Rest in Pieces u sweet piece of shit

Rest in Pieces u sweet piece of shit

you were trash, buy you were my trash
post shit cars you lost over the years


spoiled retards general

is there structural damage or do you simply want another car.

Don't reply to my thread ever again

>spoiled retards general
you are always welcome user-chan
structural damage most likely
but i also want the money for other projects

poor benzy. i member seeing some box truck rear end a audi on the autobahnens during a stau whole trunk just crumpled was wicked

yeah they total from pretty much anything now
atleast they're safe for the occupants

yeah it wasnt even that fast and the driver of the audi was fine but sucked cause it was like brand new i was like damn though trunk just collapsed into the cabin

How the fuck do you rear end a stopped 13' tall semi truck you fucking imbecile.

I know, you were probably texting on your phone

t. truck driver

>B-Klasse in beige
Bist du ein 70-jähriger Rentner der vorher bei Daimler geschafft hat?

[spoiler]BaWü verrecke

Are you a cuck?

hey i lived in heidelberg i miss is dearly the american south is a hell hole in comparison

They won't total that. But it doesn't matter because once they see that bumper sticker they will likely deny your claim anyway.

>rear ending a semi

holy shit learn to drive

Came in to make this point. The usual "it stopped suddenly and I couldn't react/slid" or "I didn't see it" don't really seem applicable

Excessive speed

You bent the little sign on the rear bumper of that truck. You fucking animal.


lol i didn't rear end anything lads
my mum did
>insert female driver jokenings here
ne mein Opa war ein 70-Jaehriger Rentner bevor er die kurve gekratzt hat
fuer Benz gearbeitet hat er aber nie
Badenzener und Wurrtemberger koennen sterben gehen

s-sorry for double posting
yeah i assume this wasn't that fast either
>license plate
lol why wouldn't they
according to my mum she "rearended a stopped semi"
so yeah
texting confirmed

How fucking fast do you have to be going to not see a semi within your stopping distance? I'm going to say 140mph

this desu

>hurr look at this brand new piece of shit that cost me 16x more than your car that I already wrecked because YOLO

this is a passionate automotive forum, not a boomer's financial mistakes board

Happened earlier this year, got out and walked away without even a bruise.

Hit a guard rail right at where it begins, had an illegal AR-15 in the trunk with a 30 round mag in New York.

Hit so hard it crumpled the trunk and had to use a bulldozer to open it, cop saw needles at my feet, did a field sobriety test, passed. He drove me home, no charges just points on my license.

>cop saw needles at my feet
>cop threw needles at my feet while I wasn't looking


america is a degenerate shithole sometimes mostly the eastern part of it

Lmao, I wish, I had been trying to get rid of all of my stuff, threw my spoon and tie-off into a pond, just missed some needles I guess, might have been on my lap.

I nodded out and hit the guard rail, still regret it to this day. I'm clean now though, never again. I want a good life.

shit bro
you got a payout?
lol i love autists like u