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June 17th: SideM GREETING TOUR 2017 @Ishikawa
June 22nd: Million Magazine volume 2
June 24th/25th CINDERELLA GIRLS 5thLIVE TOUR Serendipity Parade!!! @Shizuoka
Hey sachikofags I improved your meme idol
Nina, in a desperate attempt to find the love her parents never gave her.
It's shitty idol bingo! Nono is the free space!
But Sachiko, small breasts are cute.
>asuka is the shitty ironic meme emoji
Makes sense.
Hell fucking yeah motherfucker, we're going on an adventure.
What if the iguana dies though
And it will be sexy as hell
I didn't think it was possible to make her worse, but you proved me wrong.
Better than your voice, Rin
An unvoiced literal who has a better voice than Rin? I'm not surprised.
Iguanas don't die, they turn into dragons. Or something.
If getting the 5th place as healer bothers you, then why don't you increase your healer's life using the potential function?
Sorry Rin, I didn't mean that.
>they turn into flying lizards
Why don't you get fucked? Cause everyone in the station already had a piece of your ass.
Wouldn't be weird if you didn't own yourself?
In 30 years maybe, out of pure pity. There isn't a single person in the world who has Cathy as their favorite.
Did Rio guest in Baba's birthday?
Oddly enough no. Fuka was there though so that made up for it somewhat.
Don't forget who actually owns you
Because your dick is too small to reach me, white boi.
That makes me kind of sad.
Your shitposting is getting out of hand
Good lord that art is horrid
Fitting for Nono, don't you see?
Wait I thought crying laughter was the ironic meme emoji. Did something change?
It's noe super undertale right double iconic with a cherry on top.
The thinking one really stimulates the neurons.
Watch your fucking language young lady.
Asuka you're pissing me off.
Yoshino's sexual awakening.
Speaking of young ladies.
You're just jealous you're not as cool as her.
Chihiro only owns my wallet.
Replete with the power of foreknowledge, Ranko is about to activate her Beri'ah! How do you respond?
>ywn be /ss/'ed by the slut gang
I ignore her chuuni bullshit
Jesus Christ.
If I was as cool as Asuka I would be less cool than I am now.
Hold shift for focused movement.
You post on Veeky Forums about fictional idols.
You're already lame.
She looks better like this.
What would cause Fumi to snap and go full dom?
After she discovers the Kamasutra.
Hit her over the head and show her who's in charge here.
I love Koume! I'm going to marry her!
I don't know, but the thought is very arousing
What's that fishy smell, Nanami?