Who /300 hp club/ here?
feels gud to be able to annihilate most people on the street in a drag race
Who /300 hp club/ here?
feels gud to be able to annihilate most people on the street in a drag race
its great. only downside is when a see another 300hp machine i feel the urge to just race it
>tfw raped a corvette grand sport the other day
Fuck off nigger
nice obsession.
but you dont have a gt-r
you don't need a gtr 2 wreck a gs
Nice literal mental illness
338 HP here. Feels good.
>most cars have less than 300 hp
yurocuck detected
What car
>taking screenshots from your reddit account
i am n9t European
mfw I can still smoke all of you on my $2500 shit bike
chevy ss
tfw you will die or become paraplegic soon
Why did you delete the account after I started posting screencaps of your comment history, if it's not yours?
I didn't delete my account??? i have a different user name. you are actually obsessed
Got a mega link or archive.is link with screencaps?
he really seems to be obsessed and i wouldnt mess around with sick people like him for your own safety, alphonse
bikes are faster in a controlled environment too, where a car and bike are equally safe (a track)
don't worry i have him wrapped around my finger like all the other idiots on this board
>posts literally all day every day here
>craves attention from us
>literally living with parents and mentally ill
>also gay so double mentally ill
No nig, you are the obsessed one
Adhd is a common disorder. also gays aren't mentally ill.
sperg more
care to go to europe and fuck with mjet and all the other italian posters too? pretty please lol
And do what? I have no connections in yurop
>be gay
>get AIDS
>commit suicide
Choose 3 to complete your own adventure
cars can set better lap times though.
they're super autistic. no joke
Stop talking to yourself ugly nigger.
And he's an animal abuser.
I used wayback machine to find one page of hid account from february last year. With his account deleted finding most of it is hard. 3 years. 3 years of this bullshit now.
Parent. Because niggers aren't fathers.
all 100% wrong.
nice projection. keep sperging. thanks for bumping my shitposting thread btw.
>mfw (my face when) they sperg on command now
nvm, replied to the wrong post
bump furr gm fangirl tearzz
My 268hp shitbox shits on cars well over 300hp
>oh I ran out of arguments
>better call him a nigger
You're the problem with the white race
who /100hp club/ here
feels good to annihalate all you losers in a drag race
No better feel than pulling away from anyone on one wheel.
>mentally ill
>literally medicated
>gay, probably still a virgin though
>still has an STD anyways from mom's toilet seat anyways
Literally everything he accuses people of he is lmao. I almost feel bad, almost. Can't wait for the dox though. It's trickling out bit by bit. When you collect all the plebbit comments make a mega download link.
I can't wait for his doxx I'll drive right down to his house so he can be inside of me.
erectile dysfunction is usually a side effect of schizo drugs so I doubt that's even possible
daily reminder if your car weighs more than 3500 pounds it sucks. sure you have 300 horsepower but it doesn't matter when your base trim challenger weighs 4000 pounds
I am not medicated????? I am not a virgin?????? and i don't have an std??????
i don't have schizophrenia??????????????? adderall doesn't cause ed????????????
also. adhd is common. sperg more.
I have a bf.
Fuck off autistic Witcher tripfag
i don't have a trip??????????? wtf?????!??!!!?!?????????????????????
Am I wrong in calling him a nigger?
400hp here.
I only race people who are into it, though.
And fuck that stoplight launch shit.
bump 4 mroe autism
Does anyone feel like analyzing all those outdoor photos of his hands and feet compared to locations in the black circle?
nice obsession. sperg more
Holy shit, Fonzie getting BTFO
>tfw 345hp
>tfw your car eats tires if you start in first gear
>tfw torque steer
A FWD car with >310 hp and no traction control is stupid. I love it though
you guys are all idiots
Oh shit this is fucking gold.
>Alphonse gets doxxed
>his home address gets leaked, same with his car plates
>all of Veeky Forums boards a hachiroku colored bus blasting Eurobeat travelling to Alphone's location to beat the shit out of him
yes and then he calls the cops on you and has you arrested for attempted assault
>implying it will stop there
The white people were acting in self defense. We'll bring a gun, throw it at you, and say you were armed. White is right.
>literally so ass blasted by shit posting on Veeky Forums you have fantasies about bashing someone with other ass blasted autists
Talk shit, get hit.
All we have to do is be smart about it. Get cash beforehand, but unrelated items in cash only en route at various stops. Chloroform here, a rag there, a wig, duct tape somewhere else, a knife, that's really all you need. Totally untraceable in cash. Nab him some where, tell him to sperg more as you peel his skin off, carve "stay btfo" into his chest, cut off head, hands, and feet, burn them separately, burn the body, scatter the bones in various rural locations in throwaway fanny packs.
>they're this obsessed with me
>they just deleted their own posts
C'mon mods, you'll have to do less work if you let us do this.
Yeah because a cry baby on Veeky Forums is going to do anything other than cry in public Lmao
Alphonsos dad was an og gangsta and taught Alphonso the game before he got locked up. You in for some trouble dude
wtf? my dad is french. and he isn't in jail?????? what???
keep sperging autist
And remember to post your plans on a website used as a honey pot by the authorities
>Veeky Forums
>someone's beating me in an Internet argument
>better fantasize about tracking him down irl and torturing him!
Fixed that image for you
Keep sperging autist
Keep sperging autist
>my name is anonymous so that means whatever I post here is anonymous!
Lmao I love these underage polkiddies.
>On Sunday, the 20th of September, 2015, at 03:50:13
they've actually been sperging this long
lol whatever you say.
The only traffic Veeky Forums gets is from tripfags and various shitposters. Only one in every 10 posts is a genuine post. Veeky Forums may as well be a shitpost concentration board.
Enjoy wasting the brief rest of your life shitting up this board i guess.
Trips of truth, confirmed
>post yfw /pol/ tards go to jail and i get away scott free
Keep sperging autist
The post was saved in a database as soon as it was posted, along with information of the poster
Learn how the Internet works. Alphonso could literally fake his own death and you autists would have the police knocking at your door with print outs of Veeky Forums posts
>ask me how I know
what you gonna do when theres a left turn in the road
>They somehow managed to make 700 slow.
Looks like Alphonse is having a MELTDOWN
Trump is an expressive guy. I don't care about pol at all.
Your dad works for Apple?
How about my face when I'm not a mentally ill nigger?
Yeah he's probably broken down into tears laughing about how hard he triggered some underage Polcucks on the Internet
nice projection. keep sperging
been doing this since i was 15. ty ty
ITT: people throwing (you)'s and filling out captchas at alphonse
>been doing this since i was 15. ty ty
Is this how you spend your free time, for god knows how long?
Yeah it's pretty sad.
wtf why are you posting a picture of your parents
Why is everyone freaking out in this thread and not posting photos of their 300+ HP cars?
Because less than 10% of this board actually has fast cars. Veeky Forums is for shitposting and benchracing.
Post your ride. I'm sure you have a fast car, you wouldn't lie to me, right?
Do trucks even count?
So, just another day on Veeky Forums?
Oh. Well I guess I'll post mine then.