/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, 12th of June:
1240 – At the instigation of Louis IX of France, an inter-faith debate, known as the Disputation of Paris, starts between a Christian monk and four rabbis.
1942 – Anne Frank receives a diary for her thirteenth birthday.
1943 – Holocaust: Germany liquidates the Jewish Ghetto in Brzeżany, Poland (now Berezhany, Ukraine). Around 1,180 Jews are led to the city's old Jewish graveyard and shot.

CK2 DD 53 - Time to Pay Tribute

EU4 DD 30/05
>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 02/06/2017

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.



Really makes one think

white men

Praise the Lord!


La Plata



Vickycrew in the back

I'm gonna do it
I'm gonna make my own CK2 porn mod without all the fetish shit

>USA loses Hawaii
>Invades Shikoku

pls help as egypt in HPM
how do I win
all Europe comes and supports the Ottoman Empire

yohan BTFO

good relations with france and hope that france intervenes, not everyone else

If you found a bug/have a suggestion for Vic2, please consider creating an issue at


This has nothing to do with the shitposting going on.

white men

Assuming those are the falklands and hong kong respectively, the comparison falls apart when you notice China has far greater military capabilities than Argentina.
Two things you can do
1: suck french cock and hope they save your ass
2: savescum until the ottoman empire chooses to peacefully negotiate with you
It's not worth it tho, cuz either way all the great powers get a CB on the levant, and you'll lose your cores there once they take land from you

>start WW3
>get to shoot up some Argentinians

The choice is pretty clear mate

Now that Yohan has been driven out is it safe to post germaniums again?

>CK2 update adds border disputes
What was this meant to fix? We can already fabricate claims.

POLAN STRONK!!!!!!!!!!!

Last time France helped me they did nothing and ALL Europe (even Prussia and Russia) raped the Middle East.

Can I have good relations with Austria instead? Will those fags help me?

>posts in the thread clearly made by discord
>doesn't post in the traditional R&I thread
>both threads BTFO and new one created
>forced to post here
>has nothing to do with the shitposting going on

What border disputes? Like in Mountainblade?

where's the doxxlad?


new on this kind of games, how the fuck do you guys manage to blob? perhaps I just suck at wars, but if I start a game as a mediocre country, then its hard as balls to expand by conquest: my population gets obliberated and i get ridiculously indebted
also, the image says that the easiest game to start with is eu4, but for some reason is the hardest for me, I manage to make great things with hoi, ck and victoria, but eu4 is too difficcult for me


I went with my last troops all the way to the Ottoman capital. The austrians overrun all the Levant. However, since I was just one province to arrive in Austria those fags offered me a White Peace. Fucking kek. I only hope the UK doesn't go full D-Day on the Levant.

It makes the game even more simplified for the crowd too retarded to understand how to get claims otherwise

don't blob

Reedpill me on yohan getting doxxed, I missed it

Forgot the pic.

>traditional R&I thread was the active one, 3 times more posts
>he still didn't post it

It's quite obvious discordmod is made by shitposters tho, they used tow rite in the pastebin they were "Modding" until HPM came back
he came back and the only thing they did is spend more time shitposting than modding

They're supposed to replace those, make more sense than random claims. They'll give councillors something more interesting to do than an RNG timer and they'll be riskier too.

check the old thread

b-but I wanna become kang of africa......

Waiting a million years for claims to be fabricated? That or make islam less op by making everything else equally op
>Can I have good relations with Austria instead? Will those fags help me?
I think it depends on if they hate the ottomans or not.
Anyway, seriously though, what you should do is savescum until the ottomans are willing to try diplomacy.



Fucking turks. My shitty strategy worked. Now I just need to kill the last brits and spaniards and win. I didn't know a country could declare white peace if you had troops near their undefended territory. Austria had all the Levant and I refused to submit to the Turks.


can we get an AMA?

Is CK1 worth my time?
I need some games for my shitty old laptop.

how did you win the war? I get btfo by russia and friends

Just play CK2. These games can run on potatoes

Latest version of HPM made all my events and decisions bug out and just display as EVTDESC etc. etc. anyone else getting this?

