She is sad, because people here keep being mean to her and are spreading falsities about her life. I hope all of you can someday find love as pure and beautiful as my love for her is, so you can stop being mean to others to fill that void in you.
Ayden Jones
>ded game >ded thread
Jacob Watson
Christopher Morris
It's shit, fuck sinagoga ursa
Colton Ward
He could have saved us.
Jaxon Cruz
Still not as ded as Battleborn
Evan Murphy
>Drybear leaves >Essence gets even worse Hmmmmm, clearly he did everything he could to protect us but the bigger jews forced him out
Blake Morgan
Is Drybear actually just a scapegoat?
Jason Anderson
>he leaves >tanks get buffs >bug solutions finaly went live He a shit tequila is doing his best to fix essence sistem
Blake Richardson
>get matched with Denial guy on team >easy win >everyone now just parties at post potg screen and nothing happening
Camden Lewis
Jaxon Williams
>20 matches later and still there
Benjamin Lee
Henry Bailey
flow to fix veteran: >make it reduce time before your regenerate health by 0.6 sec per tier instead of increasing regen rate and/or >make it reduce the duration of DoTs by 20% per tier
Landon Bailey
Benjamin Gomez
Their flank kill change is still fucking retarded btw
Chase Brown
What exactly did they change?
Ryder Gray
They chabged the unclear flank kill statistic into killing blows. It makes it less confusing and clarify the flank's role as someone who finishes off stragglers and low hp enemies.
That guy who hate it is just a retarded monkey, don't mind him.
Landon Harris
Elijah Smith
Ayden Long
Hunter Cook
When will Lorez remove essence?
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Never because they're a bad company mate
Ayden Robinson
solo only queue when?
Thomas James
Never because the game doesn't have the playerbase to support a queue like that mate
Nolan Davis
>tanks are rewarded for being payload/point bitches >flanks are now rewarded for being kill-stealing hoes Sasuga Lo-rez.
Austin Williams
>ded thread So let's talk about some arguments in between matches. Is 1k hp for makoa really worth the 4 points or is it better invested in a better shield or turning spin into an escape/chase
Bentley Nelson
Isnt it the legendary job? Also, you don't need too much mobility if land the hooks, you don't get much extra health for the shield, you are better of with the minus cd and heling while active.
Cameron Barnes
This kills the game.
Mason Howard
>not hitting three people and making it a 3k heal
Ian Martin
Does it actually work that way? Though even if you get the shot, that's usually 3 people hammering on you while your teammates miss them because they're standing more than 10 feet away. By health I meant from shell spin, for legendary I stick with pluck. But I'm talking for like over all, on a 1v1 I don't need much mobility but I just started and slinking my way through 1800 elo so I'm still having to solo the other team and push the objective
Levi Hughes
>get close to finally breaking 2700 >back to back deft hand dmg
Guess this is my cap
Jackson Sanders
Well, you wil end on the enemy side of the battle in order to regain enough to die 2 or 3 shots later, spending time to bait the enemy in a position to hit and then get to safety won't work so well. If you use the healing, you must be playing agressively. Focus on escape and see how it goes, you can survive more if you get faster to cover and near teammates.
William Bailey
what attracts the maeve players they are fucking worse then fuckng kinessa pickers every match is the same >ruin team comp with your last second switch >do fucking nothing at all >blame someone else or complain the whole round >repeat next game
Charles Russell
I'll give it a shot if I ever get a group that doesn't pick Torvald tonight, not that I'm complaining
Hudson Taylor
Threadly reminder, that Drogoz is the best husbanddo. Cuter than Pip, Hotter and spicier than Fernando, More explosive than Bomb King, More handsome than Ying, Cooler than Zhin. He is a true perfection, and you know it!
Why the fuck didn't anyone tell me Ying was so good? Her healing output and survivability are insane, plus she heals with no risk to herself because her healing doesnt require line of sight
Camden Lewis
Because Damba and Seris are better.
She is number 3 though
Kayden Long
The heal range is pretty short, her mobility is pretty good but situational, her damage even as a healer is pretty meh, she's babby-tier
Lucas Rodriguez
seris is boring and damba is too hard
Nolan Gomez
>damba is too hard Learn to aim you scrub He's able to 1v1 every flank once you reach a high skill ceiling
Camden Fisher
>Seris is a boring healer >That's why I play Ying
Camden Kelly
I can't play seris with randoms, every time I pick her, people always run away and behind walls making it impossible for me to heal them, even when I explain to them what seris does...
