where my JDMboys at
Where my JDMboys at
At the graveyard
since when is being "JDM" is synonymous with having a USDM integra with shitty suspension set up, and fake Japanese plates?
or are you just one of those underage fuckboys that save pictures of shitty cars you don't own since you can't even afford a car to begin with?
>stancing your car
come on now
I want those wheels for my white Gen 5 Lewd.
It doesn't take much to have a JDM car other than money to import one or buy one that was already imported. No need for the unnecessary modifications.
>implying that integra belongs to him
>implying he doesnt play Forza and shitpost on Veeky Forums since he doesn't have a car of his own.
kek fpbp
>fart can
fucking ruined it
I mean tbf famborlamborghini, it's become synonymous with anything that's from japan.
but yeah, fuck OP
>i don't know what a fartcan is
just Veeky Forums being clueless
you mean a mugen twin-loop?
whats g
that muffler looks like a mugen exhaust.
Damn is that hot. That's gonna be my next import. Notchback 86s look so fucking good.
wy dont you go to norcal meets
>turbo on the wrong side
>intake on the wrong side
Yep, just some garbo rb trash
are you sure it's not a mirrored photo?
Jellyfag spotted
Post your car?
How does stancing a car like that affect handling and performance?
Take your dirty flip motor and fuck off
That first one was genuine.
>muh stance
>muh JDM
Embarrassing.. Stay poor kid
Do those upgrades really work as advertised? Specifically the air intake and radiator?
>phone poster
>anything else embarrassing
This guy gets it.
OP here. yea im a stancefag. here's my rsx tho
This will trigger people
Nice honda
>tow hook even though you never been to the track
>giant fart can
>type R badge when the DC5 Type R never came to the states
you are not only a stance faggot but also a ricer. You fit in perfectly in your little fly over state. Not mad or even surprised. probably nothing else to do in your state other than rice out your car and shitpost.
Triggered lmao
>fart can exhaust
>chinese cartoons sticker
kys senpai
cool dawg
>muh red Honda sticker makes it faster
Hey, I'll pay you 100 for the seats and steering wheel when you wreck it.
You think that's a fart can? lmao
Lol, right. I have a 4" hks super drager exhaust on my 32 GTR. Thats a fart cannon
Reporting in
I have no clue what brand mine is but I want to change it, probably to the Tomei one. I just hate how the muffler flares at the end
>that absolutely disgusting fake badging
ricer here. It's got a k24/20 swap and a 38mm turbo on it. We have a local track as well
, idk why you think we wouldn't in the 405 lol.
t. ricers
#triggered #libtard #MAGA #draintheswamp
post engine bay otherwise you are a lying faggot
someone who does a k swap would not put any of that garbage on their car nor call themselves a stancefaggot.
*engine bay with timestamp
its not a real Type R you idiot.
you really think some DOPE from Oklahoma imported a real DC5 Type R and legal DD's it? cmon man. The seats he has aren't anything special
Do... Do you not know what engine you swapped?
Tomei expremes are awesome. It's the classic skyline sound. You probably have a kakimoto. Those are very common from what I have seen
I don't care, even cloth RSX seats are better than stock EM2 seats, and I hate 4 spoke steering wheels.
I'll add an extra 50 in for the rear sway bar, if you don't damage it in the crash.
>, if you don't damage it in the crash.
i don't own the car.
I'm glad you don't.
k20a2 head, k24 block... lol
If that's the case, then I'm with Post engine bay with time stamp or GTFO
sure. give me a second to dig it up. im in an esea match
Yeah I'll probably get it next year. Only bought it a week ago so besides buying the car I just paid for a year of insurance, registration fees, and now I'm gonna have to get it tuned cuz it studders after 5k rpms
Lmao are you me? I paid for mine last week, picked it up over the weekend, and paid out the ass for insurance and registration.
Check your MAFs, they may be acting up and causing your stutter.
Yeah I'm gonna check those and the coils and if I can't find anything I'm gonna have the local tune shop (that actually specializes in skylines lol) figure it out.
Yeah OP is a lying faggot
another pic of muh rice.
>inb4 diff headlights. this was after dc5 lights swap
post proof that you actually have a k24 block you lying fuck.
post build pics something that you have actual proof
Good luck and god speed my man
>I had the chance to buy one of these, trueno and red, for $1500
It was in really nice shape, some old dude who had no idea what it was. Never going to find a price like that ever again.
>that one really nice car you saw on craigslist but acted 1 hour too late
>implying I document everything i do for Veeky Forumstists
I would post some if I had any. I'll start a thread next time I visit Tulsa track with times.
>red suns
yeah it was an gutless SR5 which is absolute shit tier in terms of the ae86 what you want is a GT-S which don't come cheap at all.
SR5 corollas are either priced right ($1500) or overprice because dumbasses like you think they are exactly the same as the GT-S and when you already bought and realize you purchased a corolla with an open diff and a shit engine, its too late
lol just like my boy itsuki
Since when did Honda sell fake badges? authentic DC5 badges and an Si 4dr badge. DC5 honda badge is hilariously small, don't like it
It was a gt-s my man.
or you could understand that what you're actually paying for is the chassis and just swap the powertrain
at this point it's cheaper to do that than buy a GT-S
passing right by this stanced piece of shit
posted bruh
yes. plus it ruins the tires
regas look so good on the r32
Can anyone tell me if a 180 s13 are good for dailys? About to get one.
this is impostor project d
if you're expecting to import one and immediately daily drive it you're in for a world of hurt
just by the way you ask that question the answer is no, if you knew dick about cars you could answer it for yourself
don't even bother with a CA18 car unless you're swapping it
if you find an SR powered car, you should expect to rip out the motor and at least reseal it and change the timing chain and other wear items, fix the inevitably fucked up JDM wiring, wire in a standalone ECU and assorted gauges etc.
most of the s13s i've seen come in with some 90s HKS piggyback or some shit and completely fucked up wiring, you have to realize they stopped giving a shit about those cars a long time ago other than beating the piss out of them drifting on track - Shaken is a bitch
after that it might be "reliable", still fucking stupid to daily
I'm right here my guy
Good old JewDM.
I hope it's the TDI
At carthrottle.com
Have the tomei Expreme Ti on my r32 go for it my dude, sounds angry af
>picture shows nothing
>stock intake/engine cover
Yeah, I call bullshit. Prove it has a K24 block.
Bump. Op got BTFO
Going to sjsu meet tonight, will most likely go to the next norcal meet, but got some stuff to do to the car before I go on a long drive like that
i have sc300. JDM!!
go back to your other thread
you go there and talk to me about sc300. tell me im cool and have a good brain
im buying a sc400 user fuck you
Picked up a levin for €4000
Ohh bbe
sc400 is great the 1uz is fantastic. but if you want to mod the car the sc300 is the one you want
Hi friends. I'm thinking about importing either a 180sx or a 300zx tt. I have pretty good mechanical knowledge. Which one do you reccomend?
Muh RSX-S bois
Just bought her 2 days ago
>implying you can't mod the 1UZ
>implying you can't manual swap the 1UZ