted
play him ap top and just cash in your freelo
>Honestly just delete Fiora and I think everyone would be happy
FTFY. She may be a tank buster but she also blows up bruisers and squishies very quickly.
> tank are viable
> squishy mains start crying
> tank ain't viable
> hurr durr delete fiora jayce and anyone that kills me
not everyone can be happy
thats because LS has a hard on for tanks
when carrys build tank items he loves it, he loves banshees, he loves new GA, he loved the free MR a few champions got
every time a damage item gets some resistance he jerks it
for a while he actually said that assassins like zed and talon should build titty hydra, cleaver, and steraks
so who is the most broken champion and build I can use right now?
my best champ is soraka, what did riot and me mean by this?
Not really. Fiora is a design abomination that should've never come to light but tanks still have their hands more than full with other champs like Jayce/Kennen/Renekton etc.
I really think an underrated issue is just how fucking inferior tank itemization is to bruisers and how Gargoyle Stoneplate is used far better by them. Sunfire is hot garbage and needs a buff bad. Adaptive Helm is inefficient as fuck and needs a buff to be a viable alternative to SV because even champs without heals get that shit.
Fiora, Ekko, and anyone /lolg/ doesn't like.
Are there any tamagotchi styled games on the pc that aren't shit?
Asking for a friend.
The issue is that you can actually play against Jayce/Kennen/Renekton. Their strengths are super strong, but they at least have some drawbacks you can exploit.
Fiora? She hits six and you just leave lane. That's it. There's no counterplay for almost every champion in the game, you just autolose the lane the moment she has her ult. There's NOTHING you can do about it.
>No longer OP
>Everybody forgets about her
Good job Riot
jayce is probably the objectively true answer
deaths dance, black cleaver, GA riven
deaths dance, black cleaver, GA draven
deaths dance, black cleaver, GA master yi
I hope mods delete this thread. Lulufags need to learn their place.
RIOT PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST NERF FIORA ALREADY so /lolg/ will stop bullying my waifu :_(
> no one cares about thread anymore
each fucking time
move on we are 90 posts in already
PM me IGN: King Grey
>tfw CLG hasn't beaten TSM in over a year
Is akali better top or mid
why do you do this? he already knows you arent me
>top lane vs Shyvana for whatever reason
>she's half HP, overextended without flash
>let her get free damage on me without attacking back to bait her because I'm about to hit level 6 and the minion is about to die
>she sees I'm letting her attack without consequence and tries to do it again
>I hit 6 and all-in her
>"that's -insert burst champ- for you"
Wow it's almost like champions with burst can kill you in melee range when you're half HP with no way to escape
I want to tie down Fiora and rape her until she dies.
who are you?
They've won a single game, it's fucking hilarious.
Some rivalry