Ryder Baker
the only way i can aim is if i install an aimbot
good thing lorez doesnt ban hackers
Henry Roberts
>he can't aim
Jonathan Nelson
If you legitimately can't aim, don't drag your team down by playing Ying. The entire justification for her weak and inflexible healing capability is that it runs on autopilot, which frees you up to contribute to your team's damage output whenever you're not reapplying illusions. But you're not going to produce meaningful damage if you're not running Focusing Lens and hitting with all five ticks. This requires aiming.
>Artist is a Meifag You say that like it's a bad thing
Mason Martinez
disgusting chubbychaser
go play with your cowtits somewhere else
Easton Evans
he literally brought essence
Ryan Reed
I will thiccpost until the day I die >Artist is a yurifag And dropped
I'm a flatfag too I have very polarizing tastes
Nathaniel Hernandez
Delete this image. Delete this post.
Michael Clark
thats what flanks do lol
Elijah Stewart
Just bought Ash and I regret it
John Morris
>I regret an 800 damage nuke on a short cooldown that gives me immunity to half the ults in the game >also really good HP and close-range damage
get some taste you fucking pleb, you dont deserve the perfection that is Ash
Julian Butler
makoa and ruckus are straight better......
Jonathan Jackson
Seris has the best body and anyone who says otherwise will have their soul rended
John Cook
>being this right
Cooper Wood
Start some fucking conversation, how is ruckus better?
Levi Rodriguez
But she's a ___slut___.
Henry Stewart
Late to the trend.
Juan Barnes
Further proving my point user.
Kayden Butler
Has range. Has higher damage capability. Has more mobility with Aerial Assault. Can actually protect teammates kinda with Flux Generator.
Benjamin Torres
ash has range with that mobility but you mean to hit people in range? just move behind a corner. Ash will punish you for running though, and once you get breaker or more than 1 person, none of those things matter on ruckus
Kayden Stewart
Did Zhin decapitate Lex? You can see Lex's shoulderplate and his hairstyle there in the reflection. Also fuck Youtube for not hiding the overlay on pause.
James Davis
where is the lex head?
Landon Gray
Wondering that as well. This could just be another Lawman.
Aaron Phillips
I'm so absolutely sick of Drogoz at this point I've run out of things to say.
Brandon James
Ash moves constantly. Frontline-wise she is not as effective as Ruckus, who can suppress the enemies with ease without moving at all.
Thomas Gonzalez
But she's fun. And she's not OP, so you don't feel filthy playing her.
Luke Butler
They just used a random model, it could have been Viktor or Sha, who knows.
Chase Fisher
What's wrong, user?
Don't enjoy getting steamrolled by le balanced lizard of dealing 1000 damage in a mile radius every 2 seconds from around a corner, unless your team has a skilled androxus player who dedicates his entire existence to making sure he's dead, which almost never happens?
Sounds like you just need to git gud :^)))))))))))))
Jonathan Murphy
The shoulderplate though.
Robert Davis
next Lex skin, calling it now
Jackson Watson
>just move behind a corner >ash can still hit you
Blowing up people who thought they were safe is fun.
Angel Martin
>me and my accursed arm What did he mean by this?
Alexander Morgan
You reminded me, there's still no datamine.
John Stewart
Is there someone doing it consistently now?
Blake Ross
>lag so hard your Shoulder Bash sends you across the entire map and you fall off the edge Nice servers, Hi-rez.
Landon Wood
How come Paladins doesn't have any good tummies?
Daniel Taylor
But it's like all good stomachs?
Brandon Turner
Lex is not the only Lawbringer in the Realm. The cards are proof of that.
Mason Murphy
You're supposed to post pictures to refute me, fucking faggot
Asher Allen
not him, but here ya go
cassie's is best
Jason Cooper
>ywn get a hot stone massage from inara
Nathaniel Diaz
>ywn get a "deep tissue massage" from skye
Jaxon Lopez
Are we posting sculptures now?
Josiah Wood
I'm getting an Xbox One X. Is Paladins on console any good?
Zachary Adams
It has less bugs and hackers than the PC version but its still shit because