Where i live if you see a vehicle with tinted glass this means 99...

where i live if you see a vehicle with tinted glass this means 99.9% of the time it is being driven by a person of color.

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That's weird, where I live if you see a vehicle with tinted glass this means 99.9% of the time it is being driven by a person who doesn't want the sun scorching the inside of their car at all hours of the day

Where I live, tinted glass are almost the norm for safety reasons...Because niggers.

Here, if the car doesn't have tints, it's usually because the car is old and the owner is poor.

It's kind of a meme because if a niggers wants to jack your car or break into it, a window tint won't stop it.

Here it gets to 120 degrees in the summer so tinted glass is just a good thing to have

Odd, where I live it means 99.9% of the time it's being driven by a 17 year old white boy with acne.

Is there any benefit in tinted rear windows?

My car has stock rear tint, and it's handy because I tend to have lots of valuable instruments in the back of it for gigs. I'm also not black, so I don't need it on the front.

I have tint and I'm white as snow. Take a knee and stop being racist.

I bet you live in a flyover state. Here in California we have something called the sun

I don't understand why people DON'T tint their windows, Even niggers know It's a good idea.

>glass doesn't shatter if someone tries to break into it
>can't see objects inside
>protects the interior from fading/cracking
>lowers interior temp
>insulates defroster lines
>easier on the vision when driving

It's 250-350 dollars for top of the line tint you jew fucks

>tinted glass are almost the norm for safety reasons...Because niggers.
How does tinted windows stop nigs?

Cops like to look into your car, and are more likely to stop one where they can't see in.

Go throw a rock at your driver side door window and you'll know why, Fucking millennials

>what are tint laws
>what are prescriptions

Also prescription window tint is an endorsement on your DL, If they run your tags it will show the registered owner has a endorsement for window tint. No need to pull them over to check


>Tfw 20% on the sides and rear
>legal limit is 25%
I don't think cops care for the most part and if they pull me over for speeding I just roll down all windows (unlike nogs) so then I don't get fined for that dumb shit.

Window tints are impervious to rocks?

They don't care about the tint. They just want probable cause for a stop and sniff.

Let me explain....

First It's unlikely a nog will be able to see in, Second if you throw a rock/swing a hammer at a untinted window it will shatter into hundreds of pieces very easily. A tinted window will stay in 1 piece until the tint is cut but the glass or with a knife

Look up videos on youtube of the police trying to break a tinted window and you'll know why.

They have to have probable cause a crime is being committed or actively committed to stop anyone...Read the constitution. Every cop runs tags before a traffic stop....EVERY cop. If he runs my tags and see's I have a a window tint prescription on my DL he does not have any probable cause to stop me If I'm not breaking any other traffic laws


here educate yourself

>a window tint prescription on my DL
How do I get one?

You forgot
>excuse for cops to pull you over to "see if it's within the legal limit"

You forgot

>It is an endorsement on my drivers license and I'm the registered owner, It shows I have a prescription when they run my tags...Which every cop does BEFORE a traffic stop

Think you have to ask your optometrist

What medical condition requires tinted windows?

You can either bribe your optometrist or tell the truth about you getting migraines from the sun.

I only had to mention my migraines twice to my optometrist before he recommended I tint my car windows and gave me a prescription to give the the DMV allowing whatever % VLT I choose.

It's your choice if you want to buy prescription sunglasses or not, If your optometrist recommends them instead of window tint initially just say the sun shines in the sides of your glasses and I don't like the grandma style sun glasses.

Idk lol I'm no optometrist

If I already have rx sunglasses should I ask my optometrist about tinted windows, or would I have to mention migraines?

Mention both.

First mention your migraines as if just complaining about your day, Then say "The sunglasses kinda help but there is always a glare in the side of my glasses" or something along those lines.

It's not like they are writing a prescription for a controlled substance, Pretty much any optometrist will write you a prescription for window tint. It's an OPTION for someone,Just like they give you options for sunglasses. It's always your choice if you choose to use the prescription or not

There aren't many street lights in my country, its all twisty and windy roads with bad visibility, you can often see people who have to get out and look to make sure they aren't backing or turning into a rock, tree, truck or off a cliff.

During a sunny day it is alright but add some tropical rain it gets too dark and vision is already skewed on the side windows from all the water pouring down them.

It's actually pretty dangerous.

>illegal to tint front windows and windscreen unless you have migrane or are a diplomat or something

where i live people of colour don't exist

>tint windscreen
for what purpose

try learning proper english, faggot.

Idk man, I can see fine when I'm driving at night, Even backing into my garage without the light on.

I don't know if people do it or should do it but it's not allowed anyways. I wouldn't do it

It literally is the proper English, faggot.