Actual, serious question: If a Tesla is driving along and the owner hadn't recharged it in a while and it died on the road, what next? Normal cars you just have someone bring along a red can full of gasoline and everything's ship shape again. Would you need a tow? Is that the only way to get the car moving under its own power again?
I don't understand why they don't just make a small part of the battery removable/swappable, you could just have AA bring you a spare charged one and trade with them to get you that extra 50 miles or so.
the car will angrily beep at you and tell you about the low battery. then it goes into limp home mode. while it continues to complain about low battery. if you continue to be stupid enough to drive till empty. then you need to tow to a fast charger or your home.
though i have seen AAA type services bring out a diesel generator and charge your car up for a hour or so. so you can get to a charging station.
Wouldn't it be more useful to have the charging port in the rear or front of the car instead of the side?
I really like how this thread is going so far.
AFAIK the "Supercharger' stations literally switch out the entire battery packs for fresh ones instead of charging them.
Nah, the superchargers are different, they're just high voltage high current chargers. The battery swapers are different entirely
I'm pretty sure it goes into limp mode before the battery runs completely flat (which the computer would never let you do) Just like a cell phone going into battery save mode.
also this fucking captcha :^)
There is a tiny "reserve" bit of battery, and the system flashes all kinds of warnings at you, but if you're out of power you can't do anything but get a tow.
The swapping battery packs out was just an idea being tossed around to solve the issue of charging being so slow. It isn't happening anywhere.
The best you get at a super charge station is plugging in for 30 minutes and getting a couple dozen miles if you're lucky.
I saw a tesla on the shoulder Saturday night with its hazards on at 2:30 AM
I like to think it was some rich liberals whore daughter and her friends out partying and getting fucked and the car died of their stupid asses. Pay back for me being a virgin
hahaha that'll show those sluts
if only they knew how hard you were slagging them on Veeky Forums
This happened once at the private community i work for, dumb bitch ran it out of go juice right in front of my gate.
>flat bed shows up
>dicks around for an hour trying to figure it out
>can't get it on because of some tesla cuck safty feat
>rides off into the night without helping
>car sits until next morning
>tesla tech cuck shows up to fix
2bh it's probably a good theft deterrent, niggers won't steal it if they think it'll run out of juice 10 miles down the road
tesla actually had pilot program battery swap stations for a few months
basically nobody used them, a regular supercharger was less of a hassle
Reminder that these are the type of people who shit on tesla
Reminder that your on a Taiwanese tofu board
Like the Leaf, or Zoe, most sensible people do just that when designing a BEV from scratch, the only time you normally see a side mounted charging point is a modification to a normal car like the e-Golf. Unless you are BMW who did the same pants on head retarded thing as Tesla.
That's actually a brilliant idea. A small battery for like 5 miles or so.
super chargers give you like 80% in 30 minutes. More than a couple dozen miles.
Which all the tow companies will buy and put in their tow trucks rather than just towing your ass to a shop so you can get towed to a charging station tomorow.
Of you can't afford a tow, how can you afford a Tesla?
>owning what they can afford
if you're american and you make $500 a month and your bills are $250 a month you find a way to get a tesla for $250 a month on lease
I've heard that the cars actually brick out if it gets completely discharged
>bring out a diesel generator and charge your car up for a hour or so
My that bill is going to be expensive