How do I learn to drive? I've failed my driving examination twice now (I live in Ontario Canada)...

How do I learn to drive? I've failed my driving examination twice now (I live in Ontario Canada). Is there a good guide on the internet or something? A YouTube series or something you can recommend?

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learn how to fucking drive


best way to learn is in a car user, simply reading about driving and shit won't do anything for you unless you're behind the wheel able to practice it.

Yea but can a YouTube video explain some shit about it

i mean it depends what you're trying to learn. honestly the only thing i can see you learning from a youtube video is an easy way to parallel park, 3 point turn, and i guess thats it. you legit need to drive a car a lot to get a feel on how driving a car works.

im going to assume you're either 16 or retarded

22 and retarded.

What is the issue? Did you never play a racing game as a kid? I learned on a manual and it still was too simple honestly. Like what exactly is feeling hard?

>roll through stop sign
>cut off pedestrians
>run yellow light that turned red as I passed the stop line
>almost hit biker because I don't check blindspots
>10 over limit everywhere
>still pass
God bless America.

Lots of practice, man. And pay attention when you ride with people who are decent drivers. Then practice as much as possible.

What is the problem on your last two attempts? What were you failed for?

Honesty if you failed twice you have a long way to go to being a safe, good driver. I would try and see if you can spend a day or two practicing driving in rural areas with few/no other drivers or cops to deal with. I'm assuming your issue isn't parking, because that's just obviously practice in a parking lot.

This might sound strange, but if you play a highly realistic driving simulator like Euro Truck Simulator 2 it definitely can help you learn how to drive in real life. I learned how to back up a trailer almost entirely from that game.

took me 40 hours this summer man it's not that hard
10 with a driving instructor & another 30 with my friend; bought him food whenever we went out
I think the qt black proctor at vic park passed me cause I wore a tight shirt though

>tfw G test oct 10
I booked it in Oshawa, but man it has been so long that I'm getting shook as it gets closer. What should I look out for other than the usual stuff?

Don't get your hopes down

I really am an incredibly safe and good driver, yet I failed my first test. Sometimes the testers will just look for anyway to auto fail you, they do not want you to drive.

Always exaggerate movements like mirror checks when you're on a test. Make the sure the instructor realises what you're doing.
And just do what's safest at all times. Doesn't matter if you fuck up as long as you fucking up won't endanger others, they'll mark it down but you don't get failed for it.

No worries man. I failed both my written and driving test twice, and I'm the best driver in my family. My sister on the otherhand got her drivers license first try, and has 4 accidents. Just keep practicing, take it slow, look around a lot.

>road test in literally where

If you can't pass a G test in downtown Toronto you shouldn't be driving, desu.

Anyways I don't have any Oshawa-specific advice, but if memory serves, in Ontario the G2 test covers most maneuvers (like three point turns and parallel parking), while the G is just is a straight highway test with minimal non-highway segments. Observe the speed limit, full stop at all stop signs (if any), always give pedestrians the right of way. The highway segment will cover merging onto the highway (come up to speed quickly and check your blind spot before merging), changing lanes on the highway, taking curves on the highway, and exiting. Stay in the right lane unless specifically asked to change lanes, because the left lanes are for passing. When merging/changing lanes on the highway, always end up in the center of the target lane. Two hands on the wheel will help.

This is me

mines is better
>roll out
>make two turns
>one out the parking lot
>one into the parking lot
>intstructor tells me he needs to go to lunch
> pass

Please elaborate on the details, why and how (you) failed?
Also, if you feel you lack knowledge you should consider getting a new instructor.

I envy (you), I first failed because I didn't check a blind spot and wanted to park out but my instructor had to brake. The examiner for the first time was a good gux, they were chatting with my instructor all the way overlooking problems, but when the instructor had to brake they had to fail me..

The second examiner was a real piece of shit, I did as said but he dissed me saying don't act for me son, at one point he pulled me over and took a five minute lecture on how I'm too nervous and we passed an available parking spot, he tortured me for a good 40 minutes then he was really happy when he finally failed me for not keeping to the left when turning left from a one way street.

