[Daily Bike Thread - /dbt/]

NC700/750 is a good bike. Please stop bullying it edition.

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/dbt/ map: Meet, Fight, Fuck.

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could we not make dbts with generic promo ads as the pic anymore k tnx honey

honda a shit

It's really not, if you want a boring, reliable commuter why are you even buying a motorcycle?

>only 4k for an RS250

>motorcyclist sitting at a red light
>give him a wave as I ride past
>can't take his hand off clutch to wave back
who else here /devilish/?


Daily reminder: Yamaha a shit

post good gear

For real, even RS125's are rare and expensive here.

Here's a first gen Cagiva Mito 125 for €500
Needs a rebuild but it's just a 125 cc rotrax so that's easy and cheap.


Its a boring heavy bike that looks like shit, literally anything else is better
This is one of the times when I feel lucky to be a Yuropoor, I can get a very good condition Mito/RS 125 for 2k, and a decent older one for 1k. Plus just look at it

Ummm, no sweetie, actually my cousin works with refugees and they all drove Toyota's back in their home land and it was, like, super cute.

Oh, this shit again.

just imagine how it must be riding a motorcycle with only one arm

Any more photos of her?

>waving on the wrong side
better off going with a head nod

Looks like someone described a Ducati 916 over the phone. I know they got the same designer but it just doesn't do it for me.

Truth, but be honest those kinda suck.
That's just not enough hp to bother. Delivered in a snazzy 2 smoke manner or not.

Because for the rest of the world that IS the point of a motorcycle?

Shoulda just bought a 500 twin, though.

how do you know? you can't even see her face

>he doesn't leg wave

Sure, user, here it is!


Imagine zipping across the Vietnam with Nyuang making GI' death. Our rice now.

>shift into neutral with a couple SUVs behind me
>walk over to bikebro in next lane
>shake his hand and walk back to my bike

>false neutral
>bike flies of into traffic

God so many people bought those shitty chinese scooters that break down after like 3k during the recession.

Craigslist is full of these shitty things for like $400

>riding in straight line
>motorcycle will drift left
>then it will drift right
>then steady

what is this?

if you don't do this confirmed for autistic.

if not wind
>tire alignment

>passing other motorcyclists
>dont wave

How often do you check your tyre pressure dbt ?

Would a jansport be good for motorcycling? They have a lifetime warranty.

Every ride is good.
But maybe once a week

i literally never have

weekly, unless there is a big change in temps

Ask me how I know your chicken tendies are kfcs finest

i literally have none actually.

Bread on tendies

b-bike is in the shop right now

I checked to see if they are aligned and it looks good, I also tightened the chain and checked the rear tire for any wobble but nothing.
Bearings maybe? it just feels loose ...

once a week, my work has the appropriate tools to fill tires so I do it there.


stop it's true

At the beginning and end of the season, before I go on a long ride (250+ miles) and occasionally when doing oil changes and other maintenance if I remember.

>got new front tire
>bike wants to lean so much it scares me


Every week but it never changes. Maybe I'm dum

Is it trued properly? If you've got spokes, or the weights were off for too long it may be warped.

Once a month or if I'm going on a long trip
Free air pumps are rare and I never carry coins on me, so I can't be bothered to do it more often

>police bikes never wave back

They're on duty or something?

>pulled up beside one at a light
>ask if he wants to race
>jokes that my bike is a lot faster than his police harley
>ride away
feels good

They wave for me

git gud

should i buy this for $350?

you haven't already?

I should say I already have a liter peter, just want something to fuck around with in the city. It's a 150cc Honda Elite.

I waved at one today, he smiled and nodded back.
Waving from now on

Im not sure, I only know basic maintenance so that would go over my head.
im going for a tire change soonish, I guess il ask my mechanic to check it out.

I sent him an email. Apparently has new tires and battery, and he's the original owner from back in 1985.

Every time i fill up. which is about weekly.
Doesn't every gas station have free air over there?

do you carry a pressure gauge on your bike?

Air is usually $1 where I live but if you just ask the attendant to turn it on when you buy gas they will.

my city has 29 police motorcycles but I very rarely see them and I havent had to opportunity to wave to one.

>tfw never waved to a police biker


really sounds like rear wheel or swingarm bearings

I almost did a wheelie past a group ride of like 15 of them last year. Training or something I'm guessing

Was just about to pop it up, around dusk so it was just a bunch of motorcycle headlights and I figured it was some type of group ride. Waited a little bit longer and saw the vests.

Always wonder what would have happened, the cops are pretty laid back around here.

>not waving while going 150mph


Anybody here in the Salt Lake City area?

Right, I 'll be more clear.
Doesnt every gas station have free air with a pressure gauge, free for use even by non customers, over there?
And yes, I have a friend who doesn't trust the gas station's pressure gauges, so he carries his own. He's a nerd like this.

Not sure where the other user is from, but I live in Ontario. I wish air was free, $1 and it's barely enough to get both my tires right.
Doing it with the car is torture. Pumps last about 30s in my area.

I really wish I knew how to check it, im going to go through the service manual and see if I can pull something up, thanks.

is waving an american thing only? I have never once seen someone wave at me

Motorcycle are more common in third world countries, so I guess it's not as special to see one.

Free air/water has gotten exceedingly rare. Like a useable bathroom.

I always wave to police bikes and they wave back. Figure it may work in my favor when I get disco lights for wheelies

we wave here in canada.

well, except some harley faggots dur get a real bike

I am describing gas stations in Greece

rode through the asscrack of Virginia this past weekend, where'd you guys go?


Bought a new bike yesterday that is freeway capable. So i rode the freeway for a few hours and went to dinner in the next town over

I see it a lot in the Maritimes, so it's something I'm getting used to doing more often.

I hope it was only new to you.

My local flying hams do.

Spankin new. One mile when i left the dealer.

I've been told you're not supposed to cruise at the same RPM during break in.

I went from 55 to 70 over and over and over.

Break in m8
You're fucking your engine

I dont think my bike has "A"
the fuck

Well what my suzuki (a best) manual said is two focus on the first half of the rpm range for the first half of the break in (freeways are a little to fast for that) and then focus on the second half. I guess if you use all the gears on the highway just to get the RPM moving it should be fine.

What color RF-1200 should I get?

Doesn't matter if you cover it in anime stickers

matte black so they don't see you coming

White, hi viz or cool graphic.

Yeah i never went past half way to redline.

Daily reminder that waving is for reddit secret club faglords

matte black a best

Waving has been around for decades

>lab lets out early so decide to change oil
>pass by harbor freight to get oil pan
>removing fairing and realize one screw is stripped
>don't have tap
>go out to get it and a new screw
>its night time now
>try to find work light
>no bulb
>couldn't change oil

"Don't think"
How about making sure?
Seriously tho, do not ride it, not even to go to the shop. I d load it on a truck.

why matte and not gloss?


I was kidding. Don't get a black helmet

looks killer w/gold visor
gloss looks like part of a spacesuit imo