Nice! How'd you manage that?
Also, have fun with all the great powers having free CBs against you

>yohan is black
>has a natsoc symbol on twitter

>niggas tried to put a flash drive in my computer to steal sounds guess what I did , copied all they shit on their flashdrive to my computer
Makes you think

Brits are cucks that are too afraid to mess with China

>only white people can be national socialist
I bet you call them Nazis and believe the "Hitler would have killed all slavs and annexed everybody" meme.

it's meant to fix retards not being able to mindlessly blob like in their favorite eu4 games

that's literally not what he even implied you turd

How do you get your map to look like that?
From the screenshots ive seen here BICE looks nothing like that. Is it a separate mod?

>>x is black
>>x has a natsoc symbol
>[sentiment of interpreted oxymoron]
Literally tell me what else he was implying, you absooute retard.

Ah yes I'm sure American natsocs would be very excepting of African americans

las malvinas no son argentinas

En un principio fueron britanicas, después las tomamos y ahora volvieron a sus respectivos dueños, los ingleses.
Es una lastima que hayamos enviado jovenes a morir por las islas, pero bueno los milicos necesitaban una excusa para levantar la moral de la gente.

>anyone who isn't black is white
>absooute retard



How retarded and historically illiterate can you be, kiddo?

American Nazis openly advocated for the support and funding of an Afro-American supremacist state, and they even got cheered for it at a black power rally, by black people. Educate yourself before spouting shit next time.

that's not how yohan named his memes

nice try kid

honestly don't care communism will win

I was using hyperbole, yes, but my point still stands that user implied blacks can't be national socialist.

uhhh i sware its me o__o

oh okay you were only pretending to be retarded i see

You fucking retard.

Yes, you see.

son argentinas porteño mogolico
matate macrista inmundo, cipayo del imperio anglosajon

W-we can't support you anymore yo-ham, why didn't us you're an actual negro?

This hurts.

yeah lets talk about something else other than what boring lame made up "political ideology" you are this is some virgin shit

Anybody known if there is a crack or something for the mobile version of King of Dragon Pass?
I have been looking everywhere, but most sites only host the launcher, which has a built in anti-piracy thing.
Buying is not an option either, since it uses play store services to check if it is valid and my chink phone does not support that.

Is that woman, below the autism pic, wearing a Syria shirt?

accept that black men are more naturally masculine and strong than white boys, and the best thing you can do right now is Stop Playing Videogames and Start Lifting Weights

by the photos you don't look alpha to me tho

more like a flaccid manlet

I want to believe this is unironic.

I want to believe this is ironic.

I want to believe this isn't ironic.

>post a meme about Enrico Dandalo
>get warning

>some guy goes on his leftist tirade every day for weeks
>nothing to do with vidya let alone /gsg/
>still here

Is this ban evading?

I want to believe this is not ironic.

Not an argument. Why don't you tell us why Communism is going to win.

being African American alone makes me far more socially competent, sexually charged, and physically able than any white boi around

Are you ban evading?

heh well at least i'm not a nigger

>post shit memes
>get warned
Are the Jannies secretly based?

>post a mod made by Bomber
>get warning

>some shitposter goes on his HPM tirade every day for weeks
>nothing to do with vickya let alone /qa/
>still here

Is this Grandi Jugend evading?

>internet debates
autism alert
>wah wah wah le leftists!!
try having sex you'll care less

This has to be a /pol/ false flag.

Went all the way to Istanbul with a handful of troops. After taking it I got near Austria, took a province and then they White Peace me. I don't know why since they had all the Levant. Probably because their country was completely undefended.

>Thread gets raided
>Just after the raid ends, HPM posts

really makes me think


>post a suggestion to HPM about syria
>get ignored

>some shitposter posts an entire fake civil war meme to france minimod guy
>not historical or realistic in the slightest
>france minimod adds it

Is this modder bias?

it's well known the jannies are all leftists

no I think it's one of those cringy pepe kek shirts

>deluded musician

whoa ... the many facets...

uhhh but nigg*rs cant be /pol/. what are you, a kekkipede???

>warned for posting a doge meme
Based jannies

>this is what lefty/pol/ believes
Just accept you chose wrong, laddo.

>he thinks it's a false flag by the le ebin noozis
sometimes shitposting is just shitposting, user

It is
>ah yes why don't you know the state of not socialist politics in Yankland in the 20th century

M8 you're stupid as fuck. Guarantee you're Irish.