My friend got lucky, when he did his biker license a day before the final exam the instructor told him to bring money if things turn bad, he messed up, the examiner took the money and they congratulated him for passing...

I passed for the third time, I got the first nice old examiner guy and since I didn't made any major errors I passed, I was so fucking happy and relieved to end the 7 month grinding.
I was extremely anxious all three times as when I was in grade school I had a teacher who was abusing the kids and since then I had anxiety whenever taking an exam.

>MFW I have no face when none of my friends or coworkers I know passed the first time, I'm talking about 15 ppl.

Bumperino because I would like to ask OP to tell us about the exams he failed in detail. Not to make fun of you OP, as someone who has failed a driving exam I too know that feel.

at least you don't have driving anxiety like me
>tfw have license but too scared to drive

>reading about driving
Unless you're experienced and are researching upper level techniques to utilize with a trainer in a controlled environment, fuck off. Stop being a numale and just fucking drive

Fuckin normie

You live anywhere near St. Catharines? I'll gladly teach you

Where are you from lad?

Literally just drive, get real world experience, and don't overthink it (you starting this thread makes me think you do).

Being autistic is degenerate

Learn from Pajeet, and you'll be okay.

is it hard to get a CA drivers license? I know in Europe you have to be able to start from a stop without rolling back even an inch, which means you have to heel-toe it like a retard if you're on a real incline without a hand break.

Are pajeets any good

There's always suicide

delete your nick


Bump because I want to hear OP's story, but I doubt he'll respond.

This. Dumb frogposters who bemoan socially adjusted people need to fuck off

holy shit same, i got my license a year ago and have only driven one hour, due to anxiety from crashing when i was like 15

>while the G is just is a straight highway test with minimal non-highway segments

Not really.

G is parallel parking, 3 point turns, driving in traffic, reverse parking and merging and changing lanes on highways.

Least that's what I did a year ago for my G

What is the G test exactly? Pls explain for an Eurofag.
In my country we have the B category which is the most standart,the test includes 3 point / Y, OR a single arc turn and a parking task which is randomly selected by you like pulling an exam item. Then it is standard in city drive. The B license qualifies for anything up to 3.5T weight / 9 persons capacity vehicles.

>40 hours
>Not a lot
Nigga 25h I already pushing it

Ontario has graduated licensing (gradual). G1 is written test/learners permit. Then you practice driving in the city and merging onto highway with one or two lane changes for your G2 test. G test is your final test where you go onto 400 Series highway (biggest/most dangerous highway in Ontario) to get a really good highway test. G license means fully qualified.

G1 at 16th birthday

G2 at 17th birthday but if you go to driving school you can do this 8 months after 16 instead of 12 months. Then G at 1 year after G2 or age 18 if you didn't go to driving school.

Licenses are valid for 5 years, then you renew, but when you get your G license it'll be valid until you're 21 (because you started at 16) then you get your 5 year license at 21 which last until 26. This license will have special marking showing you have 4+ years of G2/G driving experience. So if you get pulled over with this, it's like a sign that you're an experienced driver = cop might go easy on you.

Had my g1 for two years going for g2 soon how hard is that shit? I thought it didn't have any highway in it

And how is the G?

Just watch a few seasons of this. Helped me to get the basics of how to parallel park.

What car are you using?

I failed my first two attempts in a 325i but passed the first time I tried a Chevy Sonic with flying colors

>failed twice
perhaps you should let someone drive you instead and keep us all safe

>I thought it didn't have any highway in it

It doesn't.

Mine took 10 minutes and I just drove around for a bit in traffic and parked behind cars on the street and did 3 point turns.

Very easy.

Hm okay then

Some guy posted a dashcam video of him doing his driving exam at my test location. Not sure how legit it is but seemed easy

If this is real, then some of the contestants should be euthanised right away.The womyn from 16:30 is really terryfiing.

Do what all the Brampton browns do and take your test in Oshawa

>live near that drive test centre
>refuse to park on the road because they parallel park on my street

It's real. It's a popular show with many seasons